does anybodys feet and hands stay cold all the time?

on 1/11/07 5:39 pm - La Place, LA
My arms, hands, legs and feed are always cold. Does anyone have the same problem?
Jeannie A.
on 1/11/07 5:52 pm - Stockbridge, GA
Yes! I stay cold all the time, I know that it is because I do not have as much fat as I did thhis time last year. But I'm adjusting! Take care,  Jeannie
Jeannie Armstrong   
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on 1/11/07 6:01 pm - manchester, NJ
my hands are freezzzzzzzing all the time. it drives me nuts. i guess the price we pay for being on the losing side, but heck ill live with it. good luck, jacki



annette R.
on 1/11/07 6:07 pm - ithaca, NY
There is no longer a part of my body that is not cold any more. I used to be hot and sweaty constantly. It is easier to get warm than it was to get cool though. Losing 98 pounds of fat took away my insulation. Brr cold - all the time.
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
on 1/11/07 6:07 pm - Chalmette, LA
Pattie, that appears to be very common among WLS patients, but I have no idea why it happens. Earlier tonight Lynn said it was because of lack of vitamins. I've heard others say it's because of lack of protein. Then there's the theory that it's because of weight loss. All explanations sound plausible. I will say this, though. I've had cold hands and feet (I've joked about my "Icy Fingers of Death") since long before surgery. Actually, I never really noticed it until after I had gained a lot of weight. This leads me to think it might be due to hormones. However, after dropping 90 lbs., my hands and feet still freeze. So, I don't know, either my hormones are still messed up, or whatever nutritional deficiency I have now was also present before surgery. In addition, my husband noticed that for the first time ever, he finds me shivering while I'm asleep, which means that my whole body gets cold. Over the past couple months, I've been sleeping in thermal pajamas topped with a plush robe and two Vellux blankets, so I know I've gotten more cold-sensitive in general since surgery. So, basically, you're by no means alone in getting cold. Unfortunately, I haven't the slightest idea why this happens. But let me know if you find out, OK?

on 1/11/07 6:34 pm - Charlotte, NC
I stay cold all the time myself.  I can't seem to get warm these days.  Even at 18 months out, it feel like it did when I was a new post op.  I just grab a throw and turn on my little seems to help a bit.  Try to keep warm. Moni
Kathy C
on 1/11/07 7:38 pm
MONI!! Nice to see you back online!! Hope the move went well!!

Back to the question......yes im cold all over all the time. I wear thermal underwear under my cloths and am still cold. Lots of hot baths for me!



Anchor cut Tummy Tuck
muscle tightening 6/20/07


on 1/11/07 7:44 pm - Charlotte, NC
Hi Kathy, Yeah we made it here safely.  It was an interesting drive here (I wrote about it on my  I have been in lurker mode for most of the week...but I have been here.  I am finally feeling like myself a  Nice to see you too.  Take care. Moni
Ann J.
on 1/11/07 7:33 pm - Summerville, SC
Jane M.
on 1/11/07 7:56 pm - Williamsburg, VA
I will have to say I have times when I am litterally "Freezing to my bones"! I have to take a hot shower and bundle up afterward to get my core temp back up. some people say that it's Iron levels that cause this but since my Iron level is finally in the normal range, I'm still freezing. My theory is it's the lack of fat in our diet. I eat very little fat now, mainly because it's makes me feel very "icky". Between th lack of fat in the diet and the overall loss of body Fat in general combined with our hormone levels, we get very cold. It doens't go away. I think I get colder now more than ever. I just stay bundled up in the winter, more than most. You never see me without my fuzzy socks and a sweatshirt on in the winter, I've even been known to sleep in them. Considering I used to sweat when I took a shower, It's not a bad trade off.
Jane~~RNY w/Silastic band 9/8/04
328 highest/301 Day Of Surgery/155 goal/137lbs
and below goal and maintaining for 2 years!!!!
BA/BL, Fleur-di-lys TT 11/2006
Buttock/Outer Thigh Lift 2/2007
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