calendargirl’s Posts

on 10/18/15 11:40 am
Topic: RE: Met w/ Surgeon (Good and Bad News)

Do you happen to have any record of previous weight loss attempts that went on for 6 months or more? Like Weigh****chers or Slim 4 Life or anything like that?

I did have such records and submitted them to my insurance, and they removed the 6-month road block... ahem...cough cough.. "requirement."

Best of luck to you. Fight all you can!


Starting Stats: Ht: 5' 0" HW: 242 ~ SW: 229.9 ~ CW: 117 ~ Goal: 124.9 ("normal" BMI)
% EWL @ 03 months: 36%             % EWL
 @ 09 months: 80%
% EWL @ 06 months: 63%             % EWL @ 12 months + 2 weeks: 100%

on 11/25/14 6:26 am
Topic: RE: Missouri

No, but there are two in Topeka, KS... Dr. Bernita Berntsen and Dr. Carlyle Dunshee. ical-services/turning-point-bariatrics/


Also nearby is Dr. Gary Anthone in Omaha, NE.



Starting Stats: Ht: 5' 0" HW: 242 ~ SW: 229.9 ~ CW: 117 ~ Goal: 124.9 ("normal" BMI)
% EWL @ 03 months: 36%             % EWL
 @ 09 months: 80%
% EWL @ 06 months: 63%             % EWL @ 12 months + 2 weeks: 100%

on 11/14/14 7:17 am
Topic: RE: Bad surprise

Wow, Gail, surprise indeed.  That's really something.  Are heart issues in your family history?  

Best of luck to you on Wednesday... sending healing thoughts and positive vibes your way.


Starting Stats: Ht: 5' 0" HW: 242 ~ SW: 229.9 ~ CW: 117 ~ Goal: 124.9 ("normal" BMI)
% EWL @ 03 months: 36%             % EWL
 @ 09 months: 80%
% EWL @ 06 months: 63%             % EWL @ 12 months + 2 weeks: 100%

on 11/9/14 12:46 am
Topic: RE: Advice to a newbie on Biliopancreatic Diversion With Duodenal Switch

Hi Jason, congratulations on your decision to have the DS.  It's an amazing life-changing surgery.  Yes, there are many things that CAN happen, and those things are often posted.  You don't hear so much from those DS'ers whose lives are normal, predictable, and uneventful.  

I read posts from this forum going back several years to be informed of what might happen.  Due to the positive quality of life that many enjoy after the DS, I decided to go forward.  I have no regrets.  Here are the answers to your questions based on my experience.

1 & 2.  I go once a day in the morning.  Never any accidents, surprises in the middle of the night, or immediate urges to go.  I don't carry anything extra when I go places.

3.  Our poop does smell different.  And it's definitely more in quantity than pre surgery.  (Yay, malabsorption rocks!)  Of course any poop stinks.  But a little air freshener or PooPourii and you're good to go.

4.  I don't feel any different.  Except when I eat, I can only eat maybe half a hamburger, part of a chicken breast, never more than one taco, etc.  You just fill up fast and you know it's time to stop, otherwise your tummy is uncomfortable.  I eat a little something every couple of hours.

5.  Pain from the lap surgery itself was not much at all.  The most pain for me came from intubation -- the placement of a flexible plastic tube into the trachea (windpipe) to maintain an open airway.  Maybe a 6 out of 10 on the pain scale for the first few days.  My esophagus area felt overly stretched and sore for a few weeks after.  

Right after surgery I did fine on 3 or 4 ready-to-drink protein shakes per day. I didn't start vitamins until 6 weeks post surgery, per doctors orders.  Getting going on those will help stabilize your bathroom habits due to the added calcium, iron, etc., you will be getting.

Best of luck to you!



Starting Stats: Ht: 5' 0" HW: 242 ~ SW: 229.9 ~ CW: 117 ~ Goal: 124.9 ("normal" BMI)
% EWL @ 03 months: 36%             % EWL
 @ 09 months: 80%
% EWL @ 06 months: 63%             % EWL @ 12 months + 2 weeks: 100%

on 10/15/14 11:23 pm
Topic: RE: Six year surgiversary today. EEek!

Great to hear... congratulations!


Starting Stats: Ht: 5' 0" HW: 242 ~ SW: 229.9 ~ CW: 117 ~ Goal: 124.9 ("normal" BMI)
% EWL @ 03 months: 36%             % EWL
 @ 09 months: 80%
% EWL @ 06 months: 63%             % EWL @ 12 months + 2 weeks: 100%

on 9/21/14 1:05 pm
Topic: RE: I got my surgery date finally!!!!!! 9-24-14

Wow, that's this week!  Congratulations, you'll soon be on your way.


Starting Stats: Ht: 5' 0" HW: 242 ~ SW: 229.9 ~ CW: 117 ~ Goal: 124.9 ("normal" BMI)
% EWL @ 03 months: 36%             % EWL
 @ 09 months: 80%
% EWL @ 06 months: 63%             % EWL @ 12 months + 2 weeks: 100%

on 9/16/14 9:29 pm
Topic: RE: Looking for a Cheesecake Recipe I Saw...

Here are the search results for "cheesecake" on the DS Forum:


Looks like there's several ways to get your cheesecake on DS style... :o)


Starting Stats: Ht: 5' 0" HW: 242 ~ SW: 229.9 ~ CW: 117 ~ Goal: 124.9 ("normal" BMI)
% EWL @ 03 months: 36%             % EWL
 @ 09 months: 80%
% EWL @ 06 months: 63%             % EWL @ 12 months + 2 weeks: 100%

on 8/19/14 9:30 pm
Topic: RE: Approved! I'm Getting Switched, Ya'll!

Fabulous!  Way to go!


Starting Stats: Ht: 5' 0" HW: 242 ~ SW: 229.9 ~ CW: 117 ~ Goal: 124.9 ("normal" BMI)
% EWL @ 03 months: 36%             % EWL
 @ 09 months: 80%
% EWL @ 06 months: 63%             % EWL @ 12 months + 2 weeks: 100%

on 8/18/14 12:51 am
Topic: RE: broke auger apparently it was considered an inexpensive one

Dear me... that looks like a tool for serious blockages.  I have never had to use anything like that.  But I have tried my share of plungers and finally found the perfect one...

Neiko Heavy-Duty All-Angle Super-Power Plunger

It's the #1 best seller in its category.  It's easy to use, and doesn't require a lot of arm strength.


Starting Stats: Ht: 5' 0" HW: 242 ~ SW: 229.9 ~ CW: 117 ~ Goal: 124.9 ("normal" BMI)
% EWL @ 03 months: 36%             % EWL
 @ 09 months: 80%
% EWL @ 06 months: 63%             % EWL @ 12 months + 2 weeks: 100%

on 8/14/14 10:26 pm
Topic: RE: Two weeks post-op

Good for you! 

I think I was on acid reducers for about 90-days post op, and then didn't need them anymore.  

Reading others' experiences here really helps you know what to expect.  You are on your way and it gets better day by day.


Starting Stats: Ht: 5' 0" HW: 242 ~ SW: 229.9 ~ CW: 117 ~ Goal: 124.9 ("normal" BMI)
% EWL @ 03 months: 36%             % EWL
 @ 09 months: 80%
% EWL @ 06 months: 63%             % EWL @ 12 months + 2 weeks: 100%

on 8/4/14 7:03 am, edited 8/4/14 7:03 am
Topic: RE: Depression Medications


Starting Stats: Ht: 5' 0" HW: 242 ~ SW: 229.9 ~ CW: 117 ~ Goal: 124.9 ("normal" BMI)
% EWL @ 03 months: 36%             % EWL
 @ 09 months: 80%
% EWL @ 06 months: 63%             % EWL @ 12 months + 2 weeks: 100%

on 8/4/14 6:59 am
Topic: RE: 4 Days Post-op

Congratulations!  Good for you for walking.  It gets better every day.


Starting Stats: Ht: 5' 0" HW: 242 ~ SW: 229.9 ~ CW: 117 ~ Goal: 124.9 ("normal" BMI)
% EWL @ 03 months: 36%             % EWL
 @ 09 months: 80%
% EWL @ 06 months: 63%             % EWL @ 12 months + 2 weeks: 100%

on 7/7/14 11:53 pm
Topic: RE: 10 Year Anniversary

Ten years -- wow!  Isn't the DS such a gift?  So glad you posted.


Starting Stats: Ht: 5' 0" HW: 242 ~ SW: 229.9 ~ CW: 117 ~ Goal: 124.9 ("normal" BMI)
% EWL @ 03 months: 36%             % EWL
 @ 09 months: 80%
% EWL @ 06 months: 63%             % EWL @ 12 months + 2 weeks: 100%

on 7/7/14 11:51 pm
Topic: RE: Well its been a while and almost 9 years post-op

Happy Surgiversary!  So good to hear your update. 


Starting Stats: Ht: 5' 0" HW: 242 ~ SW: 229.9 ~ CW: 117 ~ Goal: 124.9 ("normal" BMI)
% EWL @ 03 months: 36%             % EWL
 @ 09 months: 80%
% EWL @ 06 months: 63%             % EWL @ 12 months + 2 weeks: 100%

on 6/29/14 12:04 am
Topic: RE: DS & Carbs

I am two years out.  I eat mindfully of the DS with a focus on protein and fat.  I do not have a lot of digestive issues with carbs, but I do take two different types of probiotics each day with the Vitalady-recommended vitamin list.  I purposely try to limit pasta, rice, sugar and flour, and I don't drink calories except for protein shakes and the half and half I put in my coffee.

With all that said, if there is something I want I will eat it.  Last night I had 1/2 a brisket sandwich that included a bun and onion ring.  At a family reunion there was a vegetable dish that had pasta swirls in it.  I also had some cake and tasted other desserts too.  Potatoes have been fine for me.  I eat chips, salsa, and guacamole probably once a week.  There are a few candies that have produced lots of intestinal rumbling and gas, but nothing has caused diarrhea.  

But -- praise the DS -- since my intestinal configuration has changed, my body's reaction to food is different.  I no longer CRAVE cake or desserts.  I no longer NEED the big bowl of ice cream.  I am no longer DRIVEN to eat.   I feel so grateful that the DS has allowed me to eat mindfully and have almost anything in a reasonable quantity.

Wishing you the best in your journey...


Starting Stats: Ht: 5' 0" HW: 242 ~ SW: 229.9 ~ CW: 117 ~ Goal: 124.9 ("normal" BMI)
% EWL @ 03 months: 36%             % EWL
 @ 09 months: 80%
% EWL @ 06 months: 63%             % EWL @ 12 months + 2 weeks: 100%

on 6/23/14 7:34 am

There's one way to find out...  His office's phone number is listed here:



Starting Stats: Ht: 5' 0" HW: 242 ~ SW: 229.9 ~ CW: 117 ~ Goal: 124.9 ("normal" BMI)
% EWL @ 03 months: 36%             % EWL
 @ 09 months: 80%
% EWL @ 06 months: 63%             % EWL @ 12 months + 2 weeks: 100%

on 6/18/14 6:02 am
Topic: RE: NO BM and I'm miserable

Adding fat helps a lot.

I add about 1/2 cup of half and half to my protein shake or protein coffee every morning.  When I don't do it, I don't go.

Others have used coconut oil or even butter to make "bulletproof coffee."  (See

But I could not tolerate coffee for the first 6 months, so adding it to protein shakes was the way to go at first.

Best wishes to you!


Starting Stats: Ht: 5' 0" HW: 242 ~ SW: 229.9 ~ CW: 117 ~ Goal: 124.9 ("normal" BMI)
% EWL @ 03 months: 36%             % EWL
 @ 09 months: 80%
% EWL @ 06 months: 63%             % EWL @ 12 months + 2 weeks: 100%

on 6/16/14 2:18 am, edited 6/16/14 2:18 am
Topic: RE: Absorption percentages


Starting Stats: Ht: 5' 0" HW: 242 ~ SW: 229.9 ~ CW: 117 ~ Goal: 124.9 ("normal" BMI)
% EWL @ 03 months: 36%             % EWL
 @ 09 months: 80%
% EWL @ 06 months: 63%             % EWL @ 12 months + 2 weeks: 100%

on 6/1/14 10:41 pm

(Irene Cara singing...)  What a feeling! 


Starting Stats: Ht: 5' 0" HW: 242 ~ SW: 229.9 ~ CW: 117 ~ Goal: 124.9 ("normal" BMI)
% EWL @ 03 months: 36%             % EWL
 @ 09 months: 80%
% EWL @ 06 months: 63%             % EWL @ 12 months + 2 weeks: 100%

on 5/29/14 10:45 pm
Topic: RE: Few questions- Vitamins, Gas, and more!

I have never had diarrhea and I go once a day.  I take two types of probiotics daily... Garden of Life Ultra and Schiff Gas Defense.  I do not have gas much at all except when I eat a highly processed food (i.e. Cheezits) or pure sugar food (i.e. gummy bears).  I also started on the Vitalady DS vitamin plan from the beginning and spend about $100 a month on vitamins.   I like Dymatize Elite Whey protein powder to supplement my protein intake.

The DS has been fantastic... no issues... I have a 150 cc common channel and made it to goal in 54 weeks.

Best wishes to you!




Starting Stats: Ht: 5' 0" HW: 242 ~ SW: 229.9 ~ CW: 117 ~ Goal: 124.9 ("normal" BMI)
% EWL @ 03 months: 36%             % EWL
 @ 09 months: 80%
% EWL @ 06 months: 63%             % EWL @ 12 months + 2 weeks: 100%

on 5/10/14 1:10 am
Topic: RE: I have been switched!!

Congratulations to you and those coming up.   You're on your way now!


Starting Stats: Ht: 5' 0" HW: 242 ~ SW: 229.9 ~ CW: 117 ~ Goal: 124.9 ("normal" BMI)
% EWL @ 03 months: 36%             % EWL
 @ 09 months: 80%
% EWL @ 06 months: 63%             % EWL @ 12 months + 2 weeks: 100%

on 4/27/14 10:06 am
Topic: RE: Low-fat....

I haven't heard about staying low fat after antibiotics.  But, here's a helpful article about probiotics from Dr. K's site:

I hope you feel better soon!


Starting Stats: Ht: 5' 0" HW: 242 ~ SW: 229.9 ~ CW: 117 ~ Goal: 124.9 ("normal" BMI)
% EWL @ 03 months: 36%             % EWL
 @ 09 months: 80%
% EWL @ 06 months: 63%             % EWL @ 12 months + 2 weeks: 100%

on 4/21/14 11:19 am
Topic: RE: Ten Year Anniversary and Still Happy with the DS

So glad to hear from you at 10 years out!  What a great post.  Thank you.


Starting Stats: Ht: 5' 0" HW: 242 ~ SW: 229.9 ~ CW: 117 ~ Goal: 124.9 ("normal" BMI)
% EWL @ 03 months: 36%             % EWL
 @ 09 months: 80%
% EWL @ 06 months: 63%             % EWL @ 12 months + 2 weeks: 100%

on 4/7/14 12:18 am
Topic: RE: Vitamin requirements

I also started with Vitalady's routine per Gina's link.  By getting labs done every 6 months, you can tell how it is working for your DS configuration and adjust accordingly.  For example, my iron was in the high range, so I reduced the amount taken.  My A was in the low range so I increased the amount taken.  I get feedback on lab results and vitamins taken from the doctor and other DSers.  I set reminder alarms on my phone so I can space things out into 6 doses per day.  


Starting Stats: Ht: 5' 0" HW: 242 ~ SW: 229.9 ~ CW: 117 ~ Goal: 124.9 ("normal" BMI)
% EWL @ 03 months: 36%             % EWL
 @ 09 months: 80%
% EWL @ 06 months: 63%             % EWL @ 12 months + 2 weeks: 100%

on 4/4/14 12:49 am
Topic: RE: Weight minimum to have DS

That puts your BMI at 37.6 according to this BMI calculator:

Most insurance companies follow the ASBMS guidelines as to what situations qualify... According to #2, you qualify. a-candidate/

  • "Qualifications for bariatric surgery in most areas include:

    1. BMI ≥ 40, or more than 100 pounds overweight.
    2. BMI ≥35 and at least two obesity-related co-morbidities such as type II diabetes (T2DM), hypertension, sleep apnea and other respiratory disorders, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, osteoarthritis, lipid abnormalities, gastrointestinal disorders, or heart disease.
    3. Inability to achieve a healthy weight loss sustained for a period of time with prior weight loss efforts."

Next you need to know if your insurance covers bariatric surgery and if so, what does your policy stipulate?  Some policies have a requirement of a BMI of 50 or greater for the duodenal switch for example.  You can probably find your policy online and read the exact language.  If you want to know right away, you can also call the number on the back of your insurance card and ask.  You can also ask for a link to your actual policy that you can look up yourself.  I highly recommend that.

Good luck and let us know how it goes.


Starting Stats: Ht: 5' 0" HW: 242 ~ SW: 229.9 ~ CW: 117 ~ Goal: 124.9 ("normal" BMI)
% EWL @ 03 months: 36%             % EWL
 @ 09 months: 80%
% EWL @ 06 months: 63%             % EWL @ 12 months + 2 weeks: 100%

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