My Vitamin Intake and Other Info...
Compartment One: One Super B-Complex, Two Multivitamin, Two Calcium Citrate with D, Dry D
Compartment Two: Dry D, Prevacid Solutab
Compartment Three: Sublingual B-12, Two Calcium Citrate with D, Dry D
Compartment Four: Biotin, One Super B Complex
Compartment Five: Two Multivitamins, Calcium Citrate, Dry D
Compartment Six: Sucralfate
Compartment Seven: Two Calcium Citrate, Dry D
Here are the numbers for my vitamins....
Calcium: 2 Tablets. Amount Per Serving: Vitamin D-3 (Cholecalciferol) 400IU, Calcium (Ultradense Calcium Citrate) 400mg.
B-12: One tablet. Amount Per Serving: 500mcg
Dry D - One Tablet, 400IU
Biotin: One Tablet, Sublingual @ 1000mcg
Yep, I take ALL of these in ONE day.
Here are some helpful compilations from fellow OH users….
Andrea U has a cool blog that deals with vitamin supplementation:
B1 or Thiamin
- irreversible neuromuscular disorders
- permanent defects in learning and short-term memory
- coma (aww.. this isn't so bad..)
- death (Nothing worth worrying about, right?)
B9 or Folate (Folic Acid)
- forgetfulness
- irritiability
- hostility
- paranoid behaviors
B12 or Cobalamine
- neurologic sumptoms
- numbness and tingling of extremeties
- difficulty walking
- memory loss
- disorientation
- megalobalstic anemia
- permanent neural impairment
- extreme delusions
- hallucinations
- overt psychois
+ Permanent damage can occur if treatment doesn't start soon enough!
- chronic low intake creates metabolic bone disease presenting as
- osteoporosis
- osteomalacia
- hypoparathyroidism
- combo of above
- muscle cramping
- hypotension
- bone pain
Vitamin D
- rachitic tetany
- mucle pain and spasms
- weakness
- bone pain
- decrease in daily calcium absorption
- rickets (osteomalacia)
- osteoporosis
- concentrations in blood greater than or equal to 80nmol/L, there was a 50% reduction in colorectal cancer rates
- concentrations in blood greater than or equal to 50nmol/L, there was a 50% reduced risk of prostate cancer
- risk for type 1 diabetes increased dramatically in vitamin D deficient children
- higher circulating levels of vitamin D linked to a significantly lower Multiple Schlrosis risk
- anemia
- fatigue
- hair loss
- feeling cold
- pagophagia (constant desire to eat ice -- pica)
- decreased immune function
- decreased sense of smell
- altered taste
- poor wound healing
- poor appetite
- hair loss
- low libido
- lethargy
Vitamin A
- problems with skin and mucous membranes
- dry hair
- broken nails
- increased risk of infections
- linked to anemia and iron absorption
- ophthalmologic consequences such as night blindness
Taken from nurse Sharyn S:
Signs & Symptoms of Vitamin Deficiencies
Vitamin B1 (aka thiamine) deficiency can lead to an enlarged heart, cardiac failure, muscular weakness, poor short-term memory, confusion, and irritability.
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) deficiency can lead to inflammation of the membranes of the mouth, skin, eyes, and GI tract.
Vitamin B3 (niacin) deficiency can lead to diarrhea, abdominal pain, vomiting, an inflamed & swollen tongue that is bright red, depression, fatigue, loss of memory, headache, and rash on exposure of sunlight.
Biotin deficiency can lead to depression, drowsiness, hallucinations, numbness/tingling in the arms & legs, red, scaly rash around the eyes, nose, and mouth, and hair loss.
Vitamin B6 deficiency can lead to scaly dermatitis; anemia; depression, confusion, abnormal brain wave pattern, and convulsions.
Vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to anemia, fatigue, degeneration of the peripheral nerves with progression to paralysis.
Folate deficiency can lead to anemia, mental confusion, weakness, fatigue, irritability, and headache.
Vitamin C deficiency can lead to scurvy ~ bleeding gums, pinpoint hemorrhages, abnormal bone growth and pain.
Vitamin A deficiency can lead to night blindness, softening of the cornea, corneal degeneration and blindness, and impaired immunity.
Vitamin D deficiency can lead to osteomalacia ~ loss of calcium, resulting in soft, flexible, brittle bones, and deformed bones; progressive weakness; pain in pelvis, lower back, and legs. Osteomalacia can lead to osteoporosis.
Vitamin E deficiency can lead to red blood cell damage and liver damage.
Vitamin K deficiency can lead to hemorrhage.
Sodium deficiency can lead to muscle cramps, mental apathy, and loss of appetite.
Potassium deficiency can lead to muscular weakness, paralysis, and confusion.
Calcium deficiency can lead to osteoporosis.
Phosphorus can lead to muscular weakness and bone pain.
Magnesium deficiency can lead to weakness; confusion; convulsions, bizarre muscle movements, hallucinations, and difficulty in swallowing.
Iron deficiency can lead to anemia; weakness, fatigue, headaches, impaired cognitive functioning; impaired immunity; pale skin, nail beds, mucous membranes, and palm creases; concave nails; inability to regulate body temperature.
ETA: The heart is a muscle, people!!!
My list is primarily for RNYers, but ALL should use it as a base. Just my way of giving a gentle nudge, ya know. One of Mike's coworkers had the band done and wasn't taking any vitamins. Since I BEG for samples of anything, I had a brand new bottle of Bariatric Advantage vitamins for LapBanders that I passed along to her.
On BAF, we get the occasional posts about deficiencies, but when you look on the main board you know that it's an everyday occurrence over there. I try to stay current with my trends and any info out there. Andrea U gives great advice and I changed my intake to mirror Sharyn S. I know life can get in the way, but getting labs done is a MUST....regardless of whatever surgery you've had done.
on 2/6/10 11:27 pm
Take a look at Pam T's blog. Here you will find the necessary tests and dx codes. There's also a lab tracker that you can use. You will have to join Scribd, but they won't spam you and the tool is EXTRA useful: ns-after-wls.html
MSW Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass: Eat sensibly & enjoy moderation
Links: Are you a compulsive eater? for help OA meets on-line Keep Coming Back, One Day At a Time Overeaters Anonymous