food aversion

Georgina R.
on 4/24/09 6:42 am, edited 4/24/09 6:50 am - Bakersfield, CA
I have really really not wanted food for the past few days.  The thought of eating anything makes me gag.  There's a protein shake on my desk right now that I don't want to even look at because it'll make me gag.

I don't want to eat anything!

What do I do?  I want to like food again.

And it really doesn't help that the things I can imagine eating are all carb-heavy.  For example, I could really go for a big chunk of crusty bread right now; maybe with butter and sugar.  But the thought of a sandwhich with meat and cheese repulses me.  The thought of anything good for me with protein in it grosses me out.

I don't know what's wrong with me.  This sucks.  I need protein but I really don't want to throw up because I'm trying to force it down.

If it's carbs or nothing, which do I pick?

ETA: I'm pretty sure I'll eat something, even if it is carbs.  I guess my question is: How do I get over this phase as quickly as possible.

on 4/24/09 6:51 am - NY
 Miss Gina, 

     Can you do heavy on the pro, but light on the carb? Like an open faced pannini with major cheese and meat without the second piece of bread? I know that sounds downright offensive to one's DS, but might it get things flowing for you a bit better?
We Are A Fever. We Are A Fever. We ain't born typical. ~ The Kills
If you have any g-ddamn sense and want WLS, think about the
Georgina R.
on 4/24/09 6:53 am - Bakersfield, CA
I don't think I could eat anything like that.  I really do not want meat or cheese even.
on 4/24/09 7:04 am - NY
 Oh. Sorry, Georgina.  Melody's suggestion sounds pretty bad ass. What if you subbed almond butter or cashew butter, for the extra protein over the peanut? 
We Are A Fever. We Are A Fever. We ain't born typical. ~ The Kills
If you have any g-ddamn sense and want WLS, think about the
on 4/24/09 6:54 am, edited 4/24/09 6:55 am - New York City, NY
My surgeon said to eat creamy peanut butter and saltines round the clock.  The first few are gross, but I swear it works after a while. 

Edit:  I know we have to watch our carbs, but, if you're just trying to get your appetite back so that you can have proper intake, some carbs from saltines isn't going to make that much of a diff in the long run.  You still need to eat. 

                                  5'10", HW: 326/SW: 280/CW: 181/Goal: 165

Georgina R.
on 4/24/09 6:56 am - Bakersfield, CA
Wow, that doesn't sound so bad!  I'm gonna try that!
on 4/24/09 8:47 am - Centrally located in, IL


Sorry you are experiencing this!  I have 1-2 days a week where I have to force myself to eat, and I struggle on those days.  If you are really craving sweet you could try sprinkling sweetener on top of the peanut butter crackers.  Just a thought--I had a coworker who used to eat her peanut butter toast that way (she used equal).

Hope you get passed this soon!  I ususally find that I am tired of what my choices are when I come up on this situation.


rhonda C.
on 4/25/09 3:45 am - PA
I feel you but again,I am only 1 month out but the saltines/pnutbutter works for me,gives me energy too.
Feel better soon,hope you can find some foods that sound scrumptious soon!!


Confidence never comes from having all the answers:
it comes from being open to ask questions
Georgina R.
on 4/24/09 6:59 am - Bakersfield, CA
Yeah, I'll definitely try anything to get my appetite back.  I thought pizza would do the trick yesterday, but no luck.
Anna G.
on 4/24/09 7:02 am
I feel your pain. I've had aversion to meat on and off the whole time. You just have to find that magic food that is exempt from your disgust. For me, it's shrimp ****tail. When I cannot choke down a single piece of meat or cheese, I can eat a plateful of shrimp ****tail. Also, ricotta cheese. I eat both of these with multigrain Premium saltines. I just try to eat as few saltines as possible.

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