Dr K . Labs

on 11/28/11 5:24 am
Hi Everyone, I'm new here! I had my DS on Aug. 26th 2011. So far I'm doing well and have lost about 65 pounds! I'm reading that I need to have labs done 3 months post op. This is the first I've heard this, so I contacted DR. K's office and they told me he only does labs once a year! I'm worried that something might be off. Can any DR. K pateints give me some insight on their experiences with labs? Thanks!
Dave Chambers
on 11/28/11 5:51 am - Mira Loma, CA
Don't know if "Dr. K." is affiliated directly with your insurance co., but I'd call the insurance company to see when they will authorize labs from wt loss surgery.  I'd be really hesitant to wait a year for labs, especially with the DS surgery.  I had a set of labs at one month and my D was way low, at an 8.  If I'd waited a year to find out this issue, I would have had a year where my calcium was very poorly absorbed, leading to more issues.  It's not wise to wait a year for labs. Playing "catch up" to low vitamin levels can be difficult for some post ops.  DAVE

Dave Chambers, 6'3" tall, 365 before RNY, 185 low, 200 currently. My profile page: product reviews, tips for your journey, hi protein snacks, hi potency delicious green tea, and personal web site.
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on 11/28/11 6:19 am - League City, TX
Do not wait a year, especially with DS.  If your doctor won't order labs sooner, then find another doctor. Not only should you have it at 3 mo, you should have it at 6 mo, then at a year, and possibly at a year and a half before going to once per year.  Your levels can drop fast, and you don't have a baseline yet for how your body is dealing with the surgery.  After 2 years, I didn't take my vitamins as well as I should, and in one year, my levels had really dropped. And I was in the maintaining stage. I've been really good about taking them, and my doctor is having me retested 3 mo after my last labs, to make sure the numbers are going up instead of down.  I know two people who almost died because they didn't take their vitamins properly and didn't get labs soon enough to catch the levels dropping. Even if you are good about taking your vitamins, you haven't had your surgery long enough to know if you need more than what is prescribed.  Also, after you get your labs, have the doctor give you a copy so you can see the trends. Doctors will often just look to see if the levels are in range and not worry if they are. But you may be at a high end for one set of labs, middle for the next, low on the next, and even though you are in range, the trend is that the levels are dropping and you want to get them going in another direction before they are below range. Good luck.
on 11/28/11 6:41 am - OH
That's really scary.  I would call back and  tell Dr. K you're not comfortable waiting that long and ask him to order your labs now.  If he refuses, find a new surgeon.  You can also have your PCP order labs, but you'll probably need to take a list with you.  They usually don't know what to order for WLS patients.

View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


(deactivated member)
on 11/28/11 7:38 am - San Jose, CA
Are you sure there wasn't a miscommunication?  This is from his website (http://www.dssurgery.com/program/downloads/doc-09.pdf):

Blood work may be ordered at 3 months, 6 months, 9 months and annually after that. The office staff will inform you when you are due for blood work. Blood work and multivitamin and calcium are your best defenses against nutritional deficiencies.


(deactivated member)
on 11/28/11 9:07 am
Dr.Keshishian is one of the best DS surgeons in the world, however, I don't know anything about his lab practices.  I think there might have been some miscommunication with his office. Email him directly and get a lab order.

I do know that he is available to his patients and you can bypass the office people.

You should have more of Dr. K's patients chiming in here soon.

(deactivated member)
on 11/28/11 9:49 am
on 11/28/11 9:22 am - Orange County, CA
I had my DS on 4/11/11 and I followed the advice of the very wise DS vets (check out the OH DS board).  I took the list of labs that Vitalady recommends and handed them to my primary care (internal medicine) doctor.  She looked a little puzzled and voiced her opinion that she thought it was a bit much but I told her that I insist on having everything listed checked and that I planned to have this done every 3 months for the first year at least.  She didn't say another word, wrote up my lab slip and kept a copy for future reference. When she gets the labs results back she makes her own notations and sends me a copy.  So far I have had my 3 month labs and my 6 month labs and have been actively tweaking my vitamins based on the results and the feedback from DS Vets (big kudos to MajorMom!).

I gave Dr. K a copy of my 3 month lab results at my 4 month follow up appointment.  I also gave him a copy of my vitamin/supplement schedule.  For the 6 month labs I just emailed him a pdf copy of the results and after I finish making some adjustments I will send him my updated vit/supp schedule. 

I think if there was anything to be concerned about regarding my labs Dr. K would contact me but since I am proactive with the help of the vets I don't think there is really anything for him to add.  I could be wrong so maybe other Dr. K patients will chime in on this too.

(deactivated member)
on 11/28/11 9:25 am
on 11/28/11 9:30 am
 I had surgery with Dr K in Dec of 2000. I have only had my labs drawn once a year for 11 years. All have been in the normal range until my thyroid went haywire in 2009. Since then my reg dr had them drawn at 6 mths, but I only get full orders and send them to Dr. K in Dec of every year. Your PCP can order anything you might need, should a need occur. When my gyno suggested Fosomax for low bone density, I contacted Dr K first, aware of malabsorbtion. He suggested I up my D3 and in the 2 yrs, bone less got no worse and I haven't had to add Fosomax. YMMV and my suggestion is you stay in good contact with your PCP and have them draw anything that might be needed.
