Eggs. Can't Eat Em!

on 5/6/09 1:39 am
Threw up for the third time trying to eat eggs yesterday.  I ate a deviled egg about threee weeks ago and threw it up, which wasn't a suprise.  About a week later, I tried one scrambled egg and the same thing.  Yesterday on my 5th week out, I went to the Waffle House with wifey and tried just a few bites of scrambled with cheese along with a few bites of bacon.  Went down pretty well; didn't eat until I got full, chewed very well.

Left the WH and went to Walmart and started to feel like crap.  Got home, sat down.  About an hour later running to the toilet.  Don't know why eggs don't agree with me at this point but assume (hope) it will get better.

No Retreat!  No Surrender!
Elizabeth N.
on 5/6/09 1:43 am - Burlington County, NJ
Eggs are tricky buggers for a lot of people, from what I've read here. I can't eat them well enough to make a meal of them, so generally I reserve them for snack purposes, one at a time, usually hard boiled or deviled.

Early out I could nibble my way SLOWLY through one scrambled egg with no cheese. Then I got so I couldn't stand that. Then eventually I got so I could tolerate them somewhat better. Scrambled and omelettes are just not good, ever, really. Over medium does okay, as does poached or soft cooked, so that the yolks are still dark but not runny. And two is my absolute outside limit. They fill me up more than any other food out there.
on 5/6/09 1:52 am - NY
Marking this down. As I type. Thanks for saying that Elizabeth!  
We Are A Fever. We Are A Fever. We ain't born typical. ~ The Kills
If you have any g-ddamn sense and want WLS, think about the
on 5/6/09 10:09 am - IA

LOVE your siggy line!!  I am gonna borrow that sometime!!
on 5/6/09 1:50 am, edited 5/6/09 1:50 am - Mouseville, FL
Give it some time.  I still cannot eat more than one egg at time and it has to either be over easy or soft scrambled.  I just cannot abide a dry egg. 


ETA:  Oh and while it may seem that was not very much to eat.  For a newly post-op a whole egg, plus cheese, plus bacon may have been too much food.  It may have also had something to do with the combination. 




on 5/6/09 1:54 am - Salt Lake City, UT
Ohhh noooo!  I am SO counting on eggs working for me.  I'm trying one for lunch today.  I'm sorry they are not sitting well for you.  Are you sure it wasn't the bacon (grease can cause upset tummy)?  I hope this is a minor bump in the road and will resolve itself for you.
Duodenal Switch 4/29/09
Loving my DS!!

on 5/6/09 2:11 am - Brooklyn, NY
I am almost 6 months out and still have a problem with eggs. The first time I got sick was on very soft scrambled eggs at 4 weeks out. I will say this after reading this post and thinking about it, on Easter I did have deviled eggs. I ate about 10 of those suckers and didn't get sick, so it had to be the mayo?
I like egg for the easy protein so if I do eat them I just do so very, very slowly and with lots of cheese.
Be Blessed

"Your life becomes the thing you have decided it shall be."
– Raymond Charles Barker 
on 5/6/09 2:17 am
Sorry to hear about the eggs, Echo.  Are you able to eat dairy?

I'm okay with eggs, have tried scrambled and egg salad and have been OK with it.  I can't seem to handle a lot of dairy yet.

Looks like all our tummies are different.  Maybe give it more time?

My DH is about six months out & still can't handle chicken.  I think I can handle it but haven't tried yet.

Best wishes!

on 5/6/09 2:22 am - Canada
 I've been sick twice from eggs, but can still eat egg salad for some reason.  And now I'm scared to try them.  

Start weight - 287
Lowest - 123
Current - 130's
Height 5'7"

Christine X.
on 5/6/09 2:24 am - TX
Oh poop. I am sorry the incredible ediable egg is giving you problems. They did me too at first. Just that rubbery white set hard on my tummy. Try half white, all yoke with mayo and a little bit of something acidy, like pickle juice.

I eat eggs a bunch now, they are easy protein for me. So just give it time.

P.S. Also, next one you eat, do not eat anything else with it, no bacon, no toast. If it works for ya, then add one thing the next time, like bacon. It might be combining things with the eggs.
Christine  "Life is like a jar of jalapenos.  What you
do today, might burn your ass tomorrow".
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