Gastric bypass made me skinny but not happy

on 3/20/16 9:26 am

Those are the dates I was in UMC. When it shows me discharged it was to a rehab hospital and then back to UMC every time they tried to put my intestines back together. That entire time I was fed by IV because my stomach wasn't attached to anything. My abdomen was open to my intestines and a back wound appeared while in a coma in ICU. I underwent daily wound dressings that required 10mgs of morphine which didn't even begin to touch the pain I endured during those torture sessions. What possible "agenda" could I have for making all this up. I have horrible PTSD. I have nightmares every night. My life will never be the same. Ohhhh how about a picture of my stomach??? 

on 3/20/16 4:55 pm - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15
On March 20, 2016 at 4:19 PM Pacific Time, Wlstolemylife wrote:

where are the records for rehab then? You posted you were admitted in 2008 and were discharged in 2001. That indicates you were hospitalized for 2-3 years straight. That is not true.

i don't know what happened to you but either you were completely no complain or had a super ****ty surgeon who didn't know what he-she was doing.

stories like this are few and far between. Many many MANY ppl have had successful WLS journeys. Too bad it wasn't that way for you. But you are not helping anyone with is post. Things like this are so far from what happens now,that it is almost ridiculous.




on 3/21/16 7:03 am

Do you see the last column? Those were the names of the admitting doctors. Dr James Lau and Dr Swawn Tsuda are still bariactric surgeons. Lau now practices out of California abd Tsuda is still here in Vegas. Look them up...I'm sure they are both listed on this site somewhere. I'll get you the proof. I'm just curious. What agenda could I possibly have? I'm not anti ex is starting pre op testing next week for gastric bypass. Other than wanting to warn people about the possibilities...honestly...what agenda coukd I possibly have? I'm intrigued.

on 3/21/16 9:12 am - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15
On March 21, 2016 at 2:03 PM Pacific Time, Wlstolemylife wrote:

Do you see the last column? Those were the names of the admitting doctors. Dr James Lau and Dr Swawn Tsuda are still bariactric surgeons. Lau now practices out of California abd Tsuda is still here in Vegas. Look them up...I'm sure they are both listed on this site somewhere. I'll get you the proof. I'm just curious. What agenda could I possibly have? I'm not anti ex is starting pre op testing next week for gastric bypass. Other than wanting to warn people about the possibilities...honestly...what agenda coukd I possibly have? I'm intrigued.

so you feel like you have excellent surgeons?The problem must lie with you then. Were youcompliant with everything you should have been? Not healthy enough for wls to start with? Are/were you a smoker?

Of course this happens but there has to be a reason.




on 3/21/16 7:48 pm

Never smoked a day in my life. I passed all my preop tests with flying colors. I was very healthy before the WLS. I'm amazed that you think I'm to blame. 

on 3/21/16 8:44 pm - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15
On March 22, 2016 at 2:48 AM Pacific Time, Wlstolemylife wrote:

Never smoked a day in my life. I passed all my preop tests with flying colors. I was very healthy before the WLS. I'm amazed that you think I'm to blame. 

I don't think anything. Just trying to fill in the blanks. If it wasn't poor surgeons, non compliance on your part or poor health pre op, there isn't muck left. 




Roni W.
on 4/1/18 2:56 pm - Forty Fort, PA

How about "sometimes these things happen for no "reason"!!!! Medical complications are a fact and many times are no fault of anyone. Surgeons are not Gods, the best ones can still have complications. I know this post is old but it upset me so much I had to vent!

im sitting in the ER right now due to another problem......after 9 years of vomiting, doing ok at times, I had surgery to fix a "candy cane roux syndrome" but they accidentally punctured my bowel. Now I'm on my 3rd surgery coming up to try and fix it.

i never thought any of this would happen to me either. Why are you guys getting so ****y just because she is trying to warn people to take a second thought before surgery?? Wayyyyy too many people have this surgery and never once think about complications, or even realize it could happen.

Roni in PA :)
"Those hairline cracks running through me are stronger than your wholeness. Every stitch on me represents an obstacle I've overcome."
                                                    gu siorraidhbrath

on 4/1/18 3:18 pm - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15
On April 1, 2018 at 9:56 PM Pacific Time, Roni W. wrote:

How about "sometimes these things happen for no "reason"!!!! Medical complications are a fact and many times are no fault of anyone. Surgeons are not Gods, the best ones can still have complications. I know this post is old but it upset me so much I had to vent!

im sitting in the ER right now due to another problem......after 9 years of vomiting, doing ok at times, I had surgery to fix a "candy cane roux syndrome" but they accidentally punctured my bowel. Now I'm on my 3rd surgery coming up to try and fix it.

i never thought any of this would happen to me either. Why are you guys getting so ****y just because she is trying to warn people to take a second thought before surgery?? Wayyyyy too many people have this surgery and never once think about complications, or even realize it could happen.

because things,medically speaking,usually happen for a reason.

We may not " know" the reason,but there is a reason.




T Hagalicious Rebel

on 3/21/16 1:50 pm - Brooklyn
VSG on 04/25/14 with

I'm so sorry that you had such a rough time & that you aren't against wls, it's just that your original post served more as a scare tactic rather than just a warning to people as to what could happen., even your avatar name wls stole my life also is a scare to anyone seeking wls.

I think your post could've served a purpose to educate people about the possibilities, however extreme in your case, that wls could be. A little more background like your health status going into surgery, whether you was compliant b4 & after surgery, the research & experience of the people working on you etc could've been helpful to people considering wls.

You can do everything right & still have everything go wrong.

No one surgery is better than the other, what works for one may not work for another. T-Rebel

on 3/21/16 7:27 pm

Thank you. I was very healthy before the surgery even though I weighed close to 500 pounds. I had no health problems at all other than worn out joints. As far as compliance is doctor didn't require anything like weight loss prior to surgery. I went thru the normal WLS preop testing.

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