How big is a VSG
That seems really small to me. I asked my doctor what size my stomach is now (that was at 2-month check up), and he was kind of hesitant to commit to a specific size. He did tell me that he put a thin tube into my stomach and stapled three overlapping rows next to the tube before cutting away the rest of the stomach and pulling out the tube. My stomach is the same length it was before surgery, just much thinner. I guess it could be about the diameter of my middle finger but I think it is a bit wider and longer. After three months, I can eat about six ounces (or more depending on how empty my stomach is when I eat); I don't see that much food fitting into my middle finger.
Good question, my daughter and hubby had it done and surgeon said it was about as long as his index finger, and that appears to be about 5-6 inches long, as far as how wide not sure but thinking probably 2-3 inches wide. They say holds 3-4 ounces. Ask your doc to tell you how long in inches and width that is. I do know that they both say that although they can not eat much they do feel full and satisfied and they are about 2 months post op and no longer have food cravings like they did before. I think that is fantastic and am hoping mine gets approved soon. I have a band and is not working for me. Good luck to you, I think it is the best decision my daughter and hubby have ever made.

On July 16, 2011 at 2:23 PM Pacific Time, Pbell wrote:
Hey all,Just went to my 1 month post-op and they told me that my sleeve is about the size of my middle finger???? I knew it was small, but really??? OMG... what have you all heard?

You want to hear something that will blow your mind? The RNY stomach is characterized as the size of a Large Chicken Egg. Many of the RNY patients that attend the monthly meeting at Bridges actually carry a plastic Easter Egg with them to remind themselves of the correct portion size when they sit down to eat!
My sleeve only holds 4 oz of dense food like chicken, fish, veggies, but I can drink about 8 oz of fluid until I have to stop and wait to drink more (like my morning shake/coffee that totals 16 oz takes 45 minutes to consume completely).
ROCK that VSG!.... Craig