ladygodiva1228’s Posts
It doesn't matter what type of surgery you have the RNY board does a daily menu type thing and it can be really helpful to everyone. I know lately IF or intermittent fasting has been working for a lot of folks. Both my husband (non-WLS) and myself have been doing it and it has helped to lose some regain during the pandemic.
Take a look at Dr. Sten Ekberg on youtube. He talks about fasting and all sorts of stuff. I know you can do this.

Be super careful with that fill. I had done that a few times over the years I had my band and each time as the days went by I ended up having to have saline taken out because I wasn't able to swallow my own spit never mind water or eat anything.
With being "newly" filled I would stick to soft stuff like cottage cheese, shaved deli ham, yogurt, etc. Trust me if the fill was good even yogurt will fill you up fast.
Oh and I wouldn't do the sleeve after having a band due to the increase of GERD. If by chance you end up having issues with the band believe it or not insurance companies will pay for a revision due to medical necessities. Only way they wouldn't is if they don't cover WLS at all.
Good Luck.

I would suggest checking out and participating on the Menu thread on the RNY forum (just because that one is the most active). That way you can see what other folks are eating daily. Also check out eggface Shelly had WLS years ago and posts some of the best meals for folks that have had WLS.
I am a band to bypass revision. My insurance was Cigna and though they gave me a hard time about it at first, they ended up approving the revision. I had reflux so bad even with a completely empty band I was popping tums like they were candy. Since the revision no more reflux.
Good Luck

I am considering lap band surgery. I am roughly 5 ft 7,
at 258 pounds. Now I know Medicare covers lap band,
but no google search has ever told me the cost OF lap
band, only the types Medicare covers. Can anyone
give me a financial breakdown on actual cost thru Medicare?
Thank you,
I can't give you a breakdown, but I wanted to say please do not get the lap band.
I had one for 12 years and except for the first couple of years it was nothing but a torture device. Any honest surgeon will no longer perform lap band surgery. I had heartburn/GERD/reflux what ever you want to call it so bad that I was eating tums like they were candy. The band became encased in scar tissue and even completely empty I had so much trouble eating. The band caused damage to a part of my upper stomach that had to be removed when I revised to the bypass.
There are so many people who have had nothing but issues with the band. Please reconsider and look at either the sleeve or bypass or even the DS. Any one of those are so much better than the band.
Best of luck to you.

Unfortunately 15k to 20k is around the norm for placement or removal of the band. It is half the price in Mexico.
Do you have insurance now?

Help! I had my lap band 14 yrs ago with much success. I went to a different doctor 6 wks ago to have it deflated and that evening I started swelling and was constipated. I should of known something was wrong when he used a huge syringe to deflate it instead of the smaller one my regular doctor uses which caused an open wound. I ended up going to Urgent Care, ER then admitted to the hospital overnight where they did an EGD, x-ray, sonogram saying that my band wasn't obstructed. Immediately I started gaining weight (the next day after deflation), within 2 wks I gained 30 pds and 6 inches in my stomach. I have since gone back to my regular lap band doctor and inflated it back to where it was. Still am swollen and 30 pds heavier. HELP, getting so depressed, hate to look at myself in the mirror. Has this happened to anyone out there?
If you gained 30lbs in 2 weeks there is something very serious going on. Unless you are eating over 10 thousand calories a day the weight gain isn't from eating.
I would get a second opinion. I had a band for over 10 years and had numerous fills and unfills, but never got bloated or gained that large amount of weight in such a short period of time.

As a former lap bander I would say run not walk away from it. There are so many long term issues that have come up over the years that many surgeons no longer place the band.
For me due to the damage the band did I could not have the sleeve, so I revised to the bypass which was the best decision ever. I kind of wish I had done that first instead of the band.
I think the sleeve is a good virgin surgery to have, but know that some folks have had to revise from the sleeve to the bypass due to GERD/heartburn/reflux.

I would suggest posting this in the revision forum and the RNY forum.
I myself am a band to bypass revision best thing I could have done. The first few weeks post-op for me weren't to bad, but I also have a high pain tolerance and took 4 weeks off from work. I was tired, but made sure to get plenty of water and other fluids in so I didn't get dehydrated.
I wouldn't have been able to do any travelling the first week or two as I was pretty uncomfortable sitting for a long time.

There appears to be two doctors in Federal Way, WA, but understand no all doctors will do fills on folks that had their surgery in another country.
Good luck to you as many doctors in the US no longer perform the lap band due to long term complications and that means they also no longer perform fills.
Here are the two doctors.
4509 9th Ave
South #103
Federal Way, WA 98003
Dr. Ki Oh
200 S 333rd
St #150
Federal Way, WA 98003

I don't understand why you don't have some sort of insurance. Both you and your husband are disabled, but can't get insurance?
You should be able to get some sort of state assistance if what you are saying is true.

The answer would be no. Unless there is a mechanical failure of the current band insurances will not pay for a new model.
I want to be honest with you. One of the long term complications of the band is esophagus issues. I myself started having issues at around 10 years out. I ended up revising to the bypass.
Please be very careful and aware of issues once you get a fill again. Barrett's esophagus is very serious and leads to throat cancer.

You very well could have developed scar tissue around your band and it is causing the band to tighten on its own. Before I had my revision I had an unfill for two years yet I still had restriction to the point of reflux/heartburn/pbing daily. When I went in for my revision my surgeon found my band encased in scar tissue and that was what caused the restriction. It also damaged a small part of my stomach that had to be removed.
My advice is not to wait for better insurance as things can get worse.

From a previous post she has never had a fill and won her band with no follow-up.

Definitely get a second opinion.
I will bet you that scar tissue has encased your band and it has tightened even though you have no fill. Scopes and Gi's will not show what is going on, on the band itself. I had developed nasty reflux and even with no fill could not keep foods done. Heck I even throw up ice cream. When I had my revision it showed severe inflammation around my band that was encased in scar tissue. It took my surgeon an hour to "chisel" it out. He even had to take an extra piece of my stomach out because it was so thin from the damage caused by the band and scar tissue.
Best of luck to you.

I have a lapband I got in 2004. I have never used it. Never had a fill. I am now going to be getting my fills. I didn't think I would ever be able to get them so I gave up. Now im 48 and need a hip replacement that they wont do until I lose like 200 pounds. Not being able to exersize or move much is a big problem with that. I have never been to any classes and really cant afford to go to them because it is a 100 mile rt for me to the closest one. I don't know ANYTHING about this. It is like having a new sports car you can't drive but atleast you have it. I won my band off the internet so getting it was kinda different than most of yall who self pay or used insurance and saw doctors. I didnt get to do that. How do I learn to eat now? I dont even know the questions to ask really because like I said I gave up but all of a sudden I have been blessed with being able to get them.
Please don't take this the wrong way, but after having the lap band in for 12 years and never having seen a doctor regarding it you may not be able to even have fills done. There are many long term complications that have come up for many people who had the lap band myself included.
Did you not have any form of insurance for the last 12 years? I had my band done in 2003 in Mexico, but had no problems finding a follow up doctor here in the states that would do fills and my insurance covered them. I had to revise to the bypass due to extreme reflux/heartburn and when my surgeon went in to remove the band it was inflamed and incased in scar tissue.
You need to find out if the band was placed correctly before you go for any fills. Who is going to be doing the fills? I ask because many surgeons will not perform the lap band and have stopped doing fills.
If you have insurance now it might be a good idea to speak with a surgeon about a revision to the VSG, RNY, or DS. You will have much better success in my opinion with them than the band.

Send me a private message and I will tell you where to meet us happy bandsters.
You may not be happy forever. complications barretts esophagus acid reflux

Unfortunately this forum isn't very active as many folks have had their bands removed and revised to another WLS. There are a few that still have the band, but they don't post much.
Many doctors and insurances are no longer covering or performing band surgeries due to the long term complications that have arouse from the band. Please make sure if you get any stuck feelings, reflux, or left shoulder pain you go see your surgeon. After having my band for 13 years I had it removed and revised to the bypass. I no longer have reflux, but I still get left shoulder pain due to damage done from the band.
Best of luck to you.

I had a Silastic ring around my pouch that eroded into my pouch over time. It has recently been removed and suggested that the lap band would benefit me. The surgeon said that he would have to undo my RNY and re-route my intestines and sleeve my stomach in order to do the DS. I am doing the what ifs now....what if I should have had the DS done instead of LB. The LB and DS are both new to me since I have had the RNY for 16 years.
if you had a band erode once getting a second band is a big mistake. Your pouch is not going to be strong enough to support another band. I would do the DS if I had to choose between a band and the DS.

Hello All!
I'm new to this forum & just had lapband surgery on April 12. I know that I'm very impatient but 2wks out, I've only lost 8lbs. I've read so many stories about ppl losing 30+ pounds in their first month or so. I'm just wondering if I'm being too hard on myself..getting a little discouraged though. I know some will read this & say "2wks??!!" Lol! Just wondering if anyone else has experienced such a slow loss in the beginning? I've been following my Dr's orders & sticking to my liquid/soft diet. Can anyone shed some light from ur personal experience? TIA :)
The band has slow weight loss and high long term complication rates. It is not until you start getting fills that the weight loss picks up a little, but not like 20 or 30lbs in a month. Most of the people who lose a lot in the first month either have a large amount of weight to lose, have had the sleeve, bypass, or DS.
I'm surprised surgeons are still placing the band.

I was banded just over 5 years ago and lost close to 80 pounds. Had a baby about 8 months ago. About ten days I woke up and had no restriction, I keep a tight band so this was very odd. Had aspiration today and 3 CCS were missing. So I must, have a leak :( now what's going to happen? I'm terrified I'll need surgery and I had serious complications after my cesarean :(
If you do have a leak then you will need surgery to fix it. If it is something more serious like a slipped band or eroded band then you will need surgery. What ever way you look at it you will need to have some sort of surgery to fix it. Sorry to say.
Most surgeons warn against keeping a tight band as it can lead to slippage or erosion.
Best of luck to you.

I had Lap Band surgery done in 2010 and was so excited to finally have some help with my weight. I wish I'd have visited this forum way back prior to my surgery. I have read post after post of, not only lack of success, but some pretty nasty complications years after surgery.
My greatest disappointment in my lap band is that I lost more weight during all the pre-op requirements than I did post surjery. I still have a BMI of over 35, my diabetes and high blood pressure got better within the 1st month after procedure. BUT... Now they are just as bad as previously. At no time have I ever felt satiated. For the 1st few years I had frequent trouble with feeling like my food was very PAINFULLY "stuck!" Even now I have difficulty if I do not wash each bite down with liquid. I have been assured by my doc that everything was just going great and I should see the dietitian again. I'm just as equally disappointed in the fact that I had originally opted for an RNY but my Dr insisted that with all of my medical problems, my best option was a lap band and that is the only procedure he'd perform on me. Now, here I am feeling as if I was bullied into a lapband when the RNY had a higher success rate to begin with. Now I'm reading about some of the very issues I've experienced, as well as that so many had to have it removed and revisions.
I'm now feeling even less encouraged. :/
Your doctor is an ass and yes you were bullied. I would find a new bariatric surgeon, get that band out, and revise to the RNY. Shame on your doctor for saying the lap band would be your best option. It was the worst option for you.
I'm over a year out from lap band to bypass and feel great still have about 40 more lbs to go, but I'm under 200, with almost 100lbs lost (12 more lbs to go for that goal).
Not to many people have good luck with the lap band most have it out and have a revision and some can only have it out due to damage done by it.

Hey all, new to this forum!
Basically my story is that I was supposed to have surgery on Monday (12-14) to get the sleeve. As I was sitting in pre-op, I became very nervous and anxious. I know that is normal when having surgery, but this was different. After talking with my mom before my surgeon came in, I had basically decided not to have the surgery, I just don't think I was ready for a non-reversible option.
So now here I am, thinking about perhaps getting the lap band. I would love to hear from some of you about why you like or don't like your band, and what are some of the things that have made you successful in your weight loss!
The band is the only WLS I would NOT recommend anyone getting.
I had the band for 11 years and even though the first several years were good I ended up with complications severe reflux, port pain, food getting stuck and the kicker was that I had NO fill. My band was completely emptied and I still had 24/7 heartburn/reflux to the point of me eating tums like candy.
For three years I suffered with my throat burning everyday and not being able to eat a piece of chicken without it coming up. Heck I couldn't even eat a soft scrambled egg without it coming back up. That sucked big time.
I had a revision in February of this year to the bypass and I am so happy I did. Since the band came out I have not had one ounce of heartburn/reflux, no pain where the port was and have lost more weight with the bypass than I did with the band.
The band is not easy to work with like others will make it out to be. If you never get that sweet spot for fills then you going back and forth to the surgeon for fills and unfills. Then you will get depressed for not losing enough weight. Anyone who has a good amount of weight to lose should never even consider the band.
Oh and you said you weren't ready for a non-reversible option, well the damage that the band can and has done to people make it where some can never get a revision down the road. There are some on here that that has happened to.
Honestly you should have stuck with having the sleeve or look into the bypass or DS.

I had Lap Band surgery about 6 yrs ago in Northern VA (I now live in MD) and I've been miserable ever since. The last few months have been the worse. I can barely eat, the pain is excruciating when I do eat followed by vomiting. This week I can't seem to drink liquids as well. It's effecting my life both at home and work. I'm at the end of the road with this...I can't take it and I don't know what to do. Advice? Thanks!
Not to scare you, but you need to get to a bariatric surgeon NOW or the ER. Do not wait. It sounds to me like it could be a few different things to much saline in the band, you may have developed scar tissue around the band, your band could have slipped or your band could have eroded into your stomach.
With the pain happening recently I personally would rule out to much saline unless you had a fill in the last few months.
Please get help ASAP as I have seen bad things happen when people wait to get their bands checked or removed.