Post RY surgery having revison to a duodernum switch

(deactivated member)
on 11/16/11 10:41 am, edited 11/16/11 11:43 pm
Let's try this again with a good night of sleep behind......

Is there one out there that help educate me on the following?

2005 RNY lost 90lbs and maintained with in 5 pounds of my lowest weight until the first of this year.  I was still 50lbs short of my goal ( all my fault).

In April  of this year I had an enlarged gallbladder, consulted w/ the same surgeon that did the RNY and discussed a "do over" while he was in there.  Due to other issues, he did not want to alter my pouch but agreed to shortening the intestine.  He was conservative on the length, which he fully disclosed, he is a very cautious D.  After surgery I have GAINED 25lbs, instead of getting the side effects of the loose bowel, I am constipated and have some cramps and bloating and have to live on softeners, etc. to "go".  He has done research and consulted top Bariatric Drs and they concluded that I was the "exception" to the surgery.  So here were are... Monday we will go back in and re-route the intestine for less absorption.
( FYI - he does not want to alter my pouch due to excessive scaring around the area)

I do not know what this procedure is called or if there is a name... Many have mentioned ERNY which I have not heard of but will research today.

 Help with any advice please,

IF YOU WANT TO BE CRUEL WITH YOUR COMMENTS PLEASE SHOW RESERVATION... REMEMBER THE KINDEST WORD IS THE UNKIND WORD UNSPOKEN.   I am human and have feelings and were shocked and the reaction I got from last nights posting.

" Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle"

(please excuse any grammar errors)
(deactivated member)
on 11/16/11 10:46 am - Bayonne, NJ
A full revision from the RNY to a Duodenal Switch means that the pouch is taken down, revised, and made into a gastric sleeve. If they're not doing that, you're not having a Duodenal Switch.

1. Who is your doctor for this revision?
2. How much research have you done? This is complicated stuff! Believe me, I speak from experience.
3. Are you aware of the post-surgical nutritional requirements?
4. Have you been to If not, get to reading!

If they aren't touching your pouch but they're only changing the intestinal configuration, you're having an ERNY, not a DS.
(deactivated member)
on 11/16/11 11:19 pm
Thank you for your educational information. I am not sure the Dr even said the name of the procedure I research what he said he was going to do and came up with the DS.  I have a call into the Dr.

Thank you.

I apologize for my grammar and writing last night. I am very embarrassed... guess I was too tired
Elizabeth N.
on 11/16/11 11:48 pm, edited 12/31/11 7:17 am - Burlington County, NJ


(deactivated member)
on 11/17/11 12:25 am
Thank you, I really apprecate this.
on 11/16/11 11:29 am
If I were you, I would call tomorrow morning and at the very least postpone surgery until you have a clue what 'this a DS' actually is and the post-op requirements this surgery entails. 

I don't recognize your surgeon as a vetted DS surgeon and given how complex revisions can be wouldn't let them touch me until I had done my homework and was sure they could do an actual Duodenal Switch.    Unfortunately some folks on OH have gone in thinking they were going to get a DS but instead got something else entirely.  (some call this bait and don't switch)

PLEASE go to and the Duodenal Switch message board and start reading.  Don't gamble with your life - it is the only one you have.
                                      ~  Kim  ~

                             HW - 283        SW - 257.5     Goal - 156
Thanks to all the DS vets who have paid it forward - I <3 you guys!  
Looking for DS support & information?   Check out :
(deactivated member)
on 11/16/11 12:05 pm, edited 1/26/12 12:00 am

This comment removed for privacy protection from OH.

Ms. Cal Culator
on 11/16/11 12:23 pm, edited 11/16/11 12:26 pm - Tuvalu

You need to postpone your surgery because ALL OF US know more about what your surgeon is going to try to make happen inside your body than you do.

And, he does not do a revision to the DS.

And you are going to have a VERY, VERY serious revision and you won't be able to "undo" this one. 

If you have Brain One, you will put this on hold.

If you do NOT have Brain One, get your affairs in order.

(deactivated member)
on 11/16/11 12:34 pm - San Jose, CA
Holy crap.  There are only about 5 surgeons in the US qualified to convert an RNY into a DUODENAL switch, and your listed surgeon isn't one of them.  In fact, he's not even a VIRGIN DS surgeon.

It sounds to me like he's giving you an ERNY - making the intestinal part of your surgery FAR more malabsorptive - without touching your pouch and CERTAINLY without converting it into a VSG (vertical sleeve gastrectomy).

THE ERNY IS THE WORST OF BOTH (RNY AND DS) WORLDS - you get all the negatives of both procedures.

RUN AWAY!  FAR AWAY!  At the very least, learn what you are getting, and what you are in for, before you allow that surgeon to do this to you!!
on 11/16/11 12:52 pm - Provo, UT
Please understand that no-one is attacking YOU. It is just that this is VERY serious surgery that can NOT be undone. We all know of people who were left with a terrible mess. PLEASE don't become one of them!

A true DS is a very powerful surgery that does amazing things to help people with their weight loss. But there is a LOT that you need to know to make it work for you. That includes knowing which surgeons are qualified to do the surgery properly.

RNY revision to a DS is another thing entirely. It is VERY complicated, because the surgeon has to basically dis-assemble your pouch to make a whole stomach again, so that he can then make the gastric sleeve which is the top half of a true DS.

To leave the top half a pouch, or especially a smaller pouch like you are wanting to do, would NOT be a DS, and if your inexperienced surgeon is calling it a DS, that is a big sign that he doesn't know what he is talking about!

When your digestive system isn't happy, ain't nobody happy! You don't want to SUFFER for the rest of your life, do you?

Please, Please PLEASE, call in sick or whatever you have to do, to delay that surgery while you learn about the DS and what it can do for you IF you go into this with your eyes wide open, and make sure you don't get some kind of horrible surgery that is not really the DS and which cripples your digestive system FOREVER!

These people who have answered your post DO KNOW WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT!

               Recovering from the Duodenal Switch~
                HW - 495 / CW - 382 / GW - 175    Joanne B. is my Angel 