weight regain after gastric bypass?

Laura in Texas
on 4/4/16 6:37 pm
On April 4, 2016 at 2:22 AM Pacific Time, free4ever wrote:

I am 7 years out from gastric bypass surgery and a 168lbs loss.  it was indeed a successful surgery and I felt great for the first time in a long time.  Sadly the last 3-4 years now I have regained 50lbs and I am again faced with depression and feeling of failure and hopelessness, self esteem flushing away and I am in need of friends to help.. The been there and won that battle is what I need for encouragement.  I cannot and do not wish to hear the exercise and drink more water stuff, although good for you its not necessarily a daily availability for me with my current job.  I have not really strayed from my diet although I am able to eat more before that honeymoon "full" feeling appears.?  Is there anyone out there that is willing to be my support hose? lol Maybe someone wanting to be a team and conquer this together?  I have a big difficult goal, I want to try and lose as much of the 50lb regain in 2 months.. My baby girl graduates high school and I want to look & feel good. 


You're eating too many calories. Be honest with yourself about how much you are actually eating and eat less. Until you do that, you will not lose any weight.

Laura in Texas

53 years old; 5'7" tall; HW: 339 (BMI=53); GW: 140 CW: 170 (BMI=27)

RNY: 09-17-08 Dr. Garth Davis

brachioplasty: 12-18-09 Dr. Wainwright; lbl/bl: 06-28-11 Dr. LoMonaco

"May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears."

Oxford Comma Hag
on 4/4/16 7:06 pm
On April 4, 2016 at 2:22 AM Pacific Time, free4ever wrote:

I am 7 years out from gastric bypass surgery and a 168lbs loss.  it was indeed a successful surgery and I felt great for the first time in a long time.  Sadly the last 3-4 years now I have regained 50lbs and I am again faced with depression and feeling of failure and hopelessness, self esteem flushing away and I am in need of friends to help.. The been there and won that battle is what I need for encouragement.  I cannot and do not wish to hear the exercise and drink more water stuff, although good for you its not necessarily a daily availability for me with my current job.  I have not really strayed from my diet although I am able to eat more before that honeymoon "full" feeling appears.?  Is there anyone out there that is willing to be my support hose? lol Maybe someone wanting to be a team and conquer this together?  I have a big difficult goal, I want to try and lose as much of the 50lb regain in 2 months.. My baby girl graduates high school and I want to look & feel good. 



I fight badgers with spoons.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-8255


on 4/4/16 7:34 pm - Elizabeth City, NC

Ok people I posted this in search of fellow people/friends  to support in a journey to lose regain.  Not to be criticized, judged or to be told a personal opinion of why I'm not currently successful or critique my post..  If I could find a way I would delete the entire thing..  This has to be the most unfriendly support forum I've ever experienced.. 

on 4/5/16 2:00 am - Putnam, CT
Revision on 02/04/15
On April 5, 2016 at 2:34 AM Pacific Time, free4ever wrote:

Ok people I posted this in search of fellow people/friends  to support in a journey to lose regain.  Not to be criticized, judged or to be told a personal opinion of why I'm not currently successful or critique my post..  If I could find a way I would delete the entire thing..  This has to be the most unfriendly support forum I've ever experienced.. 

This forum is very supportive, unless you expected Rainbows and Unicorn Farts. 

The folks on here support people that want support.  You do not want support, you want a magic formula.  If you followed the plan and measured/weighed/track your food, drank the required water, and exercised you would have never had regain.

Again you don't want support you want a magic pill.  Good Luck with that.


Dr. Sanchez Lapband 9/12/2003
hw305/revision w280/cw197/gw150

Revision from Lap Band to Bypass on 2/4/2015 by Dr. Pohl


CerealKiller Kat71
on 4/5/16 5:12 am
RNY on 12/31/13

Sometimes the greatest "friends" tell us the truth.

Just because someone doesn't agree with you, does not make them unfriendly.

"What you eat in private, you wear in public." --- Kat

on 4/6/16 5:16 pm
On April 5, 2016 at 2:34 AM Pacific Time, free4ever wrote:

Ok people I posted this in search of fellow people/friends  to support in a journey to lose regain.  Not to be criticized, judged or to be told a personal opinion of why I'm not currently successful or critique my post..  If I could find a way I would delete the entire thing..  This has to be the most unfriendly support forum I've ever experienced.. 

Not to drag this thread further, but I wanted to mention that support goes both ways.  By that I mean that you seem to just show up for advice and then leave again.  Maybe you have a support group in your area that you attend, which is why you do not come here often.  However, one of the reasons why the vets stay around is that they recognize the value of keeping their head in the game.  As you've discovered, as more time passes, it gets so hard to keep the motivation high.  Old habits slip in, one at a time.

In addition to some of the great advice given to you here (and there has been a lot you should seriously consider), why don't you try and be more regular on the forums?  Believe it or not, lots of people have had run-ins with others here and then decided the value of this site was worth more than a silly argument.  Some of them have even responded to you on this thread.  

I hope you consider participating more.  It really does help keep many people motivated and their "eyes on the prize."  

RNY, 8/1/2011
HW: 348          SW: 306          CW:-fighting regain
    GW: 140

He who endures, conquers. ~Persius

Christian I.
on 4/6/16 5:31 pm, edited 4/6/16 12:13 pm - TX

Hi Kellie, 

Regain sucks but realistically most of us eventually put back on afew dozens of extra lbs. from our lowest point. mine was 30 lbs and as much as 40.

Concentrate on percentages and pounds LOST from your surgery date.  you will live happier, I do.

But I'm sorry you're going through this. 

on 4/9/16 4:25 pm - Elizabeth City, NC

Thank you.. 

on 4/5/16 6:35 am - Putnam, CT
Revision on 02/04/15
On April 4, 2016 at 2:22 AM Pacific Time, free4ever wrote:

I am 7 years out from gastric bypass surgery and a 168lbs loss.  it was indeed a successful surgery and I felt great for the first time in a long time.  Sadly the last 3-4 years now I have regained 50lbs and I am again faced with depression and feeling of failure and hopelessness, self esteem flushing away and I am in need of friends to help.. The been there and won that battle is what I need for encouragement.  I cannot and do not wish to hear the exercise and drink more water stuff, although good for you its not necessarily a daily availability for me with my current job.  I have not really strayed from my diet although I am able to eat more before that honeymoon "full" feeling appears.?  Is there anyone out there that is willing to be my support hose? lol Maybe someone wanting to be a team and conquer this together?  I have a big difficult goal, I want to try and lose as much of the 50lb regain in 2 months.. My baby girl graduates high school and I want to look & feel good. 


I went back and looked at your posting history.  Since 2/15/2013 you have been complaining yes I said complaining about regain, yet you don't seem to want to take the suggestions other have offered.  Instead you want to make excuses. 

Either you get your head in the game and do what you know you have to do or just live with the regain and stop the complaining. 

Life throws us curve balls and sometimes it causes us to derail, but in the end there is no one to blame, but ones self. 

RNY on 02/02/2009
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on 2/15/13 2:54 pm - Elizabeth City, NC RNY on 02/02/09

I am 4 years out and have experienced some set backs. I havent been on here in a long time.   I have maintained most of my weight loss but I never did lose those pesky 20lbs.  Now I have discovered I have gained about 35 lbs and Im scared!  I havent really changed much of what I eat as I am super sugar sensitive, a consequence I am thankful for.  I have incorporated more whole wheat breads, pasta and brown rice in small quantities of course.  I dont drink soda, juice or anything carbonated still and never touch fast food.  I have not been able to get back into an exercise program with my demanding work schedule but I do walk alot at my job. I have endured many obstacles over the past 4 years, broken hip, hysterectomy, job loss, end of marriage, homelessness, remarriage and a job I am miserable in, graduation from college and still pursuing my BA degree but with all that I feel like I have failed.

Does anyone have any suggestions on what I can do to lose those added pounds and boost my losing ?  I am feeling panicked and sad.  

RNY on 02/02/2009
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on 4/20/13 2:53 am - Elizabeth City, NC RNY on 02/02/09

  I am desperately looking for ideas to get back on track, I am thinking of trying the 5 day pouch test but cannot find anything about how to do it?  I had bypass surgery in 09 and have since gained about 40lbs and feel like a complete failure.  I am super sugar sensitive and do not eat sugar or high carbs, I don't drink soda or eat any starches, fruit juice or even fruit except a few occasional strawberries since they are low in natural sugar.  I am very physically active but have not had alot of time for the gym.  I need help, I have also looked in to the surgery stomaphyx?  anyone know about that?  I just wanna feel good again..

RNY on 02/02/2009
Add Friend Block Send Message Latest Posts free4ever
on 8/22/14 11:52 am - Elizabeth City, NC RNY on 02/02/09

I am 5 years out and had a roller coaster of life events in-between.  Started at 311 and my lowest was 142.  I was fine with maintaining until I had a hysterectomy 2 & 1/2 years ago and have gained 40lbs.  My portions have increased but not significantly and I still don't eat sugar, fruit, or starches, no soda or juice, high protein and low carb.  My water intake is not the best and I drink coffee and tea, which really isnt an issue.  My structured exercise has decreased but I am not in-mobile, my job is extremely physical and unfortunately has an intense amount of stress, along with my personal stress.  I am on leave from work for a few weeks to try and pull myself back together, mentally, physically and otherwise, I need suggestions and advice on getting my body back in sync with my head and loss this extra weight.  I am starting to go through the same depressing feelings of worthlessness, failure and disgust on the look of my body.  Please, anyone that can help me I would appreciate it...

RNY on 02/02/2009
Add Friend Block Send Message Latest Posts free4ever
on 6/2/15 4:25 pm - Elizabeth City, NC RNY on 02/02/09

I am a successful gastric bypass loser in 2009.  I lost roughly about 169lbs.  and may I add during a hip fracture which made me immobile and the death of my mother and divorce, homelessness.. I have had some great achievements like finally graduating college and remarrying.. the biggest stressors are my job which I hate, as a correctional officer in a state prison, and finances are rough.  But I believe my biggest weight gain has come from my hysterectomy in 2012 which threw my hormones crazy as well as being over 40 now.. I was at my lowest 142 and now im steady at 194.. way too close to that 200 mark and frightens me terribly.  I am looking into the possibility of revision but not really sure that is the road I need to go on.  journaling is out of the question as my life is way tooo complex with my work schedule and household responsibilities.  i have been doing the protein drinks (whey protein powder blened with milk) and high protein foods.. my diet really hasnt changed much since surgery.  no or little sugar and low-no carbs..no soda/juice, ect.. sugar free tea or coffee.. no fries/potatoes/bread/rice/pasta/ect.. yet i am still in a regain and desperate for a kick in my weight regain butt!!  i appreciate any and all suggestions and ideas to help me conquor this disease that is now put me in a state of depression from feeling like a failure..thanx in advance


Dr. Sanchez Lapband 9/12/2003
hw305/revision w280/cw197/gw150

Revision from Lap Band to Bypass on 2/4/2015 by Dr. Pohl


Sparklekitty, Science-Loving Derby Hag
on 4/5/16 10:11 am
RNY on 08/05/19

If people were interested in OP's post history, which others have alluded to, they could click on her profile and find it for themselves.

I'm all for "tough love" support, but publicly rubbing it in someone's face is not helpful.

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!

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