
on 4/9/16 5:25 pm

I'm new around here, so forgive me if I wind up asking a zillion questions as I await my surgery on 4/26.

I was wondering how you came up with a goal weight.  Was it something in your mind?  Was it your doc's suggestion?  Perhaps a combo of the two?  I have an idea in my mind, but have zero idea if it's realistic or not.

Your thoughts would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks :)

CerealKiller Kat71
on 4/9/16 7:47 pm
RNY on 12/31/13

Different doctors have different standards for determining "goal" weight, and some, don't give goals at all.

The Cleveland Clinic lists your goal weight as 65% of your excess weight lost. I started at 347 pounds, thus my excess weight was 209 pounds and 65% of that was 136 pounds to lose. Thus, my "goal weight" was 211 lbs. 

I personally wasn't satisfied with that "goal" as it still left me in the "obese" BMI category. 

Long story short, I set my personal goal to lose enough weight to have a "normal" BMI of 24.99 or lower.  I have lost 215 pounds and am currently at a BMI of 21.9.  

To be clear, there is no right or wrong goal -- and only you can determine what is best for yourself.  That goal may change many times after surgery -- some people find they are far more comfortable at a higher weight than they originally imagined and others want to go lower.  It's really up to you and what you are willing to do to get there.  

"What you eat in private, you wear in public." --- Kat

on 4/10/16 2:25 pm

That's great, Kat!  Congratulations :)  I like the idea of having a personal goal, not one set by someone else.  Congratuations that all of your hard work has paid off!

H.A.L.A B.
on 4/9/16 8:55 pm, edited 4/9/16 10:02 pm

I never picked weight goal, but I picked size.. I wanted to be size 12 Or below... I got there and passed it.  I got to size 4... And normal BMI. But size 4 was too small for my frame...I did not feel good - low body fat %. 

I maintain now size 6-10.. Normal fluctuation. Mostly I fit comfortably in size 8 jeans... (10-12 tops). 

And even higher than normal BMI, my body fat % is right were it is good for me. 

My friend weigh 20lbs less than I do, but I wear smaller clothes. But bigger shoes... 

Depends of your age, muscles, body type, etc..we may need to pick our own goals. 

Typical - top of a normal BMI is a good starting point.  Once you get there - or close enough - re-evaluate..

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

on 4/10/16 2:30 pm

Size 4 - GASP!  I was never, ever in that size!  Thanks for the tips :)

on 4/10/16 3:54 am - Philadelphia, PA
RNY on 04/28/15

I picked my goal. It was hard since almost any number seemed unrealistic. I knew I wanted to be a size 10-12, and pretty much just guessed at what weight would get me there. I picked 175. Doctor never questioned my goal, my nutritionist was fine with it too. 

I know now they I'll revaluate at 175 to see if and where I may want to go from there. 

I'm in a 14/16 now, so I think I guessed pretty good ;-)

5'6.5" High weight:337 Lowest weight:193/31 BMI: Goal: 195-205/31-32 BMI

on 4/10/16 2:31 pm

My doctor has never mentioned a goal weight, nor has anyone else on the treatment team.  Part of me sort of likes it that way, leaving me more independent in my journey.  Thanks!

Han Shot First
on 4/10/16 5:01 am - Flint, MI
RNY on 10/06/14

My doctor went by the same guidelines as Kat's.  He never actually set a "goal weight," but told me I could expect to get down to 250 lbs, which would've been 66% of excess weight lost.  While losing 100 lbs would've been great, I knew immediately I wouldn't be satisfied there.  What's the point of having the surgery, paying all that money, changing my body on the inside, and still being that size?

I actually set myself 4 goals.  The first was my doctor's expectation.  My second was 230, which I figured was my highly achievable goal.  My third was 210 lbs, which was my lowest high school weight.  My final goal was my pie-in-the-sky weight, being under 200 lbs, which would put me in the "normal" range of BMI (not that BMI is perfect, but I liked being able to think of it).

I think clothing sizes are a good goal to have, instead of (or maybe in addition to) weight goals.  I also have motivated myself through stalls with my body fat percentage scale.  When the weight hangs, but you see the body fat percentage go down, it really helps.  Especially if you're working out and gaining muscle, you'll definitely lose inches without losing weight at times.

But make sure you work it hard.  Don't be satisfied with that 65%.  Make the most of this opportunity you have.  You can do it.


150 lost and maintaining!

on 4/10/16 2:34 pm

Numerous goals sound like a great idea.I agree that getting to 250 wouldn't be worth going through the process.  Thanks for your thoughts!

Mary Gee
on 4/10/16 8:32 am - AZ
VSG on 05/14/14

People here are happy to answer questions.  But let me share a few tips.....

---Read, read, read, and then read some more.  There's loads of info here.

---If you're really just starting out, read "Resources" above.

---Also, there's a search feature... the magnify glass at the top of the page, on thru right side.

---When posting a question, specify what you're asking about.  Ex. Question re Goal Weight, or Question re Puréed Foods.

Best of luck to you.


 HW: 380 SW: 324 GW: 175  







