Baby Food - Pureed stage
So - did any one eat baby food at pureed stage or did you puree your own? ( not too interested in cooking and blenderizing chicken and broth- ugh)
I took a look at baby food and was grossed out. If you can stomach it, it will be the easiest thing for work. Soon you'll be able eggs, and it will be like having a feast.
I had that book "Before & After" & the woman says pureed chicken is nasty. She's right. I tried it a couple times but couldn't eat much because I hated it. Then I tried just mincing it really fine and mixing it with either lowfat mayo or Cream of Mushroom or Cream of Chicken. That's better. Breast meat is too dry so try dark meat--skinnless boneless thighs.
Eggs were my lifesaver. Some people can't eat them but I had no problms. Whites only the 1st couple times and then it's ok to start mixing in the yolks. I made deviled eggs with Lowfat mayo for my hubby, and then took one half egg and put it in the Magic Bullet. It was, at the time, the best thing I'd ever eaten!
Some people can do tuna--mixed with mayo in the Magic Bullet. I had problems with tuna--so bad in fact that I'm still a bit cautious of it. (No problems now--I'm just a bit "off" tuna for awhile!
Those little yogurt cups were a staple. I could not have gotten through the 1st couple of months without them and in fact they are still a staple in my fridge.
Don;t worry too much about it. You can't eat much and this stage doesn't last that long! You'll be back to "real" food before you know it!
Good luck to you! Don't worry too much.
I don't know about the baby food though, I don't think that I could do it. I can barely stand it when I have to put that stuff up to my lips to make sure that it is not still too hot for the baby to have. Some of that stuff is just gross

I wish you well! And hey, maybe you'll like the baby food!
All this talk about food...I'm pretty sure that I'll be going to bed tonight with visions of whipped potatos and gravy dancing through my head.
Best of luck,
I didn't even give my own daughter baby food when she was little. I made it myself. I sure as heck wouldn't eat it!
Why don't you go to She has a section on her site for newbies, as well as recipes and suggestions for the pureed stage.
I made myself lovely carrot soup, with the Campbells ready made chicken broth, simmered with a thin slice of fresh ginger, and a stalk of celery. After the veggies were soft, I threw out the celery and the slice of ginger and separated the carrots from the chicken broth. Then I could keep them in my fridge, blend the appropriate amount of carrots in my Magic Bullet, and add just enough of the broth so it was a nice, thick texture. It was delicious. I even heated it right in the Magic Bullet container in the microwave!
I had a hard time with the protein supplements, so I also cheated just a little bit, and would make myself Italian egg drop soup. ( I would try to spell the actual name of it, but I'd just embarrass myself. ) You just pour the chicken broth into the pot, beat two eggs in a bowl, and when the broth is simmering you dump in the eggs and give it a stir. Once the egg is cooked, put the soup in a bowl with a TB of Parmesan cheese on it, and you've got 14 grams of protein in! Just make sure you chew the eggs really well, but they'll go down great with the broth, as it makes them very soft.
Good Luck,