Kingley Health Rocks!

on 6/10/09 6:11 am
I can. Those two words inhabit my every day thoughts now. I can run. I can find things on a menu to eat. I can see the same person in the mirror everyone else sees. I can smile from the inside out. I can find healthy items on a menu. I can food shop wisely. I couldn't say that on my own when I first started at Kingley but they gave me the tools I needed to say them with confidence!

So many books or programs (and I've done them all) told me what to do and what to think. My RD taught me how.

Kingley's customized approach combines education and compassion. Nothing can compare with my weekly appointments with my RD. She cares about my whole person! Her patience, kindness, and unwillingness to give up on me help me find my own motivation to choose wisely. My dietitian doesn't try to change me, I can only change myself- but her knowledge, resources, and encouragement help me not to give up along this journey.

Books are impersonal and generic. Pre-packaged foods take away your responsibility for yourself and your health. Points, blocks, eliminating entire food groups aren't long-lasting and life changing. My dietitian meets me where I am every week, mentally and emotionally. She goes outside the box, not just pursuing my nutrition but asking why I chose what I did, why I think what I thought and why I can choose differently. I am truly transformed!

Did I reach my goal yet? Not yet. But my goals aren't even the same. I'm a better person for choosing Kingley. I can say, "I can."

K. Johannes
on 6/10/09 11:13 pm

Kingley Health changed my life.  I've lost over 50 lbs in 7 months or so.  Before I became a member, I had no energy and no motivation to do what it takes to lose the weight I needed to feel better about myself, physically and mentally.  The staff are very dedicated to helping make everyone achieve their goals.  I've learned how to eat right and exercise safely and effectively.  I'm confident that I will reach my goal weight and keep it off.   It's been a lot easier than I thought it would be.

-Steve Cardenas

Tom C.
on 6/11/09 1:33 am, edited 6/11/09 1:41 am - Mount Arlington, NJ

I am glad to see Kingley has helped many folks on the board. And I praise any facility that actually cares about their members, and help them achieve their goal.


With that said, my experience with Kingley wasn’t a pleasant one. I will concede maybe they had an off day, but others on this board echoed my sentiments – so who knows. Maybe after reading how many were displeased with the way they run their operation, they changed. And I praise them if they did. However I don’t think I will be going back to them.


I will admit, I am suspicious concerning all the current praises. Seems to be too many too soon. Especially when it appears the profiles that are leaving praises are created the exact day the praise is left. And those profiles aren’t updated, nor is there any relevant/pertinent information included with the profile (example, Doctors, operation, Location, PICTURE, etc). Then agin, I am a suspicious person by nature.

For all those who had a wonderful experience, I am glad and hope it continues. For those who haven't, maybe giving them another try is worth it. 

For me, they are too far.  

Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
on 6/12/09 12:28 am
(GASP)   Are you suggesting there may be TROLLS on the NJ board????   LOL     Mary C

DS Part 1 (VSG) 11/14/06 DS Part 2 12/18/07
HW 430 SW 400 CW 210 GW 170 Blog:

on 6/19/09 3:19 pm
Hi Steve

This is a first ...I would almost think you work with Kingley  hhhhmmmm (smile) I NEVER read complete positive post about them ....anyway this is a weight loss sign so want kind of surgery were you planning to have and what bring you to this site if you not have WLS?

on 6/12/09 3:00 am - Brick, NJ
Agree 100% Tom - these clearly are imposters - and they are even lurking on Facebook as experience was nothing to ride home about - and I certainly will not be doing it again....
Their high pressure selling tactics were a large turn off - and I felt as if I was there not just for my evaluations but for them to try to sell SOMETHING to me. Whether it be nutritional counseling - a gym - after explaining several times that I live well over an hour away from their facility and would most likely never utilize their services again - they still continued to question adn call me.


on 6/16/09 4:44 am
well if you had anything bad to say about anyone you should look in the mirror . try to live and be peacefull and not blame kingley for your problems . you must have a hard time losing your weight but just work on your self not people that help !!!
Tom C.
on 6/16/09 5:37 am, edited 6/19/09 8:58 pm - Mount Arlington, NJ

Not sure who this retort is directed to, but let me assure you that my problem with Kingley has nothing to do with personal failure. In fact, I have been extremely successful – without Kingley’s help.
The issue I had with them is they seemed to pressure folks into joining their facility. Most folks went to their facility for nutritional and/or psych evaluations. However, the staff kept mentioning (stressing) to join their facilities – even when folks mentioned there were none close by or they were attending other facilities.
In addition, Kingley had folks go through unnecessary tests (ex breathing tests) when all that was needed was the nutritional and/or psych evaluations. To add insult to injury, the breathing test results were never discussed with the patient, nor sent to the Doctor.
Also, the weighing of a patient in “publically" access areas is disconcerting, especially when you are dealing with clients who are already embarrassed about their weight.
Additionally, their payment requirements, and how (when) they release test results were also questionable. I don’t think one’s results should be held ransom when payment was made up front. Or clearly post your company’s procedures concerning releasing results vs. payment methods. 
Finally, it is strange to be told the “cost" of the entire evaluation depends on how the insurance company reimburses them? And your co-pay maybe returned if they insurance company pays more then they expect. 
It's these facts that I have issue with.

As I said,  I applauded Kingsley for all the people they have, and continue to, help live a healthy life style.  I would be foolish not to. It's just the fact that these folks seem to add "additional undo pressure" to a group of folks who are already under a great deal of pressure just trying to begin a weight loss journey.

Unless you’re in that WLS boat, you don’t realize how “overwhelming" everything is, especially in the beginning. All you’re worried about it getting the minimal done in order to get the process going. No one needs the additional pressure (worry) that they could fail at WLS especially if they don’t join a specific facility. 

Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
on 6/16/09 7:21 am
Tom C.
on 6/16/09 7:56 am, edited 6/16/09 11:48 pm - Mount Arlington, NJ

You are correct that my operation was done 2008, before you folks started working with ALS.

However I was present with other patients when they attended your facility. I have also been contacted by others who have gone to your facility, and they were questioning my experiences going "independently" vs. what they experienced. In fact, I was also present with one person who met with ALS to speak about their experience.

As I mentioned, my biggest concern with ANY Practitioner/company that deals with Weight Loss patients is that a patients feel additional pressure during a time when their anxiety is already heighten. I firmly believe/agree that exercise and nutrition is important in being successful. However, most of these folks are only coming in to get the minimum out of the way in order to begin the WLS process. From what I saw, and what has been told to me, many leave feeling a little dishearten because they felt they were being asked to do “additional" steps even before they have their wits about them. 

Having gone an independent route, I never felt pressure. Both the nutritionists and psychologist both explained the benefits of joining a facility, or doing follow-up visits. But their number one priority wasn’t to get me to join a facility or plan my follow-up visit, but to make sure I was ready to make the biggest life changing decision of my life. That was their number one concern.

Now to be honest I have not accompanied another patient recently, and maybe you folks have modified the way you now conduct the process. I understand it takes time for "all the bugs to be worked out". If so I am glad.

I truly understand your facility has helped many, and I don't begrudge or diminish that wonder feat. In fact I applaud your company. And truth be known, maybe if there was a facility closer by me I may be inclined to have joined (like I currently am enrolled in another gym).

I wish your company continued success. And with more “feedback", I believe your facility will address what is needed, and eventually could become a great addition to the ALS partnership.

Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
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