On your mark, get set, *****!

WARNING! Adult content ahead!

HERE ARE THE RULES: "B*TCHFest" is provided as a public service to those of us who have gripes and grievances but whom, for whatever reason, lack a regular forum in which to air them. You are welcome to voice any problems - large or small, important, mundane or ridiculous - that currently have your panties wadded, your shorts frosted and your gears ground. Don't hold them in and risk future medical issues, wrinkles and/or those pesky gray hairs.
ANY and ALL issues that are plaguing you are open for you to voice; there are no "sacred cows." They say that "feelings aren't facts", so if you're feeling it, it's legit to you. NO ONE is allowed to flame a poster for something he or she writes, however commiseration is not only welcomed but encouraged. Please, no personal attacks against other OH members (at least, not by name) and ABSOLUTELY NO SURGERY WARS!
I'll start you off with one of mine, and you all can join in at any time! No limits - come back as many times as you like!
Today's gripes?
I have to start off with the same old/same old: I want a job. It's to the point now where I've given up on getting a job in "my field." I've given up on finding a job that sounds like something I'd be intrested in or good at, one where I'd feel valued, one that pays well and wouldmake me feel like an important part of the company. Just something that will pay the bills and provide basic health insurance.
It's been 21 months of this **** and I can't stand it. I feel like a total waste of a human and I feel like I have TOTALLY wasted my adult life on a career that has landed me smack dab in the middle of nowhere.
I was looking through the mountain of records I've been keeping of jobs I've applied for and I can't figure out why the hell NO ONE will hire me!! UPS? Home Depot? Petco? A goddamned PET STORE can't use me??? What the ****
Sigh. Okay. YOUR turn.
Sorry to hear about the Job hunt Bette...I am also trying to find something part-time and it sucks!!
I am *****in' about the dumb ass at the grocery who had to follow me around the entire store getting in my way to change price tags, etc....Every damn isle!! I finally was like I am just going to stand here while I look and make his dumb ass wait!!! He finally got the idea after that and avoided me the rest of my shopping trip...wish I would have had a fart built up I would have let it rip on him!!!
I am *****in' about the dumb ass at the grocery who had to follow me around the entire store getting in my way to change price tags, etc....Every damn isle!! I finally was like I am just going to stand here while I look and make his dumb ass wait!!! He finally got the idea after that and avoided me the rest of my shopping trip...wish I would have had a fart built up I would have let it rip on him!!!

Cathlena - 39, 4'11" Start - 210 3/31/09 BMI Start: 42.4

Okay, so, I paid an assload of money to have a built-in desk and cabinet system installed in my home office. I set up the appointment, wrote it on my calendar, put it in my iphone, etc. I requested "first morning installation" and they said they would call me the day before to confirm what time they would be there. NO PHONE CALL.
So, I just assumed they would show up this morning. WRONG. So I call Closet World and ask what time my installation is for today. Their response?
THEN, they tried to tell me that I called on the 14th (a Saturday?!) to reschedule the appointment. Uh, NO. Pretty damn sure I wouldn't call a business on a SATURDAY to do that. Not to mention, I wasn't even HOME that day. Why the hell would I just write down a random ******g day on my calendar if I didn't have a reason?!!!
So I ask to talk to the supervisor. She is BLUNT AND RUDE AS FUCK. I explain to her my frustration, that I have it on my calendars, etc. She offers no apology. I tell her that my husband had to take the day off for the installation today. She doesn't even offer a discount or anything. THEN she tells me they're booked through next week. So I say fine, I'll take installation on the 24th, and take ANOTHER day off work to accommodate their error.
And at the end of the call, she puts on her super chipper "I **** rainbows and lollipops and I fuck unicorns in the magical candy forest" voice and she sings, "Okay!!! Is there anything else I can do for you?!"
DON'T BE A ******G POMPOUS, CONDESCENDING ***** How's that?! GOD, I hate people sometimes!!!!!
Okay, so, I paid an assload of money to have a built-in desk and cabinet system installed in my home office. I set up the appointment, wrote it on my calendar, put it in my iphone, etc. I requested "first morning installation" and they said they would call me the day before to confirm what time they would be there. NO PHONE CALL.
So, I just assumed they would show up this morning. WRONG. So I call Closet World and ask what time my installation is for today. Their response?
THEN, they tried to tell me that I called on the 14th (a Saturday?!) to reschedule the appointment. Uh, NO. Pretty damn sure I wouldn't call a business on a SATURDAY to do that. Not to mention, I wasn't even HOME that day. Why the hell would I just write down a random ******g day on my calendar if I didn't have a reason?!!!
So I ask to talk to the supervisor. She is BLUNT AND RUDE AS FUCK. I explain to her my frustration, that I have it on my calendars, etc. She offers no apology. I tell her that my husband had to take the day off for the installation today. She doesn't even offer a discount or anything. THEN she tells me they're booked through next week. So I say fine, I'll take installation on the 24th, and take ANOTHER day off work to accommodate their error.
And at the end of the call, she puts on her super chipper "I **** rainbows and lollipops and I fuck unicorns in the magical candy forest" voice and she sings, "Okay!!! Is there anything else I can do for you?!"
DON'T BE A ******G POMPOUS, CONDESCENDING ***** How's that?! GOD, I hate people sometimes!!!!!
Mandy- 6.5cc (10cc band)
87 Pounds To Go! 304/257/170
87 Pounds To Go! 304/257/170
THANK YOU BETTE!! I was just thinking earlier, did I miss the ***** Fest this week, 'cause I'm loaded for bear!
1. HATE THE ***** MY HUSBAND WORKS FOR! She sent him home yesterday because after crushing his toe with a 450 pound piece of hospital equipment he can't wear a regular shoe! Forget that he is coming to work and doing his job well with this kind of injury!
2. Wish I could yell at my brother-in-law...stupid 40 year old single man can't get his **** together and now I have to share a car with my hubby who works an hour away so he can keep his pizza job. I'm glad he has a job, but quit involving my husband in every problem you have and grow a set!
3. Yes, I am a stay at home mother that homeschools her kid. This does NOT mean I am at your beck and call, it does not make me your personal servant. Contrary to popular belief I don't sit on the couch and eat bon bons and watch Jerry Springer all day! This house doesn't clean itself and my child doesn't educate herself! I have a schedule and a life and my job is every bit as important as yours. I am raising a child who may actually hold your life in the palm of her hand someday, think about that for awhile!
Ahhhhh, I feel so much better! Thank you!
1. HATE THE ***** MY HUSBAND WORKS FOR! She sent him home yesterday because after crushing his toe with a 450 pound piece of hospital equipment he can't wear a regular shoe! Forget that he is coming to work and doing his job well with this kind of injury!
2. Wish I could yell at my brother-in-law...stupid 40 year old single man can't get his **** together and now I have to share a car with my hubby who works an hour away so he can keep his pizza job. I'm glad he has a job, but quit involving my husband in every problem you have and grow a set!
3. Yes, I am a stay at home mother that homeschools her kid. This does NOT mean I am at your beck and call, it does not make me your personal servant. Contrary to popular belief I don't sit on the couch and eat bon bons and watch Jerry Springer all day! This house doesn't clean itself and my child doesn't educate herself! I have a schedule and a life and my job is every bit as important as yours. I am raising a child who may actually hold your life in the palm of her hand someday, think about that for awhile!
Ahhhhh, I feel so much better! Thank you!
I'm sick and tired of people taking advantage of a situation. My daughter was in an accident that was her fault in June. One kid got hurt in the other car that day. Now, insurance tells me that every person in that car went to the hospital with injuries later that night. We knew the people and were very concerned for their well-being and if they were truly hurt, yes, they deserve compensation. But they all were ok then, but the original kid, who now is ok and went into the military. But the others are carrying on how terrible the wreck was and how hurt they got! The officer at the scene called it a low impact crash! My car(she was driving) got the bulk of the damage(a broken fan) and she was not hurt. Now, the people won't even let thier nine yr old talk to mine at school and we have done nothing but be nice to them! They just want money and it's obvious! Yesterday, the "most injured" one walked out of the school perfectly fine until he saw my son, then he started hunching over and massaging his "injured" back. I'm so mad! Why drag the small kids into it-They used to be good friends!
So glad for this post!
So, I am moving to TN in 6 wks and my in-laws all HATE me for it! This move was my HUSBAND'S idea. He was laid off 18 months ago and has been subcontracting since with no health insurance! Our savings is depleted and our mortgage is rising (thank you to all the RENTERS that don't even pay property taxes for voting yes on all the levies!!). I would like to know if my in-laws are planning to pay for all of our doctors bills and other bills while my husband is barely scraping by with his current job. I have two toddlers to support! It makes me so mad that they hate me (when this wasn't my idea) and that they cannot be supportive AT ALL about my family's needs. And does my DH stand up to his family and tell them all to GET OFF MY ASS about this? Oh no, he placates his mother and whines about how much he will miss them.
In addition to my in-law woes, my husband is taking a business trip to Chicago all next month and leaving me here to care for our two toddlers AND pack the entire freaking house!!!!
Lastly, my DH and kids' F*cking dog keeps EATING my stuff!! I hate the dog, and she keeps chewing up my quilts, clothes, and kids' toys! A regular phrase in our house is DAMN DOG!!
Ahhh...feeling much better...
So, I am moving to TN in 6 wks and my in-laws all HATE me for it! This move was my HUSBAND'S idea. He was laid off 18 months ago and has been subcontracting since with no health insurance! Our savings is depleted and our mortgage is rising (thank you to all the RENTERS that don't even pay property taxes for voting yes on all the levies!!). I would like to know if my in-laws are planning to pay for all of our doctors bills and other bills while my husband is barely scraping by with his current job. I have two toddlers to support! It makes me so mad that they hate me (when this wasn't my idea) and that they cannot be supportive AT ALL about my family's needs. And does my DH stand up to his family and tell them all to GET OFF MY ASS about this? Oh no, he placates his mother and whines about how much he will miss them.
In addition to my in-law woes, my husband is taking a business trip to Chicago all next month and leaving me here to care for our two toddlers AND pack the entire freaking house!!!!
Lastly, my DH and kids' F*cking dog keeps EATING my stuff!! I hate the dog, and she keeps chewing up my quilts, clothes, and kids' toys! A regular phrase in our house is DAMN DOG!!
Ahhh...feeling much better...
Hey Beth...I feel your pain. In 1979 after having breast surgery and my father passing away very suddenly, my husband accepted a transfer to Chicago (from San Jose Calif). So for 8 weeks before the move, I packed and kept the house immaculate (I had a 6 yr old and 10 yr old)...he came home every other weekend and we left right after new years. We get to Chicago and "The Blizzard" hit after 6 days driving cross country with it on our ass...24 in of snow and then 58 below wind chill..We spent two weeks waiting for our furniture to arrive (it was stuck in St Louis) with 2 kids and 2 kittens in a motel. We moved into our home on January 24...on Feb 4 (after another 50 in of snow) I started having abdominal pain and tried to get an ob-gyn to see me. I had a positive pregnancy test and was concerned about ectopic pregnancy...no one would see me since I was not an established patient. I finally called my doc in California and he called a friend with a practice in Glen Ellyn. They had a doc who was taking new patients...went in and was told that I probably had PID even though I told them I had a history of endometriosis....long story short, I had surgery that night at midnight for a bilateral ruptured ectopic pregnancy...13 weeks gestation! I almost died and if my husband had not insisted I go to the emergency room, I most certainly would have. I was home in 5 days (still not unpacked) and soon after, my DH tells me we are moving again...to Seattle. So...he packs up and heads out to his new job and for 12 weeks he comes home every other week and I am left holding down the fort 2400 miles from my family and friends and recovering from a near death experience...his mother was so upset we left California and took her "babies" and when I told her we were moving back to the west she told me it wasn't close enough....
nuff said....sometime I will tell you how my alcoholic mother came to live with us shortly after we got to Washington...sometimes you just gotta look at them and laugh and let them wonder why.
Hang in there....this too will pass.
nuff said....sometime I will tell you how my alcoholic mother came to live with us shortly after we got to Washington...sometimes you just gotta look at them and laugh and let them wonder why.
Hang in there....this too will pass.
Oh wow! I think at that point you would either have to laugh or cry and it's always better to laugh. In-laws are crazy. I think part of my MIL's problem is that my husband is her baby (youngest of 6) and he is also a cancer survivor. She thinks I am incapable of keeping an eye on him to see that he stays healthy and keeps up on his aftercare appointments.
Thanks for sharing and empathizing!
Thanks for sharing and empathizing!