15 years post-surgury!

Kath L
on 5/9/19 11:57 am

I have not had the surgery yet ... but yes, I am going into this knowing this is a lifetime commitment that I am going to have to work at forever. Here in Ontario Canada, the surgeon tells you what procedure they are going to do, either the by-pass or the sleeve. They make the decision based upon your medical health.

I am looking forward to working at this and being healthier. I am 52 years old and honestly do not really care a lot about how I look (meaning I'm not doing this to fit into a bikini ... lol) ... my kids are growing up, I'm separated from my ex for 5 years and with a wonderful man over 2 years now who loves me the way I am. He is morally supportive of whatever I decide to do.

Anyway ... congrats on 15 years and thank you for reminding us that it depends on US and how long and hard we work at this. Lifetime commitment is exactly right.


Referral: Feb 14/17; Processed: Apr 28/17; Hamilton Orientation: July 24/17; Pre-Nutrition: Oct 27/17; Re-Do Hamilton Orientation: Apr 29/19; Pre-Nutrition: May 17/19; Nurse: May 29/19; Blood work: Aug 2/19; EKG: Aug 1/19; Allergist: Aug 15/19; Abdominal Ultrasound: Sep 4/19; Dietician: Sept 9/19; Internist Dr. Taboni: Oct 10/19; Social Work: Nov 06/19; Endoscopy Consult: Nov 08/19; Gastroscopy: Nov 21/19; Meet Dr. Gmora: Dec 4/19 Pre-Op and Surgery Class: Jan 09/20 Surgery: Jan 13/20 OMG they moved it up to Jan 06/20

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