Heart Rate Calculations

Get on target! It is extremely important for you to know at what intensity you are performing cardiovascular activity. How do you this? Heart rate. There are a couple of different methods you can use at home to figure your target heart rate. Our max heart rate and hear rate reserve calculators take the guess work out of determining proper training heart rate.

Max Heart Rate and Percentage Calculator

Calculating maximum heart rate (MHR) is the most widely used method of determining target or training heart rates on many web sites, at health clubs and in books and magazines; it is probably the method you are most familiar with as well. For the purposes of this forum, MHR will generally not be used to make cardiovascular training recommendations; alternatively, heart rate reserve will be the preferred method. The MHR calculator below is for reference purposes only.

Enter your age into the appropriate text box below and press calculate. The MHR calculator will provide you with estimates of your max heart rate and percentages of max heart rate.

Max Heart Rate Calculator

The information and recommendations found within ObesityHelp's Exercise and Fitness Forum are not intended to supercede the recommendations of your physician. You should seek medical clearance from your physician prior to engaging in any form of exercise. Learn more about your medical readiness here. You are also advised to read and understand ObesityHelp's Terms of Service by clicking here.
Heart Rate Reserve (HRR) or Karvonen Method

Heart rate reserve (HRR) or Karvonen Method, is another way to determine target training heart rates for cardiovascular exercise. It is superior to using percentages of max heart rate, but it is also an estimation; additionally, you must measure your resting heart rate to complete this calculation. Before you use this calculator, click here to gain further insights into HRR, measuring your resting heart rate and applying HRR to your cardiovascular training routine.

Since HRR is more accurate than calculating and using percentages of maximum heart rate, HRR will be the primary method used within this forum to establish and determine training or target heart rates. Many sources other than this forum will utilize max heart rate to calculate training heart rate because it is easier to use; be sure to not get them confused.  

The following calculator provides exercise intensity based upon heart rate (HR)and reflects percentages of your HRR. Hear rate is expressed in beats per minute (BPM). Please insert your age and resting heart rate into the appropriate text boxes below; then press calculate.

Heart Rate Reserve Calculator


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