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on 7/6/17 10:32 am
Topic: RE: silastic ring?

Hi there I had ring with my gastric in 2004. Over time I think it can become eroded and cause issues. I lost over 100 lbs in first year, in 2016 I gained some belly weight due to bad food choices. I do vomit with chicken, other meats like that and was worried. I have lost 25 lbs the healthy way in 9 weeks and am a good 175 on 7/6/17 (Plexus). I go in Friday 7/14 for EDG to prep for ring removal. It's a foreign thing I want out to prevent Esophageal cancer or only being able to drink my meals in future years!!! My experience!

on 12/22/16 9:57 am
VSG on 08/01/16
Topic: RE: Hello I'm new to this site

You should post on the RNY forum. This one is not really active.

on 12/8/16 5:10 pm
RNY on 12/12/16
Topic: Hello I'm new to this site

I am a newbie and will be getting the RNY on Dec 12th. I am a little afraid because a Dr will have their hands in my guts. Just looking for friends. Thanks  wheezl

on 11/18/16 8:38 am
Topic: RE: New Dr. wants to remove Fobi rings!

I had my surgery in 2000. I have gained all my weight back. I Can eat anything. I Do however, if i eat potatoes i get full faster. im 60 by the way. I never took the vitamins and never drink water so I'm paying for it now. I have b12, vit d difficientcy. So because of that i have a lot of medical problems. I wish i had never had the surgery. At one time when i ate i would have a lot of pain. But it went away. Hope your doing better 

on 10/16/16 4:41 pm
FobiPouch on 02/20/90
Topic: RE: New Dr. wants to remove Fobi rings!

Hello I got my fobi pouch when I was 16 years old I am now 42 years old. I initially weighed 260 pounds went down to 90 pounds but was really anemic. Now I am 200 pounds, after I got married I gained weight lol. I have always ate whatever I wanted, and yes sometimes I throw up, but not that much. Now for some reason I'm getting fuller fast. Like a month ago my husband and I decided to started eating garlic to be healthier. And smart me ate a garlic clove, I swallowed it. After that I couldn't eat or drink that much for a whole week. Then it got better. Friday I got an endoscopy done and they diagnosed me with gastric outlet obstruction which they did a dilation with a ball on they said. Since yesterday I've noticed I could only eat a little less. Sorry just told you my whole life story. But my question is like how much do you eat in a day and how are your portions. Is there stuff you can't eat. I eat, and if i try to drink I kind of feel the water in my throat then I burp and I feel much better. I also suffer from anxiety and depression so I don't know if this has alott to do  do with this as well. Thank you for reading my post. And I hope to hear from you soon. 

on 7/9/16 6:18 am
RNY on 06/06/16
Topic: RE: Polish nurse

What do you mean "be careful"?  Why?  Be careful of what?

on 3/29/16 7:00 am - Teaneck, NJ
Topic: RE: New Dr. wants to remove Fobi rings!

I still suffer with vomiting and I am 8 years out as well. Personally, I know that if they took the ring off for me I would gain all the weight back. I had gained about 20lbs since my lowest weight over 7 years and I was forced to do an elimination diet for autoimmune issues for a month and I dropped 12 lbs the first month and 8 more pounds over the next 2 months. After the first 3 weeks I didn't follow it to a tee, but on a daily basis I try to avoid gluten and anything processed. Just like everyone else I do eat candy and snacks, but I make sure the calories are worth it (as in I am going to LOVE this when I eat it, not just I kind of want it....) and every day I start out being good so that if I feel like cheating I can really evaluate if the cheat is going to be worth it or if I can let the craving pass until next time.

I have kept that 20lbs off for over a year now and some of my autoimmune issues have gone away. It's worth trying 

on 3/7/16 7:20 pm - Long Beach
Topic: RE: Weight Gain...Help!

First I would suggest you detox, then start eating healthy I do 6 meals a day, oviously very small portions and it helps a ton..I had my surgery 2/9/09 started at 242lbs and I have successfully maintained my weight below 145 ever since! Good luck girlie :)">">>

on 11/13/15 6:51 am
Topic: RE: 13 years Later

I  had surgery (Fobi) 15 years ago and I have severe eating issues as well.   I am nauseated all the time and throw up almost every thing. I have taken anti nausea meds for the past 15 years with no relief.  It is so bad now that I  shy away from food.   I have pulled ribs all the time because of the dry heaving and vomiting.  Someone should have answers for this.  I  don't eat much....too fast...or anything.  My hubby is so used to it now it gets me depressed.   

on 9/19/15 8:17 pm
Topic: RE: New Dr. wants to remove Fobi rings!

Go get a second opinion

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