Crazy And Creative Halloween Costumes

We would love to hear about your Halloween costumes!  What has been the craziest costume you have ever worn on Halloween and what has been the most creative?  (As a pre-op or post op!)  Patrick Hillier reminisced about an old costume of his:
"Here is a costume I last wore in college around 1990.  I don't recall how much I weighed at the time - probably 275 -300 lbs.  I'm 210 in this picture.I'm looking forward to being able to buy whatever I want this year thanks to my surgery."- Patrick

And the very funny OH Member Cinn says, "I'm thinking of wearing a plain sweatshirt with two knives sticking into the back of it... both handles labeled with the names of my two ex-husbands."-Cinn

Click here  to post about your crazy and creative Halloween costumes and to view what other OH members have worn or are wearing this year or post your ideas below!
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