REPOST: All Pay Heed...

(deactivated member)
on 5/19/06 6:27 am - Las Vegas, NV
There have been many complaints that we all have different post-op plans and protocols, and that this causes much confusion and angst here on OH. Therefore, in my infinite wisdom, I have decided that we will declare a single set of OH Post-Op rules, and that any advice from this day forward will be based on these uniform standards. Lets face it, our surgeons are surgeons, not nutritionists. Most of them have not lived as WLS Post-Ops, we have. They don't "get it", we do. Those of us that have nutritionists know that most of them do not know what WLS post-op life is like. They may know "normal" nutrition, but when it comes to WLS post-op nutritional needs, it's a whole different world. They don't "get it" either, we do. We have talked the talk and walked the walk. So, without further ado, the rules: 1. Protein First. If you choose to count Protein Grams, I declare 60g a daily minimum. I will not take a stand on Protein Drinks at this time, so you may continue to drink them as you choose, but I may revisit this at any time. 2. Drink Fluids. If you choose to count Ounces, I declare 64oz a daily minimum. Flavored Fluids are OK. If soda makes you uncomfortable, don't drink it. 3. No drinking for 30 minutes before or after meals. Meals are when you actually CHEW, so protein drinks and vitamins do not apply. 4. Carbohydrates are Evil, eat them at your peril. If you choose to THINK or EXERCISE, you may eat more Carbohydrates. 5. Fat is Evil. But it tastes good. Don't eat too much. 6. Eat between 3 and 6 meals and/or snacks a day. How ever many you choose, be consistent. 7. Grazing is Bad. Once you are able to eat the minimums in #1, meal times should be limited to... oh... 27 minutes. If you are new post-op and having difficulty meeting # 1, take as long as you need. 8. Caffeine is Evil. Don't tell anyone if you drink it. 9. Sugar is Evil. You may eat any quantity you choose, up until your 'dump' level. This does not mean you should eat that much, but you may. 10. Calcium Citrate. Period. 11. Tylenol and Narcotics are OK, NSAIDs are not allowed no matter how much pain. Caveat: I will continue taking Tylenol, Narcotics, and NSAIDs, but I will not reveal that I take NSAIDs. 12. Vitamins are life. Take them. 13. Moderation in Moderation. If you can't be moderate, abstanance is a valid alternative. 14. No one is perfect. If you eat off-plan, at least enjoy it. 15. Walk post-op. This is NOT exercise, this is to keep you from getting a blood clot and dying. 16. Exercise is Desirable, but lets face it... its work. Do it if you can or want to. Exercise is recomended. Counting the steps you normally do each day is not exercise. 17. No Smoking. If you smoke, go outside. On the whole "Its unhealthy" topic... We all eat/do unhealthy, somehow its OK when its MY unhealthy thing, but BAD when its YOUR unhealthy thing, which I happen not to do. 18. This a secret rule. If I tell you I'd have to kill you. 19. Weigh once a week. You CAN'T gain or lose 5 pounds of fat in one day, so when the scale changes by 5 pounds, IT'S WATER. If you don't lose weight for 2 weeks, review your plan. If you don't lose weight for 6 weeks, do a bigger review of your plans. If you don't lose weight for 13 weeks... you're there. 20. You "CAN" eat anything you chose. If you can tolerate it and not dump off it, so much the better. Don't ask US what YOU can eat. Ask me anything that is not on this list, and I will tell you the rule and add it to the list. As I will be the only one making the rules, they will remain consistent. We will cover Restaurant choices another time. These rules are not OPINION, they are not up for DISCUSSION, they are THE RULES. PERIOD. You may now move about the forum safely.
on 5/19/06 6:35 am - Duncanville, TX


Glad to see you back on the boards, you have been missed, or have I missed you?

Thanks for the "All pay Heed".



* Cindee *
on 5/19/06 6:41 am - Denham Springs, LA
Thank you so much for the clarification.  I don't think I would have made it much longer without these rules.   Raise The Roof 1   ROTFL 

Cindee cat2  
I heard what you said.  I still think your full of it.

277/155/160 5' 9" tall

(deactivated member)
on 5/19/06 6:57 am


I got your card today. Thank you! You are so sweet.Thank you for the hug and smile.

I love ya!

* Cindee *
on 5/19/06 7:02 am - Denham Springs, LA
awwww your so welcome Sweetie!!  anything to make you feel better!!    Big Hug 

Cindee cat2  
I heard what you said.  I still think your full of it.

277/155/160 5' 9" tall

Mindy M.
on 5/19/06 6:40 am - El Paso, TX what if I decide to eat twinkies in the bathroom while alternating sipping water and coffee and popping a couple of advil.....or did I violate rule 18????

*resting my tired tootsies on the scale taking a long slow drag from my Marlbro*


I don't measure a man's success by how high he climbs but how high he bounces when he hits bottom. Gen George S Patton ,Jr.

Family Germany 2004 Cydney Homecomming 2005


(deactivated member)
on 5/19/06 7:35 am - Las Vegas, NV

If its what you like to do, have at it.  If you don't get sick from it, you're sittin' pritty.

Darlene X
on 5/19/06 6:58 am - Maricopa, AZ

I want to know rule #18...

I am willing to die.....


 Darlene ------ Lap RNY    03/20/2006  5"10"   338/175/170   (-163bs) 

Monique So Sweet
on 5/19/06 6:58 am - The most southern tip of..., TX

Your Funny.    


On the border by the sea...

U tell me that I sin,
U say Im bound for hell,
So once ur judgment condemns U,

I'd rather be an OPEN sinner
than a FALSE saint...

on 5/19/06 7:04 am - Aberdeen, SD
Finally someone made it all clear. Much less confusing this way when you have rules.
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