do you remember Mickie????

(deactivated member)
on 3/5/11 5:00 am
  do you remember Mickie?????
She was having plastics done in Belgium, I had not heard anything from her in quit some time so I went to her page.
OMG, she is in a coma and not expected to recover.
I've been gone a lot lately because my Granddaughter is having major medical problems so I haven't ready online very much.
But I am just heart... broken that she is in so much trouble medically. She suffered cardiac arrest because of blood loss and she could not be revived quickly enough. The doctors put her into a drug induced coma to try to help with the stress on her system but when they tried to bring her around she did not respond.
I met Mickie last year easter in Germany, she is such a sweet person, I just can't wrap my head around this.
She has been like this since Feb. 7th. Please pray, swing critters or what ever that you do, for her.
(deactivated member)
on 3/5/11 5:09 am
NoMore B.
on 3/5/11 5:10 am
 Oh My God, You mean Happy Chick?

Oh no, I am absolutely in shock to hear this.  
(deactivated member)
on 3/5/11 5:11 am
Not dear, sweet Mickie. She has always been such a source of positive support around here. She was so excited about her plastics. I thought perhaps she was just having a long recovery. This is absolutely devastating news.

My thoughts and prayers are with her and her family. I am just heartsick.

Thank you for informing us, Inge. I'm sorry to hear about what you've been going through as well.
NoMore B.
on 3/5/11 5:12 am, edited 3/5/11 5:12 am
 This I think is the last post I have seen from her.  I was wondering how she was doing.  I am shocked and heart broken as well..... -on-Monday-can-I-get-some-love-from-my-peeps/
P. Poster
on 3/5/11 5:12 am
 WHAT?!!!  OMG this is HORRIBLE!  I have been thinking about her and wondering myself, but she was never really a "regular" (as in daily) poster, so I was just hoping that with recovering from such big surgery & travel, that she was just resting and would pop up with an update when feeling better...  This is so very sad...  Mickie is a total sweetheart :(  PLEASE pass along that she and her family are in our (my family, friends and prayer group) thoughts and prayers.  And please update as you can Inge. 
on 3/5/11 5:16 am - Clermont, FL

OMg bless her heart, she is such a good, caring person. I can;t imaginewhat her family are going through..I am sending good thoughts and prayers her way.

Yorkie x

Had a band in 2005 at 280lbs, had band removed and DS done on Jan 22nd 08 at 220lbs in Spain, now 135lbs and a size 4!! Happy as a Clam!!Dontcha love the DS? It's the best tool around!!                


(deactivated member)
on 3/5/11 5:22 am - Reeseville, WI
This is bad news.  I'm sending good thoughts out for her and her family.
on 3/5/11 5:23 am - Brant Lake, NY
 OMG! Poor Mickie, I am praying for her and her family. 

Where did you find the update? I clicked on her profile page & didn't find anything. 
(deactivated member)
on 3/5/11 5:33 am
I'm a friend of hers on facebook.
I was wondering how she was doing after her TT, so I checked on her page there.
I still can't believe it. According to her brother she has had to much brain damage, and then her husband wrote a few days ago that she is slowly slipping away, still in a coma, her kidneys have stopped working.

Nothing has been posted in the last 2-3 days, her brother has been updating the page to keep her family and friends in Newfoundland informed.
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