Questions for surgeon consult
VSG on 11/01/12
I have my consult with my surgeon on Tues. I'm very excited but nervous too. Anyway, I have a list of questions for him but thought I would ask if there is any question you wish you would have asked? Or what was the best question you asked? I'm pretty sure I have all the "standard" ones...I've been writing things down for months when I think of them. Just curious. Don't want to leave anything out! Especially since I won't have anyone with me at the appt.
Revision on 08/21/12
I wanted to know how big he made his sleeves, what his complication rates were, how long I would be in the hospital, what to expect and NOT expect from a sleeve, etc. I had already researched very well but I wanted the surgeon to tell me, too. Good luck.
VSG on 11/01/12
What his mortality rate is, what is his rate of complications - minor/major, what sort of results have his patients had, length of hospital stay , will I have a drain, what sort of leak testing does he do, long term care plan, specific guidelines for diet, long term effects of VSG/ghrelin reduction, size of stomach/technique and why, pre-op diet, exercise limits/plan, how long til returning to work, when can I drive.