Thanks for coming.......
I just want to tell everyone how much I appreciate you coming out to the picnic, even with the ugly weather. Phil and I had a great time and enjoyed all the company. A special thanks to Melinda for all the goodies, next time I want that darn Blender Ball that you and everyone is talking about.............
Amy I'm glad that you and Conner was able to come down, he is the cutiest little man, I hope that your drive was not too bad and he didn't have to go home in the buff with only those little Dalmation's on his
Tina, Scott, Beth, Melinda, thanks for helping with the cleanup.
Denise, we enjoyed Ms. Tuesday, she is so sweet, my 3 four legged kids, threw I fit when we got home, they knew that we had been cheating on
Kenny and Missy, so glad that ya'll got to make it. I was telling Phil about your new support group and I think he has some ideas and I think he is going to PM you in the next few days.
Even though we didn't have all the games as last year and not quite as many people it still all turned out great.
Thanks for the donations, they will be going to the Walk from Obesity.
Amy I'm glad that you and Conner was able to come down, he is the cutiest little man, I hope that your drive was not too bad and he didn't have to go home in the buff with only those little Dalmation's on his
Tina, Scott, Beth, Melinda, thanks for helping with the cleanup.
Denise, we enjoyed Ms. Tuesday, she is so sweet, my 3 four legged kids, threw I fit when we got home, they knew that we had been cheating on
Kenny and Missy, so glad that ya'll got to make it. I was telling Phil about your new support group and I think he has some ideas and I think he is going to PM you in the next few days.
Even though we didn't have all the games as last year and not quite as many people it still all turned out great.
Thanks for the donations, they will be going to the Walk from Obesity.
Thanks for coordinating it Cheryl. I enjoyed the food, and the company.... too bad the sun didn't decide to peek its presence out too! But fortunately we did not get poured on.
I enjoyed meeting some new folks... Kenny, Missy, Denise, Amy, Connor, and the little puppy!!
Here's the cute little cake that Phil & Cheryl gave to Connor for his birthday... after Connor stuck his fingers in it of course!

I enjoyed meeting some new folks... Kenny, Missy, Denise, Amy, Connor, and the little puppy!!
Here's the cute little cake that Phil & Cheryl gave to Connor for his birthday... after Connor stuck his fingers in it of course!

Good Morning All!
Well, you all wore me out yesterday, I came home and fell asleep for 4 hours. It was hard stalking ( Denise's words) Connor with my camera! But man, that boy sure is photogenic, and knows how to work it!
So, here are the pics I took from yesterday, so jump right in and enjoy!

How many WLS patients does it take to eat a birthday cake?

None when you have a newly crowned 3 year old with fingers!

But Mom, it sure is good!
Now I have to burn off some energy!

Caught ya!
Oh man, I left my rubber ducky at home!
Kenny, I thought I brought your rubber ducky.
I know it's here somewhere?

I'm just gonna sit here and smile,
at least I'm not getting in trouble!

We're taking a clue from Melinda, and being good!

I can almost read their minds...
"Sometime it's just easier being around dogs!"

Watch out Melinda, it seems we might have
2 new Lean Body Girls coming your way!

One Happy Group!!!!
Thanks for taking all the pics of the group Tim!!!!
All in all, it was a wonderful day (rain and all). Lot's of good weight loss friendly food and fellowship! I can't wait until the next time!
If you've never been to a gathering of this type, make plans to attend one soon! We have a blast, but more importantly, this is simply another link in the chain of support!
C Ya! Have a great day!
Well, you all wore me out yesterday, I came home and fell asleep for 4 hours. It was hard stalking ( Denise's words) Connor with my camera! But man, that boy sure is photogenic, and knows how to work it!
So, here are the pics I took from yesterday, so jump right in and enjoy!

How many WLS patients does it take to eat a birthday cake?

None when you have a newly crowned 3 year old with fingers!

But Mom, it sure is good!

Now I have to burn off some energy!

Caught ya!

Oh man, I left my rubber ducky at home!

Kenny, I thought I brought your rubber ducky.
I know it's here somewhere?

I'm just gonna sit here and smile,
at least I'm not getting in trouble!

We're taking a clue from Melinda, and being good!

I can almost read their minds...
"Sometime it's just easier being around dogs!"

Watch out Melinda, it seems we might have
2 new Lean Body Girls coming your way!

One Happy Group!!!!
Thanks for taking all the pics of the group Tim!!!!
All in all, it was a wonderful day (rain and all). Lot's of good weight loss friendly food and fellowship! I can't wait until the next time!
If you've never been to a gathering of this type, make plans to attend one soon! We have a blast, but more importantly, this is simply another link in the chain of support!
C Ya! Have a great day!
Denise M.
on 5/2/09 10:16 pm
on 5/2/09 10:16 pm
LOVE THEM!!!! How fantastic!!!
You're right--Connor is the most adorable, photogenic kid I've seen in ages. Those big, blue eyes! What a cutie! I love how Amy was threatening to send him home with Uncle Scott, who kept encouraging him to dig into all that blue icing with lots and lots of fingers. Baahahahahaha!
I look pretty sloppy because my rain jacket is getting kinda big. Cool! I look forward to posing for another picture with Amy at the next event so you can see how much we're shrinking!
I highly encourage our fellow TN board pals to come to the next event as it was great fun. And like you said, Scott, "it's another link in the chain of support!" That is very critical to success, in my opinion.
Poor Tuesday is STILL pooped from getting all the love from everyone. She sends her shedding fur love to all!
Great pictures Mel and Scott--thanks for sharing!!!

You're right--Connor is the most adorable, photogenic kid I've seen in ages. Those big, blue eyes! What a cutie! I love how Amy was threatening to send him home with Uncle Scott, who kept encouraging him to dig into all that blue icing with lots and lots of fingers. Baahahahahaha!
I look pretty sloppy because my rain jacket is getting kinda big. Cool! I look forward to posing for another picture with Amy at the next event so you can see how much we're shrinking!
I highly encourage our fellow TN board pals to come to the next event as it was great fun. And like you said, Scott, "it's another link in the chain of support!" That is very critical to success, in my opinion.
Poor Tuesday is STILL pooped from getting all the love from everyone. She sends her shedding fur love to all!
Great pictures Mel and Scott--thanks for sharing!!!

It was so much fun, well unless you look at the one pic of me holding Connor.. wow what a grouchy face!
He was sound asleep, nearly naked wrapped in a blanket in his carseat by the time we got to Briley Parkway. Connor woke up when we pulled into the carport and started crying. I got him out, and held him. "I wanna go back to the picnic!" he said!
It was so great to see everyone!!
He and I have been busy this morning preparing for his party this afternoon, again in the rain!
Cheryl and Phil, thank you for all you did to make the picnic a great success! You too are wonderful, and give Connor another year or two and we will be doing the hockey games with ya!!
I'm not going to try and name names.. with the exception of Ms. Tuesday has a home anytime she wants a vacation in the mountains, Denise. Connor has gone on and on to Papa and Grandma about the dog with no tail!!!
We are off to church now... then party later.. then I'll talley the challenger bunnies!!
He was sound asleep, nearly naked wrapped in a blanket in his carseat by the time we got to Briley Parkway. Connor woke up when we pulled into the carport and started crying. I got him out, and held him. "I wanna go back to the picnic!" he said!
It was so great to see everyone!!
He and I have been busy this morning preparing for his party this afternoon, again in the rain!
Cheryl and Phil, thank you for all you did to make the picnic a great success! You too are wonderful, and give Connor another year or two and we will be doing the hockey games with ya!!
I'm not going to try and name names.. with the exception of Ms. Tuesday has a home anytime she wants a vacation in the mountains, Denise. Connor has gone on and on to Papa and Grandma about the dog with no tail!!!
We are off to church now... then party later.. then I'll talley the challenger bunnies!!
You would LOVE it up here in the mountains, Scott! Everything is picture perfect! Mom and Dad live in a log home that was built in 1865! There are all kinds of birds, the flowers are amazing that Mom and Dad grow... and then there is always Connor running around here on the mountain!
HEY, that invite is open to anyone who wants to get away from it all for a bit... we live at the end of three miles of country road... There is my parent's house, Connor and my house, and then my brother also has a house up here.
We'd love to have ya... come and sit a spell!!!! There are rocking chairs and swings on all the porches!!!
HEY, that invite is open to anyone who wants to get away from it all for a bit... we live at the end of three miles of country road... There is my parent's house, Connor and my house, and then my brother also has a house up here.
We'd love to have ya... come and sit a spell!!!! There are rocking chairs and swings on all the porches!!!