Allentown area fitness folks...
I wasn't really sure how to title the topic, but The Morning Call (Allentown based newspaper) has a weekly feature called the Weekly Workout Winner. I don't know that anything is won exactly, but you submit info about yourself and your exercise activities, etc... and I guess they pick a winner based on their submissions. Here is the one for this week...,0,422523 5.story
There are so many of you who exercise regularly and have made it such an important part of your post WLS success, so I have attached a link to the submission form. A lot of us our relatively private people, but if you are someone like I described above, submit your info. You deserve the recognition. Let the non-WLS public see that surgery isn't a quick fix and that you need to live a healthy, active lifestyle to succeed. Here is the link....,0,5680954.customform
Good luck if anyone submits their info.,0,422523 5.story
There are so many of you who exercise regularly and have made it such an important part of your post WLS success, so I have attached a link to the submission form. A lot of us our relatively private people, but if you are someone like I described above, submit your info. You deserve the recognition. Let the non-WLS public see that surgery isn't a quick fix and that you need to live a healthy, active lifestyle to succeed. Here is the link....,0,5680954.customform
Good luck if anyone submits their info.
Thanks for the info.....there most certainly are a LOT of people on this board who deserve a LOT of recognition for their fitness levels!
Your comment about making the public see that surgery is not the quick many of us (myself included) whine and complain about how none of the public "understands" it.....but how many of us really take the time to put ourselves out there PUBLICLY....
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.