I Chick’s Posts

I Chick
on 6/26/07 11:54 am
Topic: RE: What's the deal with bread???
7 years out here and I stil dont do bread much..it's just a poor choice for me...toasted is ok but I keep it at a minimum. To have been successful for so may years I had to make choices..bread was not at the top of my list... I dont avoid it..but it's the last choice I make... Success is all about making choices..and so far so good for me. I Chick
I Chick
on 6/26/07 11:46 am
Topic: RE: Pneumonia
Michelle.I missed you girly girl! I now have Phlebitis too, from the IV but i'm hanging in here.. *Note to self* do NOT eat hospital food..it's carb laden. Thanks to cindy and my frined Sue, they brought me eggs, protein bars and did a Vitamin Shoppe run for me. My Postie friends are the best! How are you? good I hope?! xoxoxoxoox
I Chick
on 6/26/07 11:26 am
Topic: RE: Pneumonia
So I got into a car accident a couple of weeks ago and broke some ribs. Went to the ER and my regular PCP and was told it'd heal on it's own. Well I was in the hospital for the past few days for pneumonia because I couldn't take a deep enough breath to clear my lungs. I'm oon antibiotics now and pain meds for the ribs. Who would've thought that hurt ribs could actually hurt so much? Thanks to my dear fried Cindy who came to see me in the hospital..she is truly a peach.Thanks for the magazines, body spray and wonderful protein bars too, it was really appreciated! I know she is lurking but doesn't post. We REALLY need to be grateful to the friends who enrich our lives on a daily basis! I Chick
I Chick
on 6/17/07 9:16 am
Topic: RE: Posting on other message boards
As someone who was here for years prior to being "run off" by the so called popular crowd a few years all I can say is... Care about your friends..nnot the politics... MY frieds were always my friends..the ones who didnt like me were morons plain and simple..and jealous and seriously has nothing better to do... Now, I dont get involved in board politics..I simply dont care enough about the board as a whole to get involved in the politics..some things will never change..women are women and there will always be jealous and catty-ness...period...the men dont do this..the women do. I just like who I like..talk to who I like to talk to and dismiss the rest..it really is simple lol I Chick
I Chick
on 6/17/07 8:59 am
Topic: RE: WLS get together - NY 2008?!
First off..ANYONE is welcome...preop, postop..RNY, DS..LAPBAND..doesnt matter..bring your friendsw, family...anyone who wants to hang on in the city (go to Magnolia bakery for a cupcake..bad yes I know but GOOD and yummy lolol) and go out to Long Island, sit on a chair or blanket, eat some burgers, corn or lobster or crabs, clams.have a soda, crystal lite, beer or wine..ahng out..have great conversation..smell the ocean air..go for a walk..or whatever....this if for you!!! It's not an official event..just soome friends getting together for some shopping and beach action the way only us NY'ers know how to do!!! LET'S do it!!!!!! I Chick
I Chick
on 6/17/07 8:31 am
Topic: RE: WLS get together - NY 2008?!
Meeeeeechelle Mah Belle!..sorry cant help mahself! YOU MUST come..my sistah from another motha! lol Loong Island, watch out! fun fun fun times..I think people would love NY and Long Island..it truly is a gorgeous place! Charlie, yes, you must come! I know Florida beaches are nice..but i'm partial being from NY and all ;) lolol Mish...wanna go to Magolia bakery in the Village? lol! Love those damn cupcakes! Let's plan something!!!!
I Chick
on 6/17/07 8:00 am
Topic: RE: some peoples children
It's all in how the child is raised. I have a TWENTY year old son and he would never dream of saying anything hurtful to anyone...i'd kick his a$$ if he did..he knows better...and he is a wonderful, kind compassionate young man :) I know it stinks..but just look at the source! *hugs* I Chick
I Chick
on 6/17/07 7:56 am
Topic: RE: Walking ?
Heidi, I've read your posts and you've done great. However, as a 7 year postop..I have often used walking as exercise..I'm curious to know why you would say that walking doesnt burn calories.. EVERYTHING we do burns calories...sitting on the computer burns considerably less... Walking for some people is an amazing form of exercise cnsidering that many people before surgery didnt move at all..but the bare minimum. I applaud anyone who gets out of the house or office and walks, swims, runs, bikes, hikes anything..other than sitting around... For you walkers..KEEP ON, keepin' on...walking is a GREAT form of exercise...just remember..each day..walk for an extra 5 minutes and pick up the pace... Never let anyone make you think that moving isnt effective...any type IS! Now get out, and go for a WALK! ;) I Chick
I Chick
on 6/17/07 7:42 am
Topic: RE: WLS get together - NY 2008?!
Since I am a native NY'er (Brooklyn born and raised baby!) I was thinking about putting together a NY get together for next spring or summer (2008) Possibly on the east end of Long Island and do a  NYC jaunt or vice versa... If anyone would be interested in sightseeing, shopping, eating (yes..good, healthy eats to be found in NYC) and the BEACH and even maybe a beach party..speak up, suggest or email me... As Michelle V can attest to as well as other NY'ers and Long Islanders, there is no better, food, shopping or beaches to be had! I Chick
I Chick
on 6/17/07 7:39 am
I go to Cost Plus (World Market) and get the Torani SF syrups...Caramel is my drug of choice lol I Chick
I Chick
on 6/17/07 7:36 am
Topic: RE: OT - being silly here...but Who do you find Sexy?
Ok..ok...*if* I had to pick, it'd be Josh Lucas!! You know, Jake from "Sweet Home Alabama" Ohh..he is very swoonable! lol I Chick
I Chick
on 6/17/07 6:13 am, edited 6/17/07 9:39 pm
Topic: RE: OT - being silly here...but Who do you find Sexy?
Sorry, but celebs and famous people don't do anything for me..but my sweeties DOES!
I Chick
on 6/15/07 1:44 am
Topic: RE: GNC now has...
The ISS Oh Yeah! bars and Micellar Milk. Well at least my local GNC store does. I usually go to the Vitamin Shoppe and stock up but GNC is much closer and forever they didn't carry it. I'm pretty happy they decided to "get with it" and start to carry these popular and yummy (for me) protein supplements...Granted, I don't NEED to supplement because I can easily get all my required protein in via food. These are yummy though and just plain taste good..and for a snack, it's ideal for me. So if you're like me and like these products you might want to take a peek in your local GNC next time you're out :) I Chick
I Chick
on 6/13/07 11:27 pm
Topic: RE: Has any tried this Protein shake??
I wish I could be of help, but i've never heard of that company. My new favorite is the Micellar Milk - I absolutely will never do powders again. I for one cannot get past that antibiotic smell and well the Micellar Milk is just easy and tasty. It's 220 calories and a whopping 40 grams of protein. I do two a day..half a container at a time..they are a bit pricy but worth it to me. I do them when i'm not having a hungry day. Love them! If you go the the site that sells Matrix..and email their customer service they will be more than happy to send you 4 samples (3 nectars and 1 cookies and cream) for FREE..no shipping or anything. To me though, the nectar was vile..you couldn't pay me to drink it lol..everyone is different though! I Chick
I Chick
on 6/13/07 11:35 am
Topic: RE: Something to think about..
Nope..it was something I just kind of stumbled upon and thought it was something that maybe someone might get something out of. I know it made me think :)
I Chick
on 6/13/07 11:27 am
Topic: RE: Something to think about..
I Chick
on 6/13/07 8:47 am
Topic: RE: Anyone of you hungrier the week before Aunt Flo visits?
HA! I LOVE Flo!! Up yer nose with a rubber hose! lolololol
I Chick
on 6/13/07 8:46 am
Topic: RE: what do i put on the medicalert bracelet
Ok, 7 years out here and i've never used a bracelet. I was in a car accident a couple of days ago and have somoe broken ribs..my WLS didn't even come up as they asked about any life threatening conditions. I'm not getting the "No sugars" thing..maybe I can be enlightened. IV that has sugar in it maybe..well that would be fine..it wont make you dump. I dont see any EMT's or hospital staff trying to force feed someone a piece of cake or an ice cream cone.. Of course if it makes you feel better, then by all means..but I just dont how sugar would come into play. "Must Carrry Water" is that for real? people actually have that on a bracelet? Well next time I go out to dinner i'm getting me a bracelet that says "Must carry wine" cause lord knows bringing my own would be much cheaper! 
I Chick
on 6/13/07 5:25 am
Topic: RE: Im about to cry.. protein shakes!!!!
Trick - use a sportbottle with the spout This way you cannot smell it when you go to take a drink. I dont do protein drinks..I DO love the Micellar Milk in Chocolate..tastes like chocolate milk. Regular powders tend to have an almost antibiotic smell to them..at least to me
I Chick
on 6/13/07 5:23 am
First, you need to look at your profile on myspace. Right click you mouse and do "save background as"...make sure it is saved as a .jpeg file Then you need to have a hosting site for photos..like Photobucket ..you can go there and sign up for free. Upload the image you saved from your myspace profile and then take the URL and paste it into your profile settings where you can change the look and feel..paste the url of the saved photo you uploaded and make sure it's in the background area where it asks you to put the url of the photo. Confusing a bit I know..but its the best way I could explain it :)
I Chick
on 6/13/07 5:02 am
Topic: RE: Songs that take you back
LOL! Radio dedications... For me, in NYC it was WKTU with Brooklyns own Joe Causi (disco baby) and then of course PLJ etc... Calvin Coolers..I got drunk many times off of those as well as Pink champale lol..I loved the grape ones..thinking about it now, its no wonder I was so hungover..GRAPE wine coolers! lol Dip it..I used to love the stick more than the powder lol Remember Jelly shoes? I saw them in a store..they're making a comeback *aghast*! lol I used to hang out at Jones Beach..Fire Island as I got older..fun fun fun times :)
I Chick
on 6/13/07 4:37 am
Topic: RE: Where does the money come from to EAT!!!!!????
Oh, i'm so sorry to heat that :( I just do it. After so long it's just what I do. Of course I have days that stink and I eat everything that isn't tacked down, we all do that, but it's a matter of not staying down, but getting back up and starting over..at that minute, not the next day or the day after..but that very moment. I also stopped reacting. As MO people we tend to be reactors. Instead of acting on emotions in a more positive way, we react and tend to self sabotage or we become self defeated. I also just learned to not care anymore. I don't try to fit in, or be popular or say what people think I should say. I am true to me..and that in itself just keeps me sane :) Hope things get better for you :)
I Chick
on 6/13/07 4:07 am
Topic: RE: Where does the money come from to EAT!!!!!????
LOL my son nose picked briefly.. but I fixed that right quick! I was in the mall the other day and I saw a what had to be a 5 year old with a binky (pacifier) I was shocked! lol
I Chick
on 6/13/07 4:04 am
Topic: RE: Where does the money come from to EAT!!!!!????
Thanks Kathy :) He is strong..just the fact that after all he has been through and that he is still trying is enough to impress me. Plus he's always just been a super person. When he got down to 195 pounds and made it into the Guiness book he was so happy..I remember going to his block party and at those things there's always crappy food..but for us OPIN (his support group) people we ate carrots, celery..grilled chicken..he biked everywhere..he was happy. sometimes beiing thin and happy isnt enough. addiction is addiction..it's the emotional aspect that causes the behavior..and if the emotional aspect can't be fixed or gotten under control the behavior might change temporarily(as with him) but it will come back. Just goes to show that we're never really out of the danger zone. None of us are immune..and it's something you have to work at every single minute of every single day.
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