Lisa O.’s Posts
Congratulations Crystal!
You look awesome! What a blessing the band AND all the hard work has paid off for you.
Lisa O.

I think in the US it's standard to completely unfill the band and let things rest for six weeks or so. I had a dilation and that's what they did. Unfortunately it kept happening and I developed chronic reflux. Ultimately I had my band removed in May and just revised to RNY on the 14th. I don't know what kind of surgery they are planning to fix a dilation but I would be wary. Even if the give you another band it can happen again.
Lisa O.

The pouch test diet is very similar to the Plateau Buster diet, basically a very low carb/high protein diet to help get you off carbs. I have done it in the past and it will help you lose weight if you can stick to it. If you can do the full 10 days it will help wean you off carbs and therefore lessen the cravings.
Best of luck. Getting back to basics is the best idea!
Lisa O.

I don't know if Echoli would qualify, but I have a friend who had an infection attach itself to her band, the silicone. She had to have her band removed. While the other responders seem to know about how to contract echoli I would definately ask your surgeon if it would be possible to somehow attach itself to the silicone band or tubing.l
Just a guess. I have no idea of this is possible.
Take care,
Lisa O.


Hi! Long time!
Reflux is when stomach acid washed back up your esophagus. It's similar to heartburn but it actually comes back up and can be very dangerous if you aspirate the bile into your lungs while sleeping. This is commonly called "night cough".
The burning in your throat can be a symptom of reflux, or non-symtomatic reflux but you need to have your doctor check it out. My throat used to get irritated from acidic foods, i.e., citrus fruits or juices, tomato products, spicy foods, chocolate. If you have irritated your throat from too much pb'ing these types of foods will cause a burning feeling. I would try to stay away from the foods mentioned for a week or two and see if it makes a difference. The hard time swallowing in the a.m. is something else. My surgeon explained morning tightness (which is very common with bandsters) on fluid retention during our sleep. When you lay down the fluids in our body and organs settle. It takes a while in the a.m. for things to start moving through the elimination process, etc. You may be tight in the a.m. because you are retaining fluids. That is why it generally gets better as the day goes on. I've found that starting the day with a warm beverage will allow me to eat better in the a.m.
It's always a good idea to check with your doctor. If you can be proactive and prevent permanent damage you may be able to stay banded.
Nice to hear from you!
Lisa O.

I was one of the lucky ones and didn't feel hungry early on. Some say that the band can press on the Vargus nerve which signals the part of the brain the tells us if we are hungry or not. (I believe this is the nerve which is removed in the Sleeve surgery). I never felt REAL hunger because a small portion of good quality food would physically fill me up. HOWEVER, head hunger, (thinking you're hungry when you've just eaten) is tough to battle. It took my brain a long time to believe that 1/3 cup of food is enough to fill me and give me enough nutrition, but it does. It's the constant battle with our head that makes it difficult. I was very successful early on and lost a lot of weight (116 lbs) in 9 months. The band helped me control portions and I made really healthy food choices. But after the first 2 years I started playing games with myself. I started eating soft foods and sugary foods which go right through the band and I started pushing the limits of my pouch to the point where I stretched my pouch and esophagus beyond repair. I had my band removed in May because of complications with reflux. The junction was ruined between my pouch and esophagus so everything would come right back up, especially the acid. I don't blame the band. It stayed where it was supposed to be in my case. I took risks and let bad eating behaviors that got me to 330 lbs in the beginning get the best of me. The pressure from the band only made the situation worse. I loved my band but the fills and constant adjustments are a pain! If you want a restrictive only surgery I would suggest the Sleeve. You get the same benefits without having to get all of the fills, etc. over time.
Lisa O.

My surgeon doesn't do revisions in one surgery but he removed my band and had me re-qualify for RNY as a separate surgery request because I still meet the requirements (BMI of 40, Apnea, etc.). If they can't make a case for a medically necessary revision, they may be able to get approval for removal of the band based on 2 revisions. Are you having any chronic reflux issues? That's why my band had to be removed. I had severe damage to my esophagus due to reflux.
Best of luck and keep us posted!
Lisa O.

My surgeon's office gave me the site below to get an idea for ideal body weight. I like it better than BMI because it considers age.
I found it especially interesting because it showed my ideal weight to be exactly what I "felt" was a good goal for me.
See if it works for you!
Lisa O.

Hi Friends,
I just wanted to pop in to let you know that I have decided to go for it and am having RNY surgery on October 14. Please pray for no complications and quick healing.
I've been hanging out on the Revision and RNY Forums if you want to say hi!
Thank you all for your support over the years! This Forum was so important to my early WL journey!
Lisa O.

You can also post on the Revisions forum.
Lisa O.

I know for a fact, my surgeon would not give you another band! Remember the Einstein's definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome. My surgeon quotes this in his seminar. It's just risky!
Consider the Sleeve is you don't suffer from reflux. Many are having great success with that surgery.
Lisa O.

That's a new one, I've never heard it blamed on age before! What you are experiencing is sadly quite common. I had a similar story; successful with WL the first year. Then I started playing the fill/unfill games for various reasons. Long story short, I had a dilated pouch and esophagus from testing the limits of the pouch over and over and regurgitating food too often. In my case, I don't blame the band (I loved my band), but my own addictive eating behaviors. I had to get my band removed in May and am hoping to have RNY surgery in October. One of my biggest concerns was chronic reflux and night cough. That was the main reason I decided to get my band removed. If you don't suffer from reflux you could consider the Sleeve because you have had success with a purely "restrictive" WL tool. I can't have the Sleeve because the number one, long term side effect is reflux. My surgeon refuses to do the sleeve on me and I trust him.
Best of luck in making your decision. The Endoscopy will give you a clearer picture so you can make a fact-based decision.
Lisa O.

I hope your removal goes as smoothly as mine did. You'll be amazed how much easier recovery is when you're not hauling around all that extra weight!
Sounds like you have adopted a new way of living and that should see you through even while un-banded. Keep to the band rules even though you won't have a band. I wish I had done a better job of that but sadly I have been gaining weight rapidly.
Best of luck!
Lisa O.

I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your husband! You had surgery the same year I did and your results are amazing. The fact that you have maintained your weight loss speaks to how strong you are. You're doing the right thing! Get back to basics and never give up. Keep an eye on the reflux though. I had to get my band removed in May because of severe, chronic reflux and a dilated pouch/esoph. Reflux is a serious warning sign.
Welcome back!
Lisa O.

I was a lap band success but lost my band due to my own negligence. After 4 years of successfully managing my 116 lbs weight loss (within 10 lbs), I developed complications from a dilation of the pouch/esophagus and chronic reflux came along as a side effect.
Here's the deal though, the band worked for me. I didn't have any real complaints and take full responsibility for what happened because I started ignoring the "band rules" that helped me lose weight. My portions grew over time, I didn't eat slowly or chew well and I regurgitated food too often which is a sign that something is wrong.
If you are dead set on having the band please remember me when you are tempted to eat more than 1/3-1/2 a cup of food at a time. Please remember me if you are tempted to add foods back in to your eating plan that aren't good for you like junk food, sweets, ice cream, chips that will go right through the band. Remember me and then don't do it! It's not worth it! I've gained a lot of weight back and am hoping to revise to RNY in October.
None of the surgeries are perfect. All of them can be cheated by abusing the tool. And yes, some times things go wrong that are not your fault at all. There is surgical error, band failure, i.e., leaks, etc. and slips that are sometimes caused by band abuse and sometimes due to anatomy or staples not holding and sometimes it's just bad luck. All we can do is make the decision that's best for us and pray that it's the right one.
Bottom line, follow the rules. They are there for a reason.
Best of luck!
Lisa O.

My surgeon submits for a new surgery instead of revision. He said it's harder to get approval for a revision than another WL surgery but you would have to qualify again, i.e. high BMI, etc. I had my band removed and am working toward getting RNY this fall. As long as your insurance doesn't have a 1x only WL surgery rule you should be o.k.
Will they pay to have the band removed? Have you had other complications besides a tubing leak?
Lisa O.

I don't know if your insurance will pay for another surgery, but i was exactly where you are. I didn't have a slip, I had other complications, dilation, chronic reflux, etc. but i had the band for 4 years, lost 116 lbs, gained about 20 lbs while playing the "fill/un-fill" game, then had it removed in May. My surgeon will not do a revision in one surgery. He is conservative and wants 3-4 months healing in between. I've gained a lot of weight back and am waiting to have RNY surgery once my insurance criteria is met.
Best of luck to you!
Lisa O.

For me it was easier by far.
The only pain was from the incisions. I didn't experience any pain internally specific to the band being gone.
The only difference I felt was immediate relief from Reflux and the ability to eat anything I wanted after about 3 days.
Unfortunately I am gaining weight rapidly. I plan to revise to RNY once the insurance criteria is met.
Don't put it off. Having a slipped band is no fun and you should get immediate relief from any symptoms you are experiencing.
Lisa O.

In my case I take responsibility for letting the old, compulsive eating habits take over. I had the band for 4.5 years, was a super star losing 116 in 9 months! But, I had to get the band removed in May because my pouch and esophagus were so dilated that there was nothing there to keep bile or food down. The official diagnosis? "GE/Esophageal junction grossly compromised". I take responsibility because I know that I wasn't controlling portion size, wasn't eating slowly, wasn't chewing well. I also started eating carbs again, which I didn't do for the first year, and I started to gain weight. I also was regurgitating food almost daily and would then turn around and eat more trying to soothe the various emotions and stressors that I call "life". I developed reflux at year 2 after having none for the first two years because my HH was repaired when they inserted the band. So that's the role I played.
The other half of the story is that my band was in perfect position. It never moved. I didn't have a slip or excess scar tissue. HOWEVER, the upward pressure, that is created naturally from the band, fights with the downward pressure the muscles in the esophagus used to swallow food. They are at odds and therefore causes a perfect storm of distress on top of the issues I created by over-filling the pouch. Over time, the pressure was too great and the sphincter between the pouch and esophagus just stayed wide open. I was having chronic reflux and night cough (very dangerous) and I could even feel the food go down and then come back up a bit because that junction was wide open. Very weird sensation.
So, that is my personal experience. Many lose their bands for other reasons like slips, surgeon error, etc. Others must claim some responsibility. I'm being painfully honest to demonstrate that there are many reasons that the band may not work for all or may not work long term. There are many successful with the band long term too!
We all do the best we can making such an important decision. We research and talk to others that went before us but none of the surgeries are perfect. I know plenty of people that have gained weight back with the Sleeve and RNY and have had a variety of complications. I would never tell anyone NOT to have the band but if I had to do it over again I would have had RnY because I'm a sugar addict and sugar goes right through the band and the Sleeve. It all depends on your personality, your health going in to surgery, etc.
Do the best you can to research and make the decision best for YOU, then don't look back! Claim your new life!
Lisa O.

All those side effects you listed for your friend with RNY can be quoted for a band patient. A diet high in protein will give you constipation if you don't take a fiber supplement. Food will get stuck and you will vomit if you eat too fast or don't chew we'll or over stuff your pouch. There is no perfect surgery. Please try not to stress. Hear what your surgeon recommends and keep studying. If you are completely honest with yourself you can pick the right surgery for you.
Lisa O.

Hi Cheryl,
Annie gives good advice. I was a very successful Band patient but had to get my band removed due to complications with reflux. I am now considering a revision but the Sleeve is not an option for me because of my chronic reflux.
I believe that therapy is an essential part of our journey even in conjunction with a weight loss surgery. I did therapy and it helped but I still fall into the same old behaviors when it comes to emotional eating even when I had the Band. It's a constant concern and needs a lot of attention and behavior modification to learn new ways to cope with stress and other emotions.
If I had it to do over, (and only had 80-100) lbs to lose I would probably do the Sleeve. While still fairly new, it has better long term results than the band from what I understand. If you suffer from consistent reflux now I wouldn't get the Sleeve as reflux is the number one long term side effect.
If you have a sugar/sweets addiction, RNY may be best for you. It's easy to "cheat" the band with candy, ice cream etc. because anything that turns to sugar or liquid in your mouth will go right through the band. With RNY you may experience dumping syndrome when you eat sugar or fatty foods which is a pretty good deterent as I understand it. However, not all RNY patients experience dumping from sweets, etc.
Bottom line, there is not perfect surgery that will take away hunger and stop you from eating or making bad food choices. All of us must work on WHY we turn to food for comfort, boredom, etc. and then learn the necessary behavior modification tools to help us stop instead of over-eat. I have a pretty devious food mind and can eat around any surgery if I'm in abuse mode. But, when I choose to use the tools I've learned I feel powerful!
Take a look at the post titled "Before you Take the Next Bite..." on this forum just about your post. It's a good one!
Lisa O.

I had a band placed in 2008 and was very successful losing 116 lbs in the first year. I loved the band and it worked great for me, however I sadly had to have it removed in May due to complications with a dilated pouch/esophagus. I take ownership for the complication because in year 3 I started pushing the boundaries and consistently over ate. I'm not a band hater but i am a compulsive over-eater and eventhough I did therapy for 2 years I chose not to apply what I learned about controlling emotional eating and also developed an addiction to sugar and candy because it goes right through the band.
I agree with the other poster. Research fully the other surgery types. Don't choose the band solely because it's less invasive. Choose the surgery that you feel will work best for your personality. The Sleeve is a great restrictive surgery (helps control portion size) and the RNY provides malabsorbtion (for at least the first year) which is why the WL tends to be faster.
Which ever surgery you choose, do this for yourself! My only regret is that I waited until I was 45 to have surgery! I am in the fashion industry and fully understand the pressure to look a certain way. But I warn you, losing weight does not take away the issues that made you over-eat in the first place. Do yourself a favor and make a promise to get therapy and stick with it throughout your WL journey. Learning new eating behaviors, learning to NOT turn to food to cover up emotions, learning to love yourself because you are a beautiful child of God (fat or thin) is key to success. Everyone here will tell you that losing weight does not guarentee happiness but it sure helps you feel better about yourself and gives you an opportunity to see just how much obesity has impacted your life.
BTW, you are beautiful!
Lisa O.