I failed my sleeve and want to get back on track

on 3/20/19 6:42 pm

I wish you luck. You got this. Protein first. Keep hydrated. Get moving. Sending warm wishes your way.

RNY Oct. 27/17. HW 289; SW 285; GW 144; LW: 161 CW: 196 FML: Fighting regain :(

on 4/24/20 3:32 pm

I had originally thought this was a 2020 post but see now that it's from last year... I hope you are doing well and have taken all of the amazing information everyone has provided and allowed it to be adapted to your own successful plan.

Wishing the best especially during this crazy time! Everyone's suggestions are wonderful!

on 8/25/20 2:53 pm

I took time to read your post and all the responses. I guess lots of us have found bariatric surgery of many types not as easy or successful as we had hoped it would be. There was a woman, HALA, that said something like "you don't fail until you give up". That has encouraged me for many years. I am hoping to get back under 200 lbs. I haven't weighed that since 2012. I feel that I am on the right track this time. Tri

on 9/12/20 4:31 am

I also had a sleeve in 2009 but failed it and gained it all back.

After a dr told me that I needed to lose weight because I was pre diabetic it made me realise I had undone every single benefit I had previously gained so I auto went to low carb but my salads seemed to get bigger and bigger and after 3 weeks I'd only lost 2lbs..so I decided since so many ppl were seeing success on keto id give that a try after all it was just changing low fat out for high fat.

I've been keto now since april 2020 and im now down 56lbs I dont snack and im not hungry and best of all I dont have to live off protein shakes and bars..so there is def hope we can reclaim our health and im now only 19 pounds up from my original goal my nutritonist gave me and ive got about 32 to go to get back to where i was at my lowest.

Im pretty sure I'll make it.. my last blood test I had with my dr i had walked away from pre diabetes back to normal blood sugar readings ive lowered my blood pressure meds in half and I hope to get off those too.. those alone are reason enough for me to stay eating this way. Weight loss is now a bonus.

on 9/14/20 7:59 am

Your sincere post and honest heart shows that you are already getting back on track. You have got this!

on 10/8/22 12:20 pm

Wow, I am exactly in the same boat except with having the VSG. I find myself so jealous right now of my sister in always for just getting her surgery because I would do it all again if I could.

I don't feel they focus enough on emotional eaters. That's my biggest downfall. I eat when I'm sad, glad, bored ect. I haven't gained all my weight back, but am about there unfortunately.

I'm now again starting back and am looking for support and understanding just like youð?¤--ð?¤--

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