Lap band or gastric bypass?

on 7/13/11 4:11 pm - Langley, Canada
 So my dr. gave me the options of having a lap band or gastric bypass. Im just curious what people have to say about the 2 surgeries and whats better. thanks! :)
(deactivated member)
on 7/13/11 4:14 pm
Of these two procedures RNY has been shown to be more effective. However, your surgeon didn't tell you about two better surgery options, the duodenal switch and vertical sleeve gastrectomy. You can find info in the links in my signature. Please do extensive research before choosing a procedure.
Amy Farrah Fowler
on 7/14/11 12:03 am
 If I thought restriction alone would be enough, I'd get the sleeve (I think the band should be illegal-WAY too high a failure rate, and the makers have to much financial interest to let that happen).

If I felt that restriction with malabsorption was needed, then DS.

Having the pylorus taken out of the equation is bad news.
Nic M
on 7/14/11 12:56 am
The band is the most awful contraption there is. It's right up there with thumb screws. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.

The problem with the lapband is that the soft tissue of the stomach doesn't really like being pressed upon and revolts down the line. The result is reoperation, revision, removal of band... usually somewhere in the vicinity of 2-4 years down the road. It's not a good long term option.
It nearly killed me, so I speak from experience.

If I could have a Do-Over, I'd choose the Sleeve (VSG).  I have severe damage from the lapband, so I'm not sure it is even an option for me, though.

Research A LOT. Keep your eyes and ears open to ALL you read. It's incredibly important to know the bad stuff because it can happen.

I wish you the best in whatever you decide.

Take care.


 Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI


(deactivated member)
on 7/14/11 1:18 am
I know things are different in Canada because of your medical system, but there are 4 types of WLS.  Please investigate them all before making a final decision.  You didn't mention how much weight you are looking to lose, or any co morbidities you might have (like diabetes). If I had to do it all again I'd get the VSG, only because I know I'm so bad at remembering to take pills and supplementation is non negotiable with the  DS.
on 7/14/11 5:13 am
Your profile says you're financing this surgery yourself. Therefore, you can get any form of WLS that you choose. Choose your procedure FIRST, then seek out the best surgeon available who does THAT procedure.

Of the FOUR forms of WLS, here's the order in which I would choose to have them:

DS/duodenal switch---and I did, 7.5 years ago.

VSG/Sleeve---same stomach as the DS, with no malabsorption. Probably a good option for you, with a BMI of 39.

RNY/gastric bypass---man-made pouch, with stoma, rather than a normal stomach. Would advise against, unless GERD is a big consideration.

No WLS, stay fat.

LapBand---see above. (Also see )

If price is a consideration, research surgeons in Mexico, Brazil, Spain, etc.
on 7/14/11 5:22 am - TX
I was given the same choices you were a little more than 2 years ago.  I chose the band and have been very satisfied with the results.

I was SMO, but only had undiagnosed sleep apnea as a co-morbidity.  If you have some other health problems along with obesity, you might want a surgery that will pretty much guarantee you'll get the weight off fast.   However, I did lose as fast as many ByPass patients...  100lbs in 7 months.  I know I'm unusual.

Do research all 4 surgeries, talk to other people who are currently living with the surgeries.  Try the forums for each surgery and you might even consider looking at the failed WLS forum.

Best of luck to you.
"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." Reinhold Niebuhr

Elizabeth N.
on 7/14/11 5:31 am - Burlington County, NJ
Neither one. Get the vertical sleeve gastrectomy or the duodenal switch instead. Both are infinitely better than band or bypass. But whatever you do, do NOT get a band. It has the worst record of them all by every possible measure, but in particular the lowest maintained excess weight loss and the highest reoperation rates.

Learn more about the best option of them all, the duodenal switch, at and on the DS forum here on OH.

on 7/14/11 7:18 am - Athens, GA

Gastric bypass...........VSG..........or DS. U have 4 options not 2. Anything BUT the band would be a good option.

I have the band and I would not recommend it to my worst enemy!


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