To everybody on the wagon

I’m glad that more people are posting about alcohol. This is important to our health.
Have you noticed the patterns emerging?
- Most had RNY
- Get tipsy from a very small amount of alcohol, but the effect wears off quickly
- Can tolerate considerably larger amounts of alcohol than when pre-op
- Don’t get hangovers the next day, even after consuming a large quantity of alcohol
- Either gain weight or else skip meals to control the weight while drinking
- Have strong cravings for sweets or other junk food if they stop drinking
- Have had memory lapses and/or injured themselves
- Effects of other medications do not last as long as when pre op
Dang...... off this 'checklist' I fit.....
- had RNY
- gets tipsy quick
- gain weight (ain't neva skipped a meal for nobody)
- other meds don't last long as pre op (I killed a bottle of 30 vicodin in 3 days after my plastics )
ETA - oh yea, I got the memory/injury thing too - busted my butt somethin AWFUL a couple weeks ago....... that was a real big wake up call for me.......
GIRL!!! Get the heck outta my pockets! Thank you so much for posting this! The first step to gaining control is recognizing the PROBLEM! KUDOS to you as well!!!


On June 11, 2010 at 11:55 AM Pacific Time, Destined_2_B_thin wrote:
GIRL!!! Get the heck outta my pockets! Thank you so much for posting this! The first step to gaining control is recognizing the PROBLEM! KUDOS to you as well!!!Some people might be able to handle it, but I've come to terms with the fact that my body can no longer tolerate alcohol like a normal person. I think of it kind of like I would an allergy.
It's been months since I've touched a drop and I don't miss it. Last week I steamed some crab legs with beer like I always do, and the smell of it totally grossed me out.