Pre-surgery OPTIFAST purchase from Hospital
I meet with Dr. Aarts June 20/14. I was instructed to bring my credit card to purchase Optifast. You have to buy it from the hospital - apparently they won't let you go to your local Shoppers Drug Mart to pick up a few cases. Whether I am on Optifast for 3 weeks or 4, that involves quite a few cases of the stuff.
Do they have it mailed to you, or do you take it with you?
I take the GO train into the city from the Oakville-Burlington area; it's not like I can stash the cases in my trunk.
These must seem like silly questions but I have no idea how this works! Thank you in advance...please feel free to share any other advice or tips, much appreciated!
I went through Ottawa, but, my understanding is that it would be the same process at any centre. You pay for and pick up your Opti at the same time. You can only purchase Opti at the clinic's. It is not sold anywhere else, not even pharmacies.
Referral to Ottawa: Jan/11 Info Session: May/11 Nurse: Feb/12 Dietician/Behavourist/Abdominal Scan: Apr/12 Pre-op Education Class: Feb. 6/13 Meet Surgeon Feb.15/13 Surgery with Dr. Raiche March 12/13!!
The race isn't given to the swift nor the strong, but it's given to the ones who endure it to the end...

Thank you everone, that is a relief! I don't have a car, have no way of getting to Mississauga, and trips into the city are brutal for me - GO train to Union, TTC, streetcar. All of which I enjoyed as a young woman living in Toronto, but now at 53 with trouble walking - oy!
If three cases fit nicely into a Metro bag, that is helpful. I could take a bundle-buggy with me, as carrying large and bulky items would be impossible. As it is, I wear my purse with a cross-body strap.
If they courier the Optifast - does anyone know how long it takes??
I was on for 3 weeks and had to purchase 6 boxes. 3 boxes fit comfortably in a metro shopping bag. I found that you could fit more than 14 packets in a box. If you are buying 8 boxes (4 weeks) You may want to spread them into 6 boxes. It's a little awkward, so I wouldn't take a large purse or other bulky possessions with you.
I fill your pain/ anxiety about the situation. I don't drive and am a life long TTC'er. Take you time put the bags down and rest when you can.
Good luck,
Just to follow up with the last post. if you can't pay by Credit Card at TWH then you have to pick up from Medical Mart in Mississauga. Otherwise TWH only does CC payments and then the boxes are sent with courier to your house. as a side option there is prepaid credit cards that you can buy in advance of your trip to TWH