WLS'rs- Why do you do this to yourselves?

on 8/2/09 10:19 am, edited 8/2/09 12:38 pm - South Orange County, CA
I’m just like so many of you. Really.

Just over 6 years post-op from WLS. A duodenal switch (DS) which has truly been a gift from the gods. Like so many of you, I researched my options and really didn’t like very much of what I was seeing starting some 15 years ago in the options available then. The DS was still in it’s infancy, and I wanted more back then from the published studies even though the DS had been performed some 5 or 6 years prior with preliminary promising results.  

Ok, so I am gifted with a Naval medical background that allowed me to sift through some of the wheat from the chaff of the the medical literature both then, and perhaps even more now with my increased interest and research to date in the subject matter. Was very encouraged with the lap band not that many years ago long before it was approved in this country. The hard data quickly sent me running away from that solution and were I looking now at the sleeve alone, still in it’s infancy, I would still run for the hills, given what we are seeing the further out studies have been done. Too early to say yet definitively, but this early out it would appear not much better than the lap band as a purely restrictive procedure.

My background and research hardly makes me even remotely an expert, but it seems to me even the most average intellects prosecuting a basic inquiry into morbid obesity and the surgical intervention solution sets available that the same conclusions that even
this simpleton came to would be more readily shared.  Sadly, from the posts here and all over the various boards over the years, I’m NOT seeing the enlightenment that should by now be forthcoming. 15 years ago we were not all on the net, but now that most of us are, I’m left wondering even more now, “Why?" My bias is clearly more with science. Anecdotal evidence can be helpful, but it has limited utility. So much of OH’s posts are anecdotal and that’s perfectly fine and expected in this forum, certainly in the the short-term.  But with all the vast informational data available, I have to get back to my basic question? Why do you do this to yourselves? By that I mean have you learned anything from being morbidly obese and the challenges this, your  likely lifelong dilemm presents ?

Seemed painfully obvious to me from the beginning, but why not you folks?

  1. DIETS don’t work for 95% (+) of us. And but for the simple rules the DS requires, one can check DIETING with the DS forever at the door! Crickey, people, have we not learned that diets don’t work?? Do NOT think for a moment I was not every bit as DESPERATE as all of you to get the damn weight off. I was SMO at just over 400 lbs. I was not about to risk my life to just have to do what? - More dieting AFTER WLS with the very real risk of significant regain coupled with even MORE RESTRICTIVE diet protocol than pre-op to be, well, hopefully successful? Damn it, people, most of us have managed to get significant amounts of weight off dieting, but haven’t we all learned KEEPING it OFF is really what’s KEY?

  2. Most of us who find ourselves morbidly obese are metabolically challenged. Translation- It’s not your fault. The DS is really the only WLS intervention that addresses this well. So well, that the majority of us can live and and eat normally without appreciable regain out long-term. Put simply, we DS Post-Ops have the VERY BEST Stats overall for maximum excess weight loss and KEEPING it off out long-term. Good Science doesn’t lie.

  3. I already hear the detractors.... "But no, you’re wrong. IT IS MY FAULT! I made the wrong choices in my eating habits. Therefore, I deserve to be punished for my gluttonous sins and that is singularly the reason I find myself morbidly, or super morbidly obese!  So, I will get my TOOL- lose weight and then no matter what might history was, I will be successful because, well, I’m motivated and ready to make the change. Why, because all I need is a tool and damn it, I have dieted successfully in the past." 

Well, damn it, some of you are successful with the other WLS types out long-term. But I have yet to meet a single one out of hundreds who managed to do so without a complete, and total change in lifestyle. Read HARD WORK with following highly restrictive rules with more DIETING and EXERCISE. Again, possible, but for you pre-ops how has DIETING and EXERCISE worked out for you in the past LONG-TERM?

Look, people, fat or thin we could all stand to make better choices in food consumption. But, should that translate in a LIFETIME of PUNISHMENT though risking your life for WLS to do what? A regiment of more Self-Punishment at just MORE DIETING for the rest of your life? Not only more dieting, but more restrictive dieting than you have likely ever done in the past  Oh, but now you have a F**ning tool... PLEASE! Just look at the posts here and elsewhere on the boards. Revision and failed WLS boards are one thing, but one only needs to look here on the main OH board to see the perioperative misery and that which can be seen out longer term. Sorry, I’m empathetic even sympathetic to those you suffering, but I just see MORE and MORE of the same self-PUNISHMENT, meaning it’s ALL my fault attitude! "

HELP! I had my surgery and I’m miserable! Puking, dumping, not dumping- can I eat  a piece of damn fruit without fear of dumping? Why can’t I drink with meals and take NSAIDS for my excessive weight induced joint pain? God help me because I don't dump! I can't depend on medieval dumping negative reinforcement to control cravings?"  Point out the fact the DS doesn’t have such nonsense to deal with, and we’re castigated as almost evil in how simple life can beand eating normally.

What the hell is so bad wanting to live a normal life eating like a normally thin person does? Meaning those people pretty much eat what they like. I eat normally and drink with my meals with a few simple rules of protein and supplements first, and the rest can be gravy, often literally? Never mind, I WAS EVERY BIT AS DESPERATE AS ALL OF YOU to get my weight off ! But I hear the same thing over and over again. Can’t be bothered appealing my rights for the WLS surgery that is best for me.  I’ll worry about the dieting for life thing later after I get my TOOL and any appreciable regain, I might face later is a matter for another day.

 4. Admittedly, you folks at least willing to question whatever might be OFFERED UP to you have it tough. I hear ya.... “My consulting PCP and/or Surgeon really knows what’s best for me, and this is what my insurance says they will only approve. Why would I question their expertise?"  

Here’s a clue people. Surgery is largely a technical skill, at least at a fundamental basic level. Good surgeons need lots of other important satellite medical skills, but I'm already far too long here as it is. Frankly speaking, most Bariatric surgery procedures are dead simple to learn. The Duodenal Switch, is MUCH more technically difficult to accomplish and master well. Takes longer to perform under the knife, and sadly, insurance $ remuneration of said procedure is LESS for both the practitioner and hospital, ect. Read- little incentive to learn and fight convention that otherwise gets one and the participating hospital and other providers paid. Indeed,  It’s been my experience that far too many, if not most prospective Bariatric surgeons having developed a taste for surgery demonstrating, shall we say marginal promise in a general surgery rotation looking for a lucrative practice often gravitate to Bariatrics. And why not? Marginally gifted surgeons would be fools to pass up on this increasing burgeoning profitable opportunity. Bariatrics is now big business and don’t EVER believe that a practitioner NOT offering a WLS procedure like the DS will ever HONESTLY portray said procedure in anything but a negative light. Yes, there are exceptions with a very few ethical practitioners, but this is exceedingly RARE. I could live with a surgeon not wanting to promote a procedure he or she doesn’t perform, but I will never accept a physician lying to patients, or equally as bad, not staying current with the well known data/collective works within their practice and making that known to their patients making serious inquiries.

Indeed, it was long ago, I sat in seminar in the LA area and suffered from a well known technically gifted RNY and Lap band surgeon LYING about the DS to well over a hundred people. When I stood up, holding a sheaf of current studies refuting his lies- all well published and KNOWN among any but the most blind incompitnet Bariatric practitioner, he stumbled was basically left speechless only to pitifully offer and in anger that he had never seen such studies. “Next question please?"  

5. So back to my question, if I may?  So why do you many bright inquiring folks seeking WLS or previous failed WLS interventions ignore the data, stats and well researched studies to date? Why do you continue in the self-punishment mode that it’s all my fault, and if my WLS choice fails me, it’s still my fault because?? Well, I expected after getting my TOOL, I would be successful, BUT I found I couldn’t live with all the restrictive rules and MORE DIETING for LIFE."

Hello! Why do you morbidly and super-morbidly obese just like I was- knowing via research that there exist a medically sound alternative EXCEEDING the publishable success standard for WLS which equates to losing merely only 50 % of your EXCESS weight.  That’s right, you’re considered a WLS success if you only lose HALF of your excess weight which will leave many of you STILL morbidly obese? Bad enough a quack surgeon would perform a lap band on 4-or 500 lb SMO patient, but why would you as the recipient risk your life for WLS with such abysmal stats?

I’m a mere STAT, too. Successful, yes, at 6 years out, like LOTS of you even with other WLS types. The difference? I don’t have work at, or even think about the word DIETING. I can now safely avoid the term, “DIETING" in my vocabulary. I eat and live like a normally thin person.  I enjoy foods as they were meant to be. I absorb only 20 % of the fats consumed and I’m the envy of my PCP nearly 20 years younger when he reviews my labs. Long now having reached my nadir of weight loss, give or take 5 or 10 pounds, I eat what I want when I want. My Bacon, 4 fried eggs, toast liberally applied with butter was a healthy breakfast for me this morning. Last night I had two large pieces of rich cheesecake for desert. Somewhat unusual for me, but hardly out of the norm. That same large cheesecake has been in the fridge for 3 weeks. Before my DS, it would have been gone the same day or by the next. But again, it’s about a NORMAL lifestyle, manageable cravings easily satiated now post WLS. Not possible for me without my duodenal switch and most certainly NOT possible with any other WLS type without worry of significant regain out long-term.      

So why do I see so many of you pre-ops and those needing revisions refuse to give yourself a break? Have you not been PUNISHED ENOUGH? Isn’t it about time you get off the self-HATING FOREVER DIETING TRAIN? Why not give the DS at least serious consideration before falling in with the lemmings that opt for an RNY, Lap band, etc.... Most of you have choice, at least for now, even if you have to appeal and travel to get your rightful surgical intervention. That may change if this nation moves to the so called government- single payer option.   

No, the DS is NOT for everyone, especially those that can’t follow the FEW dead simple rules of adequate protein first, religious adherence to necessary supplements and regular lab work needed, but I continue to be AMAZED that otherwise seemingly good WLS candidates opt out because these folks can’t be bothered taking a few supplement pills a day. Sheesh!   Never mind it’s equally important the RNY and other post-ops do the same. More often than not, as so many of you might seem inclined to believe, a liberal more normal eating lifestyle post WLS lifestyle just isn’t possible from your mindset. Understandable, from so much MISINFORMATION out there, but HOGWASH! You have a CHOICE. Exercise it from a FULLY informed position! This is the rest of your life we’re talking about.

Questions, hate mail ;-) ? Fine. PM me at your leisure, or better yet, come over to the DS forum where the really informed reside. 

http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/DS/a,messageboard/board_id ,5357/

Think twice, cut once,

on 8/2/09 10:41 am - CA
Won against big bad (SoCal) Kaiser for a Duodenal Switch  Haven't heard of DS? Kaiser wants it that way. Come on over & read the truth
Hit goal (Normal BMI) on 2-10-11!    I LOVE my DS!!
My approval process timeline:
02/12/09 - Dr. refused to refer me for WLS
03/03/09 - Vented/whined about it on another board, planned to just wait until next year & switch plans
Let's see what happens!  **updates in blog**
Mary *.
on 8/2/09 10:44 am - TX
Everyone considering WLS should take the time to read this post.

Thanks for the info. I had RNY 3 years ago and am doing pretty well. I considered DS in making my decision and opted for RNY. I was a revision from VBG and my insurance would only cover the RNY so my options were lilmited.  I think DS is a good option for many people. I just wanted to thank you for taking the time to give this info to all the future WLS'ers. Knowledge is the key to making a good decision for yourself and everyone should do a great deal of research before making any procedure choices. Just wanted to thank you for taking the time to inform people. Have a great day!
Valerie G.
on 8/2/09 10:53 am - Northwest Mountains, GA
Maaannnn, we don't hear from you in ages, and out comes this?
What got into you to get all of that off your chest?

DS 2005

There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes

on 8/2/09 11:42 am, edited 8/2/09 11:44 am - South Orange County, CA
Answer: SIMPLE. You need look no further then your own mirror, Valerie.

Gorgeous, happy and living the "the good life." I want that for all the rest of the so afflicted here. One can take so much in the way of posted obvious pain and disappointment here, not to mention late night PMs needing a little insight and overdue self-forgiveness. 

You and I got lucky for whatever reasons. Due diligence in research? Maybe, but damn, aren't we the fortunate few, girl!!? I'm not given to flights of fancy or utopian ideas, but I want we the fortunate few had to be what we the fortunate MANY, or MORE can have.

Anne V.
on 8/2/09 10:54 am
I will take the bait.  I am really glad that your surgery worked so well for you.  From the many advocates on this board for DS, I see that it is a good choice for them as well.  I thoroughly researched every aspect of the surgery for many years before I made the decision to have RNY.  Please respect my decision to have the surgery that I felt was best for me, in consultation with my surgeon, and medical team.  This is supposed to be a supportive community, and it really doesn't contribute to the group as a whole when advocates for any particular surgery resort to patronizing those who make other choices. 
(deactivated member)
on 8/2/09 11:16 am - Woodbridge, VA
Since you admit you took the bait, could you elaborate on the reasons you chose the RNY over the DS? Could be helpful information for lurking pre-ops who are still trying to make their own decisions.
on 8/2/09 11:11 am - CO
Could it be because some experienced DS surgeons suggest other weight loss surgery for some of their patients?

  If it feels good, do it!  And if it smells good, eat it!

(deactivated member)
on 8/2/09 11:14 am - Woodbridge, VA
You're right, and I'm sure they have NO reason for doing so...*cough*money*cough*trying-to-gather-VSG-stats-and-research*cough*

Surgeons are only human, too, and don't always recommend the best procedure for each patient. Some surgeons have also been burned by patients *****fuse to comply with basic rules and follow-up, and then the surgeon gets in trouble for those patients' stupidity.

And then, on occasion, there IS a good reason why the DS would not be a good fit for a patient.
on 8/2/09 12:44 pm - Horn Lake, MS
I agree with your statement here, even though I am chosing RNY. My previous surgeon lied to me like he did the RNY back in March and then I go thru the process of getting everything together he talked me into the VSG which I was like sounds good let me try, well the insurance denied me twice so I go back and asked for the RNY he said "I don't do that kind of surgery on people like you!"

So I to fight to get the RNY because he then said we can do lap band and I refuse to take that **** because I know I have way too much weight to lose for that! So to make a long story short he is/has made my journey a living hell!! Just went and got a second opinion Friday and I was really happy with that surgeon. I still don't want to try for the DS, and yes I have thoroughly researched it, and no NO one has given me any ill info on it. I CHOSE not to pursue that surgery. This is a very informative post I must say and yes everyone considering surgery should look into this especially if it's obtainable.
HW: 284 SW: 273 1st Goal: 200 2nd Goal (PCP): 150 Surgeon's goal 140                          
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