Charlie’s Posts

on 4/29/09 8:12 am
Topic: RE: Where is CHARLIE "eating good in the neighborhood "
On April 29, 2009 at 3:31 AM Pacific Time, ShirleyG wrote:
Does anyone know what happened to the blonde from FLa named Charlie who used to post here all the time ....?

Shirley....I'm fine.  Thanks for asking about me.  Kathy sent me a link to this thread, so I thought I'd drop by to say hello and let everyone know that I'm doing fairly well.

I am working, locally too, so I get to come home nights.  I had new floors put in my condo and I'm still dancing and dating and have almost no free time anymore.  I should be done with this contract in June and will be around a bit more.

Apparently I spent an awful lot of time on OH to escape the drinking part of my relationship.  I am doing well in that respect also.  Doug is part of my past now and I don't miss him anymore.  I don't have time.

I am keeping my weight steady (from all the dancing) and still eating right and following my 'life rules'.  I can't believe I will be 7 years out in September.  Life goes on.

Thanks again for asking about me.  I'm going 90 miles an hour with my hair on fire.

Love you all








on 2/22/09 4:05 am
Topic: RE: Charlie Update with a goofy picture
Thanks Carolyn.....I certainly will keep dancing....and








on 2/22/09 3:48 am
Topic: RE: Charlie Update with a goofy picture
Thanks Leslie....that's exactly what I'm doing.  Once I realized that I had actually 'won' by losing Dougie....I have not looked back.  Thank God for good friends.  And rock and roll.  And good looking men.







on 2/22/09 3:38 am
Topic: RE: Charlie Update with a goofy picture
..........and this is what I will be wearing this evening....I do so love my red.  The skirt is all twirly and great for dancing...the old guys love it and sling me around like a top.  And oooooo the red satin peek a boo heels with a bow.......






on 2/22/09 3:27 am
Topic: RE: Charlie Update with a goofy picture

Baby....I am always dancing....I love it.  And dresses and shoes and men.  My life is so full now.  I am so free and I am having a ball.  I am juggling 5 now and need to cut a couple of em loose...hehe.  Here's a shot from a Valentine's Day dance....

Gotta love a black dress................






on 2/22/09 3:22 am
Topic: RE: Charlie Update with a goofy picture
Thanks Shannon....I'm always around...I just don't post much. 







on 2/22/09 3:21 am
Topic: RE: Is there a thread on this site for folks that are serious about losing weight?
Hey girlfriend....I saw this post by you and it immediately brought to mind something that has been floating around the internet for sometime.  It is totally off topic and has nothing to do with anything....but as Andy Rooney says....

For all those men who say, 'Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?', here's an update for you. Nowadays 80% of women are against marriage. Why? Because women realize it's not worth buying an entire pig just to get a little sausage! 

Hugs from the beach






on 2/22/09 3:12 am
Topic: RE: Charlie Update with a goofy picture
Hello my WLS friends.  Here I am again saying that I am fine.  Pat and I went dancing in Cocoa Beach last night and I danced my feet off.  I have lost 9 pounds and I am keeping that off because I dance so much.  At least 3 times a week. 

I am including a picture Pat took of me last night, and it is kinda goofy like me, but it shows you NEWBIES what CAN be accomplished with this WLS stuff if you do what you are supposed to do, for the most part.  It can be done way better than what I've accomplished....but this is my 7th year into WLS and I think I have done pretty damn good to be this far out.  I follow my hard rules 100% of the time and I follow the WLS rules about 85% of the time. 

So take don't HAVE to gain it back.

Hugs from the beach






on 2/13/09 8:43 pm
Topic: RE: Be your own advocate...bowel blockge is dangerous
What an evening we've had here on the beach.  Susan M from Dallas is visiting with me and yesterday we had lunch on Beach Street, and she started having a tummy ache.  We came back to the condo and it got progressivly worse.  She called her surgeon's office, they said gall bladder and to go to the ER.  So off we went.

Friday night, race weekend in Daytona Beach, Halifax ER.....NIGHTMARE.  Poor Susan, she began vomit on the way to the ER and it was almost constant during our friggin' 4 day wait.  (ok I made that up, but it was a loooong wait).  I kept going to the desk and 'fussing' about the dangers of bowel blockage for gastric byapssers....but to no avail.  When she was finally taken back and the doc came in, I made sure he was aware of bowel blockage.  He ordered X-Rays....I said hallelujah.  That's the best to find it if that's what it is.


Susan is still in the hospital, they did a nasty ng clean out last night and 'blew out' the blockage.  I am about to call her and I'm sure she will get to come back to the condo today to recoup.  "We" will most likely be on soft foods for the next couple of days.

I am going to write a letter to the hospital about this and I am going to write a letter to the local Bariatric Surgeon about the danger.  Our good friend Vickie passed away from a bowel blockage because an Emergency Room blew her off.

Kathy S. had a good idea, and I plan to use it if it happens to me....again.  BEFORE I go to the ER with abdominal pain, I will call my Doctor first and have her call the ER before I get there.  Hopefully that will help me get seen quicker.  If you have a total blockage, you only have a matter of hours before your intestine dies, then you die.

So, be your own advocate.  I'm not trying to scare you, ok, maybe I am, but bowel blockage can be a killer, and I have a feeling we have lost a number of us from it.

Have a Happy and pain free Valentine's Day, and STEP AWAY FROM THE CHOCOLATE.....even the sugar free.

Hugs from the beach






on 2/12/09 1:49 am, edited 2/12/09 1:54 am
Topic: RE: Charlie Update

Thank you thank you thank you.  I am so proud of my iron count.  And as for shoe therapy....take a peek at these bad girls....







on 2/12/09 1:45 am
Topic: RE: Charlie Update
YIKES.  No ice no ice no ice.  I'm cold now, gonna head out to the beach.  Gotta warm up.

It's good to see your face.







on 2/12/09 1:43 am
Topic: RE: Charlie Update
Come spend a week with me. We shall DO Daytona Beach.  You would have an absolute ball.  Susan is here now, and she can tell you how much fun we have. 

Asswipe, coward, chicken**** damaged dumbass.  Just a few adjectives.  But I don't even think of him much anymore....and when I do, it's with complete anger.  Thats a good sign.

Love ya






on 2/12/09 1:41 am
Topic: RE: Charlie Update
Thanks Kristie....I'm getting there.  Happiness is relative.  Sometimes for me it's doing the boot scootin' boogie on the dance floor with Pat...or a double chocolate cookie with a cup of coffee....or just a walk on the beach.

Inspiration?  Me?  Getouddaheah

But thanks.....







on 2/12/09 1:38 am
Topic: RE: Charlie Update

So...hop on a plane and come on down.  Get rid of the winter blues and soak up some rays on the best beach in the entire world. 

Love ya






on 2/12/09 1:37 am
Topic: RE: Charlie Update

Thanks Paula....vitamin C is always good to take anytime.  I drink either oj or grapefruit juice....or you can take with some organic vinegar and water.  I do that when I'm out of juice.

All is well.







on 2/12/09 12:26 am
Topic: RE: Charlie Update
Carolyn, thank you.  I am glad you are beginning to do well.  It does take time in the beginning to heal and learn how to navigate through this new way of life.  At where I am, no one can even guess I had surgery by the way I eat.  I now eat like a 'normal' person.  It's what we eat and the rules we break that cause us to regain the weight.  It's all about choices.  It all goes back to this:

If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got!

Iron infusions don't so much hurt, it's just an IV, and mine took 7 hours.  You are too early out to worry about iron right now.  I still have labs done every 3-4 months and keep track of everything.  As we get farther out, I think iron absorbtion becomes much more difficult.  Following my iron rules works for me.  We all absorb different of course, but its sure worth a try for those who are far enough out to start having iron trouble.  And it's NOT hemoglobin, or daily iron, it's the ferritin, or iron stores.  Just stay informed, and watch those labs.







on 2/12/09 12:04 am
Topic: RE: Charlie Update
Johnna....I don't know what to say.  What a wonderful uplifting post for me.  I don't see myself as a leader, no,  I see myself getting so much help and support from the people on OH.  It's why I'm here.  I might not post, but I read almost every day to see how everyone is doing.  It's my motivation and inspiration.  I don't think I would be where I am today without every post I've read and all the wonderful (and even not so wonderful) stories.

Come on down.  As a matter of fact, I am waiting now for Susan M from Texas to come back.  She is working a couple of hours away and come down to share my beach for a day and a half.  She had so much fun, she changed her ticket and took some vacation days and is now on her way back.  My beach is soothing and healing.  I'll be going over to walk when she gets here.

My door is always open.







on 2/11/09 11:55 pm
Topic: RE: Charlie Update
Karen....I am doing better.  I was married so long and now beginning to experience those life altering episodes that most women go through at a much younger age.  But I'm doing fine.....







on 2/11/09 11:53 pm
Topic: RE: Charlie Update
Teresa....thank you.  Good luck on the labs.  Make sure you always always always take your supplements.  I so rarely miss, and then it's because of 'outside forces', but I am back on track asap.

Keep a close watch on the iron, and ask for a copy of your labs....always.







on 2/11/09 11:09 pm
Topic: RE: Charlie Update
Hello my friends.  Today is a gorgeous day on the beach.  I feel good and life is floatin' along on a warm sea breeze.  My attitude is better and I am mending. 

For those that don't know's not such a big deal, just a freakin' MAN who left me for a redhead.  But it's in the past and I'm about over it.  I am dancing and dating and staying busy.

I have good news.  I had a Doc appointment this week.  I was a bit nervous but I had a great surprise.  My iron ferritin count went from 192 to 225.  Hot diggity damn.  It's working.

I am working on 7 years out.  I have dropped a dress size lately and am about 15 pounds from goal.  My iron dropped so low, I had an infusion.  I DO NOT want to do that again.  So I follow my 'iron rules' faithfully.

1. No multi vitamin or calcium supplement within 2 hours of iron..before or after.
2. No dairy products of any kind withing 2 hours of iron.  That means no yogurt, milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, cheese, butter...nothing.
3. No coffee or tea within 2 hours.  It's the tannic acid, not the not even decaf.
4. Take iron with acid to give it the best possible chance to absorb.
5. Open the capsule or take it liquid form.

All in all, I am doing fine.  Still buying shoes....just a little sexier now. 

I am blessed beyond measure with friends and family.  And, as Kathy reminds fantastic little condo by the sea. 

I love you all and I promise I will be back posting every day. 

Hugs from the beach






on 2/9/09 4:41 am
Topic: RE: On the Beach with Charlie
Hey, she had so much fun on my beach she is coming back to stay till next week.  Here is shot from our walk on the beach yesterday.

Visit008-1.jpg image by carlilecss

Not too clear, but you get the general idea....

I'm doing ok....just busy and still needing to hibernate.  Will be back soon.







on 1/25/09 12:39 pm, edited 1/25/09 12:41 pm
Topic: RE: Eatin' good in the hood....Sunday night
Erin......thank you girlfriend.  I'm so glad you are doing this.  It's 11:30pm and I just got home from dancing.  Went to Cocoa Beach last night and danced and danced.

Today has been a good day but not such a good eating day.  I'm getting a bit out of whack.  I spent the night at Pat's last night, and after the dance I was starved (hadn't eaten since breakfast) so we stopped at Denny's.  I had 3 bites of that crap and just barely made it to her house when the puking started.   Never again. 

Today was ok....I think, but my little tummy was still icky so didn't eat till late.

Outta bed (9:30am)
2 cups of coffee

Breakfast/lunch and Dinner at 4pm
8 ounces steamed shrimp and coleslaw at DJs on the way home

Snack at home
1 banana

at the dance 2 cookies and a half gallon of water......

Home now....
cuppa decaf tea and a piece of toast.

So thats it.  Saw the new boyfriend at the dance.  These GD pretty boys are going to be the death of me.  Oy Vey.  (he's not really a boyfriend, just dating, but he shure is purty)







on 1/20/09 3:03 am
Topic: RE: Charlie Update....GOOD MORNING
Jenny...thank you.  You hit the nail on the head.  One day at a time.  And I'm trying to make the most of each one.







on 1/20/09 3:02 am
Topic: RE: Charlie Update....GOOD MORNING

Hey girlie....what a gorgeous little face....I would love to see him.  Take care of you both.







on 1/20/09 2:59 am
Topic: RE: Charlie Update....GOOD MORNING

Carolyn, I am taking a break from the boards for awhile.  I still read every day.  Because of some personal drama in my life, I need to back up and reevaluate my life and priorities.  For the first time in my life, I am totally on my own.  Though not exactly, I'm never alone for long.........I already have a new 'friend' in my life and I'm feeling better.  It's a long convoluted misrerable story and I've stopped talking about it.  Suffice to say, my fella left me for a redhead, I'm getting over it and doing ok.  I just need a break.


and take that helps.






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