Bethee89’s Posts
By the age of 4 I was 68 pounds. Mother was thin, biological father was thin and I was not over fed.
By the age of 14 I was already 180 pounds. I ate no differently then my friends. I was sent to a nutrionist a year later and they had me get rid of all processed foods and join a teen gym but it never resulted in any weight loss.
I was written off as a case of emotional disturbance and secret over eating but that certainly was not what was going on. My family doctor was very concerned for me at that time and forced me into unnecessary cognitive behavior therapy hoping I could gain "control of my emotions" and "stop lying". I ate everything they told me to eat, did everything they said and still remained 180 pounds two years into their "program for me".
Then at 19 I got desperate and starved myself. I lost 30 pounds in two years and by 21 I was 150 pounds at 5'7. But it was NOT easy to maintain. I was eating 500 calories a day and going to the gym non stop. By 22 I collapsed in a mall public bathroom and was hospitalized with an irregular heart beat and dehydration. I was told to starting eating carbs again or I was going to die. So I did. And two years later I was back up to 180 pounds.
By 2021 my weight had reached 223 pounds. And I'm still stuck at that today. I've been tested for PCOS, thyroid disease, cushings several times. No one can find a cause. I'm currently 34 and and not losing a darn pound of fat. I exercise vigorously. No weightloss.
Nothing seems to rxplaon this. How is this evrn possible? And why did i get cursed?