Having issues with low iron?

Kathy S.
on 8/6/15 9:26 am - InTheBurbs, XX
RNY on 08/29/04 with


What is nice about these forums is you can share what worked for you in hopes it might help others.  As we all know, having labs done on a regular basis is key to our long term health.  I recently had an issue with my hair falling out bad.  I mean seeing scalp time.  My PCP did blood work and my iron levels were in the toilet.  She said I would need iron infusions.  I told her I wanted to try to avoid infusions if possible.  She said you are the expert (she is right, I have to educate her LOL).  

I contacted my mentor and friend Charlie.  We met here on the boards and I remember her having serious issues with low iron.  I followed "Charlie's" rules for 3 months and not only are my levels back to normal you should see the new hair.  

Here is what Charlie sent me:

Kathy, this works.  Liquid is best but it stains teeth so if you do this, make sure to toss the iron back or use a straw to keep if off teeth.  Try this until your next test.  I take a whole ounce every day.  We need more than the average person.  Here is a site to order liquid and it's on sale for $5 a bottle.  Good buy.  I mix it with about 2 ounces of OJ or grapefruit juice.  Makes it way easier to take.  But you can chew Vitamin C supplement with it and it's best on an empty stomach.  I just take it last thing at night then I have the 2 hours 'after' covered :)  

Iron Supplement (Ferrous Sulfate) Liquid 16 oz., 1 Bottle

  Here are my iron rules.   Charlie’s Iron Rules:

1.      Do not take calcium supplements or vitamins containing calcium within 2 hours either side of taking iron.  Calcium and iron bind together and leave the body with no benefit of either.   

2.      Take only liquid iron and take it with a little orange juice or a chewable vitamin C….iron needs acid to absorb.  Liquid isn’t as constipating as pills, but if it’s a problem, increase fiber during the day.  

3.      NO coffee or tea (herbal is ok) within 2 hours either side of taking iron.  It’s not the caffeine; it’s the tannic acid that inhibits iron absorption.  

4.      NO soy products within 2 hours either side of taking iron.  

5.      Very important…..NO dairy within 2 hours either side of taking iron.  That includes butter, milk, cream, cream cheese, ice cream, yogurt, cottage cheese…..NO DAIRY.    

6.      Try not to eat foods that are high in calcium or calcium supplemented when eating iron rich foods.  IE…..don’t have butter and sour cream on a baked potato when you have that steak J  

7.      Cook as much as you can in cast iron.   

Some iron rich foods include:

·        Red meat

·        Egg yolks

·        Dark, leafy greens (spinach, collards)

·        Dried fruit (prunes, raisins)

·        Iron-enriched cereals and grains (check the labels)

·        Mollusks (oysters, clams, scallops)

·        Turkey or chicken giblets

·        Beans, lentils, chick peas and soybeans

·        Liver

·        Artichokes  

Some calcium rich foods include:

·        Cheese

·        Yogurt

·        Milk

·        Sardines

·        Dark leafy greens like spinach, kale, turnips and collard greens

·        Fortified cereals

·        Fortified orange juice

·        Soybeans

·        Fortified soymilk  

·        Enriched breads, grains and waffles     

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