Beginner Level Weight/ Resistance Training Program
The information and recommendations found within ObesityHelp's Exercise and Fitness Forum are not intended to supercede the recommendations of your physician. You should seek medical clearance from your physician prior to engaging in any form of exercise. Learn more about your medical readiness here. You are also advised to read and understand ObesityHelp's Terms of Service here. | |
Using the "printer friendly" button shown above this program, please print this out, use it home and show it to your physician, displaying to him/her that you are committed to your health and fitness. | |
The following exercise program has been designed for individuals with a low level of fitness who are just initiating a resistance training program. The program requires access to a fitness facility or a fairly well equipped home gym. - Warm-up for 5-10 minutes - Perform 1-3 sets of each exercise. If you are just beginning, start with one set of each and progress to three sets over the course of several weeks to a month. - Each set should consist of 10-15 repetitions. - Inhale as muscles lengthen and exhale as muscles shorten producing force. - Perform this program 2-3 days a week with at least one day of rest in between each training day. An example of this would be Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Cardiovascular exercise should also be incorporated. |
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Exercise 2: Lying Leg Curl - Preparation and Setup: As you stand, position yourself between the pads for your lower legs and the bench you will lie on. Lie on your stomach along the bench and place your lower legs under the pads of the lever. Your knees should be in line with the pivot point (fulcrum) of the lever. Hold handles. - Movement/Execution: Flex your knees raising the lever. Try to bring your heels as close to your buttocks as possible. Extend your legs lowering the lever back to the start position; then repeat Target Muscle/s: hamstrings (legs) Additional Comments: You may need to adjust the position of the lever arm for correct execution. If you need help with this, ask an employee of the facility. |
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Exercise 3: Standing Calf Raise - Preparation and Setup: Position yourself on a step or another elevated stable surface placing your toes and balls of your feet on the step. Your heels and arches of your feet should extend off the surface you are standing on. Hold on to a stable surface for stabilization. - Movement/Execution: Push up with the balls of your feet raising you heels and ankles as high as possible. Lower your heel and ankles back to the starting position; then repeat. Target Muscle/s: gastrocnemius (calves) Additional Comments: If using both feet at the same time is too easy, use one at a time. |
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Exercise 4: Chest Press - Preparation and Setup: Sit in the chest press machine so the horizontal handles are positioned just below your upper chest. Your back should be straight and head should be resting comfortably on the pad behind you. Using an overhand grip, grasp the horizontal handles firmly. - Movement/Execution: Extend your arms pressing the lever until your arms are straight (avoid locking out your elbows). Flex your arms returning the lever to the start position; then repeat. Target Muscle/s: pectoralis major (chest) Additional Comments: You may need to adjust the seat and/or lever arm for proper execution. There may also be a lever at your feet to assist in the correct positioning of the lever. Ask a facility employee if you need additional assistance. |
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Exercise 5: Seated Row - Preparation and Setup: Sit in the seat with your chest pressed against the pad. Using an overhand grip hold the horizontal handles. - Movement/Execution: Flex your arms pulling the lever towards your chest. You elbows and shoulders should be pulled back as displayed. Extend your arms returning the lever back to the start position; then repeat. Target Muscle/s: back |
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Exercise 6: Shoulder Press - Preparation and Setup: From a seated position place dumbbells or other available hand held resistance in each hand and hold them at shoulder height with your elbows directly below your wrists. - Movement/Execution: Extend your arms pressing the dumbbells overhead. Flex your arms lowering the dumbbells back to the start position; then repeat. Target Muscle/s: deltoid (shoulders) |
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Exercise 7: Alternating Bicep Curl - Preparation and Setup: From a seated or standing position hold two dumbbells (or other hand held resistance) at your sides. You arms should be straight and palms facing in. - Movement/Execution: Flex your right arm raising the dumbbell; keep your elbow at your side not allowing it to rise as you raise the dumbbell. As you raise the dumbbell rotate your forearm until it is vertical and your palm is facing you. Extend your right arm returning the dumbbell to the start position and immediately begin raising the opposite side just as instructed above; repeat and continue to alternate sides. Target Muscle/s: biceps brachii (arms) |
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Exercise 8: Overhead Tricep Extesion - Preparation and Setup: From a sitting or standing position place both dumbbells (or other hand held resistance) behind your neck; your elbows should be pointing up. - Movement/Execution: Extend both arms raising the dumbbells above your head until your arms are straight. Flex your arms returning the dumbbells behind you neck; then repeat. Target Muscle/s: triceps brachii (arms) Additional Comments: If it helps, you may perform this exercise on one side at a time. |
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Exercise 9: Opposite Arm and Leg Lifts - Preparation and Setup: Lying on your stomach place a firm pillow or rolled up towel under your forehead; you may also place a pillow or towel under your hips for further support. - Movement/Execution: Raise your right arm and left leg off the ground approximately six inches. Your arms and legs should remain straight. Pause briefly at the top of the motion. Lower your right arm and left leg back to the starting position and immediately repeat this same process for you left arm and right leg. then repeat Target Muscle/s: erector spinae |
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Exercise 10: Curl-Up - Preparation and Setup: Lying on your back flex your knees and hold your arms out in front of you. - Movement/Execution: Flex your abdominals lifting your head and upper back off the floor and reach for your knees. This movement should be done slowly. Once you have touched your knees or come as close as possible, lower yourself back to the starting position. Target Muscle/s: abdominals |
The above images are from the software package Physigraphe which contains a collection of exercise images. | |