Why can't I have SUGAR? (I am 7wks post op RNY)
Why, OH, Why... can't I eat sugar now that I have had RN Y?
I am almost seven weeks post-op and so far sugar and I are still friends.
People have told me I will not be able to tolerate more than 6-12 g per serving...
Well, I had Cotton Candy last night at my town's annual Christmas Parade...
I waited to have my first bout of 'dumping' but, thankfully, it never came...
In fact, I have not 'dumped' yet...
I am not bragging, I promise.
But, I am totally confused...
I seem to be fine with everything I put in my mouth...
(I just can only eat tiny amounts of each item I've tried- because I feel sooo full)
Is this just short-lived, and soon I will be dying when I eat sugar,
are there any RNYers out there that can enjoy a bag of Cotton Candy once a year?
I have Cut and Pasted My Final Post from Page 4 of this HOT AS HELL TOPIC:
The response to my Q has literally overwhelmed me, so, I wanted you to know my final thoughts before you read all of these responses...
I feel so "beaten down" right now:
This will be my FINAL POST
on this obviously HEATED, HOT, HOT TOPIC...
Man, I am exhausted...
I bet I will never crave Cotton Candy AGAIN...
It is now tainted by the ugliness of some of the posters responses to my sincere Q about 'dumping on sugar'...
I hope no one (with a sensitive heart like mine) ever asks a Q of their safe, non-judgemental OH Club peers that they are not prepared to receive some very harsh answers...
I know that I should be strong and just take what you all doled out to me,
As you might guess, my weight has shattered whatever little self-esteem I may have had at one time...
I have been stomped on enough for today...
I will see you all again when I feel revived...
WORDS HURT... they cause REAL damage...
So, please, think about your words (re-read what you write) before you press the send button...
Would you want to receive what you have written if you were on the other end???
May everyone *****ad this post be enlightened by this experience...
Whether this post made you think about:
sugar intake at 7 weeks post op/dumping on sugar/your personal journey with sugar/your struggles with self-control or moderation of sugar/or if you simply enjoyed witnessing the slaughter of a NEWBIE *****ally needs support right now while their brain is trying to catch up with their new body...
May you all have the happiest of holidays...
And by all means... avoid sugar like it is the PLAGUE!!!!
God Bless,
AGAIN, this is my Final Post on the subject...Thanks!
A tablespoon of ketchup has 3.8 grams of carbs, mostly from sugar. Would y'all be jumping down her throat if she's said "OMG! I ate a tablespoon of ketchup!"?
I think everyone needs to remember to read the labels.
By the time I try to get all that in...I have no room left and many days I simply dont make all my goals...I do lack veggies and fruits a lot still.
'would rather get gunned down than dumbed down...K'naan
OK...I know, I know, I know...
I should be hung upside down & burned at the stake for eating Cotton Candy at 7wks post op...
Can we please get past the fact that I had a few bites of cotton candy...
(BIG ONES, if I am truly honest, BUT, just 3 bites)
Can someone PLEASE answer my very sincere Question...
Can RNY Survivors EAT Larger Amounts of Sugar without 'dumping'...
Thank you for RESPONDING to the QUESTION..
PLEASE do NOT reprimand me... I am very fragile today...
Thanks so much and may God Bless you for your understanding... XXOO