Ronda S.’s Posts

Ronda S.
on 1/10/11 1:36 pm
Topic: RE: Hello everyone..Ive been gone for 8 mths
Lisey, I can do this now. IT just took some time to care. I DID not want to be here. I am back , because this sight always helped me. Pray for me.....

Ronda S. 

HW262//CW 122
  140lbs lost !
5"6 Tall



Ronda S.
on 1/10/11 1:33 pm
Topic: RE: Hello everyone..Ive been gone for 8 mths

Surgey happens and life happens. I would still do it again. Just not what happened. I am gonna overcome. I am good. This surgery was perfect for me except for what happened. I will be fine with help from you guys.

Ronda S. 

HW262//CW 122
  140lbs lost !
5"6 Tall



Ronda S.
on 1/10/11 1:30 pm
Topic: RE: Hello everyone..Ive been gone for 8 mths
I guess I am live hapens , and you go on.

Ronda S. 

HW262//CW 122
  140lbs lost !
5"6 Tall



Ronda S.
on 1/10/11 12:55 pm
Topic: RE: Hello everyone..Ive been gone for 8 mths
I missed my labs in Dec. but sceduled for Jan 27th. I think all is good except iron. I have been doing protein and some vits just not really on schedule. Believe me I have felt it. I started about 3 weeks ago back on my regular schedule and am starting to feel better. Vits are soooo important. I honestly did not want to even think about my surgery for awhile. Iam feeling better. I can think clearler now. Thank you for your support.

Ronda S. 

HW262//CW 122
  140lbs lost !
5"6 Tall



Ronda S.
on 1/10/11 12:51 pm
Topic: RE: Hello everyone..Ive been gone for 8 mths
I feel like I have been in the twilight zone for 8 mths. I hope you love your surgery and I am sorry I have not been here for the people who might have needed me. I am back and with Gods help...I will overcome this depression. I nned to be healthy for my son. Thank you for caring.

Ronda S. 

HW262//CW 122
  140lbs lost !
5"6 Tall



Ronda S.
on 1/10/11 12:48 pm
Topic: RE: Hello everyone..Ive been gone for 8 mths
Listen, I'm okay now. I woke up after Christmas and saw what I had been doing. I am back and I need you guys support to get back to myself. I have been soooo weak could not get out of bed, and dizzy. I am back to protein and vits and its gonna be okay. Thank you .

Ronda S. 

HW262//CW 122
  140lbs lost !
5"6 Tall



Ronda S.
on 1/10/11 12:44 pm
Topic: RE: Hello everyone..Ive been gone for 8 mths
Thank you Zabs, I have wondered about you. I would do this surgery again tomorrow. I have just been so confused, literally I could not get on here. I have let my health go down ,but I am getting it back. I want to gain 10 lbs. I'm so sorry I have not been here to help anyone. I got so much help from this web site. I am still gonna be Dr. Houston's star. I am back am I hope you are happy with your surgery.

Ronda S. 

HW262//CW 122
  140lbs lost !
5"6 Tall



Ronda S.
on 1/10/11 12:19 pm
Topic: RE: Hello everyone..Ive been gone for 8 mths
Hello everyone. Ive been gone for 8 mths. All the new people on here wow. I have to say that I have been in another world for the last mths. My mother was killed at church in front of me...anyway, I have not been able to even get on here. I am doing ok I fell to a low of 122 lbs, because I just could not eat. But, I am back and I need to get healthy again.

I am sorry I was gone for so long , but I have been in a deep depression and barely able to work and take care of my son. I am pulling out of this slowly but surely and I need to be back here. I need this sight, to help me keep up and motivate me to do the things I need to do. I have felt so bad , but I am coming back.

Ronda S. 

HW262//CW 122
  140lbs lost !
5"6 Tall



Ronda S.
on 5/15/10 7:58 am
Topic: RE: Have been out of touch with you guys...

I will be gone for sometime....I'll still read when I can.  My Mom was struck by a car while she was walking to get in the truck with my Dad at church.  It was really AWFUL.....the man hit her and then run over her.  The man was old and should not have been driving, he thought he wa****ting the brake , but he hit the gas.  It was the worst thing I have ever seen. It's not been 2 weeks yet, but I am not even angry at the man who killed my mom and my best friend. I'll be at my Dad's house most of the time for awhile.

I love this site and I will be back. My Dad doesn't have a computer. I'll read when I can. I'm trying to keep my weight where it is at, but I'm having a really hard time eating. It will get better, after awhile. luv

Ronda S. 

HW262//CW 122
  140lbs lost !
5"6 Tall



Ronda S.
on 4/20/10 6:28 am
Topic: RE: Update with Photos
YOU look like a new woman, and a younger version. Congrats!!!!!!!!

Ronda S. 

HW262//CW 122
  140lbs lost !
5"6 Tall



Ronda S.
on 4/14/10 10:34 am
Topic: RE: Revenge of the ick (also know as FML!)
Maddie, I'm so sorry to hear this. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Hang in there, babe. This just really bites. I hope you feel better soon.

Ronda S. 

HW262//CW 122
  140lbs lost !
5"6 Tall



Ronda S.
on 4/8/10 5:37 am
Topic: RE: I got to see my angel yesterday (before & after pics)
WOW, WOW, all I can say is WOW. You two ladies look AMAZING.

Ronda S. 

HW262//CW 122
  140lbs lost !
5"6 Tall



Ronda S.
on 4/7/10 11:34 pm
Topic: RE: update on Charlee G
Seeing you at the hospital really helped me, and I'm sure Charlee was glad to see you. You make the surgery look so easy. YOUR awesome!!!!!

Ronda S. 

HW262//CW 122
  140lbs lost !
5"6 Tall



Ronda S.
on 4/2/10 5:20 am
Topic: RE: I'm in DC! (well, NoVA), have Fed BCBS, new baby in August!

I was thinking about you the other day. Congrats on the baby, and the move. I'm sure things happen for a reason, and you will get the surgery when your ready. Great to hear from you.

Ronda S. 

HW262//CW 122
  140lbs lost !
5"6 Tall



Ronda S.
on 3/25/10 9:52 am
Topic: RE: Pooped my TJ Max TMI
So cute, I love it. Hugs back.....

Ronda S. 

HW262//CW 122
  140lbs lost !
5"6 Tall



Ronda S.
on 3/25/10 9:33 am
Topic: RE: A note of appreciation
Maddie, you have a great attitude about your journey. YOU inspire us all on this board. I'm so very happy that you are doing better, and starting to enjoy the benefits of this surgery. Keep looking up, and there is always hope.

Ronda S. 

HW262//CW 122
  140lbs lost !
5"6 Tall



Ronda S.
on 3/25/10 6:44 am
Topic: RE: Pooped my TJ Max TMI
That's what happened, I should have left the store when I felt the first pain. The bad part is I had to leave my shopping cart with all the cool summer clothes. I will have to start all over. He He.

Ronda S. 

HW262//CW 122
  140lbs lost !
5"6 Tall



Ronda S.
on 3/25/10 6:42 am
Topic: RE: Pooped my TJ Max TMI
Oh, goodness no. I'm usually more on the constipated side of things. I guess I just ate too much of something and it was just one of those FREAK things. Definetly not the norm for me. Mine was not an oil slick either. I just really had to go right then, and I procrastinated leaving.

Ronda S. 

HW262//CW 122
  140lbs lost !
5"6 Tall



Ronda S.
on 3/24/10 8:56 pm
Topic: RE: Pooped my TJ Max TMI
John, I'm sorry for having to miss the meeting. Something came up last minute. I knew you guys would be fine without me.

I have been adding carbs, good carbs , but not today. It was an eat crap day. I will make better choices today. Love ya, Talk sson.

Ronda S. 

HW262//CW 122
  140lbs lost !
5"6 Tall



Ronda S.
on 3/24/10 10:54 am
Topic: RE: Pooped my TJ Max TMI
I never eat like I  did today. I won't do it again, either. I 've never in 10 mths did this. So funny, huh. We live and learn.

Ronda S. 

HW262//CW 122
  140lbs lost !
5"6 Tall



Ronda S.
on 3/24/10 10:49 am
Topic: RE: Pooped my TJ Max TMI

Yes girl, I'm usually in tune with my body. This was not a poot , but a full on OMG, I need to go now. I have eaten horrible today, trying to keep some weight on. I think it was the turnip greens, or it could have been all the whole
days worth of JUNK. I was a hot mess.

Ronda S. 

HW262//CW 122
  140lbs lost !
5"6 Tall



Ronda S.
on 3/24/10 10:28 am
Topic: RE: Pooped my TJ Max TMI
I have been eating like a rat today, anything , a bite of this, a Reece cup or two , A BITE OF THAT.  I went shopping and I pooped ALL in my pants. I have NEVER done this before. I was so shocked, I went to the bathroom, but "OH WELL" to late for that. I rode home like that, OMG, so bad. Lesson
Learned......DO NOT go shopping after eating turnip greens and Chef boyardee. Please forgive this post, but I have to tell someone. LUV!!!!!!

Ronda S. 

HW262//CW 122
  140lbs lost !
5"6 Tall



Ronda S.
on 3/24/10 10:19 am
Topic: RE: My coworkers staged an intervention on me... and I think I liked it - kinda long-sorry
Big CONGRATS WOW. You are doing so good. Treat yourself !!!!!!!!

Ronda S. 

HW262//CW 122
  140lbs lost !
5"6 Tall



Ronda S.
on 3/22/10 8:38 pm
Topic: RE: Ferritin up from 5 to 103......It is working.
Hope everything stays as is with yours. I'm glad it worked for you. Thank you for sharing.

Ronda S. 

HW262//CW 122
  140lbs lost !
5"6 Tall



Ronda S.
on 3/22/10 8:36 pm
Topic: RE: Ferritin up from 5 to 103......It is working.
Great news Jilian, I really hope mine does like your. Oh, by the way, YOU look GREAT. Thanks.

Ronda S. 

HW262//CW 122
  140lbs lost !
5"6 Tall



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