on 1/21/10 6:23 pm
Most of us have work related aquintances on our facebook sites as well as high school and college friends etc. How does OH presume that we would not want to reserve the choice of telling who we want selectively about our WLS and that we would want our OH posts sent to everyone we know ?!
Even members whose work lives wouldn't be negatively impacted if people knew about their surgery have a right to privacy .
The way I see it OH is setting itself up for a VERY expensive lawsuit since they haven't told anyone about this change and its only a matter of time until a judge , or a City Council member or someone else in public life here has their WLS on some scandal sheet thanks to a mass facebook "sharing" courtesy of OH .
We don't deserve to have our hard won careers and future prospects ruined thanks to the carelessness and greediness of OH . However much the OH website is getting paid for enabling this data mining by facebook and google - they will lose much more by losing the confidence of their members.
I personally am about to delete my profile permanently because of this .

I believe in getting the message of weight loss surgery to those in need.. but I prefer that those in need come here for it. Not on a site for some social rubber neckers.

I have shared private moments in my life here including my bathroom habits. If this is true about Facebook, we need to organize some way of stopping it from happening.
It angers me that this Facebook issue will take away from the important issues that need to be discussed on this site.
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286/170/131 (starting/goal/current)
LBL - 10-30-08, brachioplasty/augmentation 2-26-09, medial thigh lift 3-16-09
Plastics - Dr. Joseph Fodero
286/170/140/131 (starting weight/goal/surgeons goal/current)
LBL 10-30-08 - Joseph Fodero
Brachioplasty/Breast Augmentation - 2=24-09
Life is tough, but my God is TOUGHER
"There is more to life than increasing its speed.? Gandhi
The Greatest Pleasure In Life Is Doing What People Say You Cannot Do....
377/331/198/175 Highest/WLS/Current/Goal
on 1/21/10 7:22 pm
So You could concievably get in trouble with Your company though You Yourself haven't posted anything there at all .
Those of us who tried to help and inspire other OH members by posting before and after pictures and avatars with our smiling faces could easily be linked back to our real names and real lives though those names are not used on OH .
I just can't believe the OH administrators haven't thought through the ramifications of this change in policy . The whole reason this site has grown exponentially is because members feel safe and free to be themselves- warts and all. We post about the most embarassing and personal things all the time- we reply frankly to others questions.
Would I even want to come here and interact knowing everything I say could be used to embarass me now or hurt me in the future ? Of course not .
When I came to OH two years ago it was only used by people who already had an interest in WLS . I knew I was taking a small risk by posting my picture but because I wasn't using my last name - I figured I was safe . Now anybody who knows who i am can just link my profile here to my facebook page - and because there are so many members already linked as friends in facebook - finding me through them is NOT that hard .
As a matter of fact a friend who did not know my last name surprised me in Chat just today saying she say my pics on my facebook profile . This new link WORKS - and works WELL - way too well for our security .
I think we need to insist as a group that it be removed pronto . If members want to make a thread or post to their OWN facebook accounts as in the past that's fine - but giving anybody the option to out the rest of us with the touch of a button is NOT ok .
I regret having to do this but I'm privatizing my profile on OH which means a newcomer can't see it or read it when i speak to them in chat - nor can someone who likes my posts view it without requesting to be my friend. A lot less effective interaction will be the immediate result .
I thought OH was founded to HELP us not hurt us - where are You Eric?
Life is tough, but my God is TOUGHER
"There is more to life than increasing its speed.? Gandhi
The Greatest Pleasure In Life Is Doing What People Say You Cannot Do....
377/331/198/175 Highest/WLS/Current/Goal
Avaava & All Others,
Is there someone at OH that we can contact on this. Maybe if we all send emails outlining our concerns and they may change it back????
Also, I just changed my profile to private, so if anyone still sees my information please let me know. I am not sure if I have to do something further. This is such a shame. I just wrote a reflection blog on my first six months post surgery and there have been so many newbies that wrote to me on how it helped them. Now no one will be able to see this anymore.