Hislady’s Posts
I don't know of any reputable places that do in house most of them just refer you to the places you have already tried. I do know that there are places like True Results that may try to lure you in by hinting they will finance you but they are a scam outfit and have many reports of horrible treatment once they get you hooked in. Google True Results scams.
I hope you aren't looking to get a lapband because they cause a great deal of damage even when the rules are followed. Very few surgeons will even do them any more because they are not very effective. Few lose any significant amount of weight and the majority of people end up having either a revision or just removing the band and going back to dieting. I found a hi protein/low carb eating plan to be the best way to lose. which you will have to follow anyway with surgery.
Myself I ended up finally having mine removed after 7 yrs because I had only lost 20 lbs and had horrible reflux burning my stomach and esophagus 24/7. I had to pay for the removal too because my insurance changed and no longer covered bariatric surgery. It is now 2+ yrs since removal and my guts still hurt daily from acid and slow emptying stomach which was caused by the band and will always stay that way. It causes horrible gas pains and cramping that I will have to deal with the rest of my life!
I only know of a handful of people who have had any success at all with a band most have very little weight loss no matter how hard they worked at it. I know many hundreds of people who have permanent damage from the band eroding into their stomachs and from esophageal damage. I would urge you to look at the Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy which removes around 70% of the stomach. It is the same surgery used for stomach cancer and they found it also helped weight loss so started using it for that. It is a far better surgery and has much greater success in weight loss.
With all that said tho you will still need to find a way to finance a surgery so saving up maybe the only way to do that. Read the forums here and they can give you lots of information. Good luck to you!

I also developed Afib when I had my band as have others I've seen online. The vagus nerve that is affected by the band also has some control in the heart area so there is speculation that the band may cause some heart issues too. Depends on where the pressure is on the vegus nerve and where scar tissue may be forming. I had my band removed for other reasons but still have to take my Afib medication so don't know if it was the band that started it or not. So far I've managed to not only keep off what little weight I had lost but I also lost another 75 lbs because I was too tired from the afib to do anything but sleep most of the time. Then all of a sudden I stopped losing and am staying at my goal weight of 150. At one point I had to add food so I wouldn't lose so fast. How ironic is that??! Might be worth keeping in mind tho, that the band has been found to cause many issues we wouldn't think of.

Have you ever tried just a strict low carb eating plan like there are so many of now? I have found that is the only way of eating that keeps the weight off and I can eat almost as much as I want to. I only eat about 20-30 carbs a day when I'm following that type of eating, I'm extremely carb sensitive, as are most over weight people. I can pretty much eat as much protein and veggie as I want and that fills me up. I had to re learn a whole new different way to eat but it has gotten me to goal and maintaining without much work at all. I'm also handicapped so no exercise at all while losing weight. You might want to try since you only have the 70 lbs to lose. Once I got to goal I was so used to eating this way that I didn't change much when I got there. I can have some extra once in awhile but don't often even desire something different from my normal foods.

It's great to see your doc and the internet is just full of high protein eating plans so the biggest secret to long term weight loss is carb control. They make you crave more carbs so if you can survive an induction period with a high protein plan similar to Atkins (Atkins uses net carbs but I only count total carb since the body uses them, they are slower but still there) it will help you get started. The lower you can keep your carbs the better you will lose, some can go as high as 100 carbs a day, myself I have to stay closer to 25 a day. For me carb control has been the secret and it's food I enjoy. Once I was able to break that carb addiction it was all so much easier. Even when I've gotten off track I've been able to catch it early enough to stop the gain trend before it got too far off track. I know all I have to do is start the induction diet again to get back in the game. This way you don't need some silly dietician to help you, you can do it all on your own!

Nic I'm so sorry to hear about hubby's cancer! Mine went thru prostate cancer last year and it is for sure a challenge. He's doing well now but for awhile I just had to pend a lot of time with my color book and keep my hands busy!

Most feel better right away. In the mean time I would suggest you try to drink protein shakes or even one of the nutritional drinks like Ensure or Boost, they don't taste the greatest but at this point you have to look at it as medicine to keep you healthy until you can get the band out. I had to drink Ensure for awhile because I was losing so fast I was losing my muscles and that's not a good thing. Really damages your strength. Anyway what I did was use the vanilla flavor and add flavorings like the crystal light or all the coffee flavorings. I could just tell myself it was an iced coffee and it really wasn't bad at all. It kept me going for a few months until I could eat better! Good luck to you!

I totally agree with Rachel! The band and plication are both horrid surgeries, I've been on thee boards since 2006 so I seen and heard it all! I know sooo many people with permanent damage (myself included) from the band and more recently the plication. Surgeons get all excited every time a new surgery comes along and then they all want to do it. We oldtimers were basically guinea pigs for the band but we didn't find out about it until years later. There was some shall we say "backroom" deals made between the band manufacturers and the FDA to get a rush OK on the band before much formal testing was done. We ended up being the test groups and then we started having issues after a few years.
It can cause severe and permanent esophageal damage that will never repair itself. Once the esophagus is damaged it is damaged for good. I know so many people who can barely eat anymore, yeah they lost their weight but not in a healthy way and not without much pain and continued stomach problems. Most of us agree we would rather be fat again than lose our quality of life from the band. The sleeve is a great surgery as is the duodenal switch. Read on some of the forums here to get an idea of what real life with each surgery is like. Folks here will give you the real story!

First and foremost you are not a failure! The majority of people here have either revised to a different surgery or just had the band removed and re-doing it without weight loss surgery help. If you want to go ahead and try with the band I would suggest small fills so you have less chance of being too tight. That causes serious problems.
Six small meals is perfect for the band or any diet but really it isn't a diet it is a life style change, you will have to eat this way the rest of your life so make sure it is something you can do forever. Myself and many, many others have had great success with Atkins type eating plans, just remember to count total carbs not net carbs. Lots of protein and very few carbs. I have to stay under 25 carbs a day but others can go as high as 100, everyone is different. There are tons of groups on FB for high protein eating plans. The main thing is to watch the carbs and stick to the healthy ones like veggies.
Cut most white carbs like flour, sugar, pasta, breads, cold cereals. Stick to mainly protein like meats and some dried beans once in awhile since they are pretty carby. Fill up with low carb veggies. If you just spend a day on the internet you will find hundreds of low carb recipes. Planning meals ahead is awesome, that is something successful people do and keep a close watch by logging every bite (this is vital to long term success). You can use an app like myfitnesspal and it keeps track of everything for you. It makes a HUGE difference. Also with carb counting use total cabs NOT net carbs because they all count, some maybe digested slower but they all count to the body.
Now I can't help with workouts because I've not been able to do any exercise due to health issues. However again turn to the internet for videos and workouts there are plenty and you can switch it up every week if you want! We live in an amazing time when everything we could possibly want is at our fingertips. I really like, I believe her name is Dana Carpenter Low Carb recipes lots of tasty snack type foods. Remember you don't have to eat certain foods at certain times of the day. You can easily eat last night's left over pork roast for breakfast if you want or have bacon and eggs for dinner. It's all up to you! Best of luck and if your band should end up not working out you will still have a good eating plan to help you out if you have to revise.

The band is the biggest mistake I ever made! I has ruined my stomach so bad that I can barely eat anymore and I have constant pain even tho the band was removed 2 yrs ago. I wouldn't wish a band on satan himself it is a horrid device!

Congrats oh mighty Pumpkin on the new little gourd! Nothin' like grandkids to make life awesome. Remember the gramma creed "spoil, return to parent". Enjoy the little one!

The band is not only a bad surgery but it is also not expected to be used long term. So a revision could alo help you to have a better (more successful) surgery. I also believe for some folks a time of counceling can also be helpful to deal with some of our mental trip ups and triggers. So the ideal thing would be a revision and counceling both.

I read on another site that Realize had already sent out notices to surgeons that they were no longer manufacturing them anymore either, so hopefully it's a double whammy and there is no longer any bands being made from now on!!
Now they need to start paying us for our pain and suffering!!

Congrats!!! It may take some time to feel lots better but everyday should get a little better. Hopefully you don't have permanent damage and you can once again enjoy life!!!

Like Nic I too suffer from permanent damage from that piece o'crap band! I have severe heartburn and so far no drug even touches it. I have gastroparesis or slow stomach emptying which is painful and means very careful eating. I was a healthy fat person and now I'm a sickly skinny person, nope it wasn't even worth the trade off. Wish I had never heard the words lap band! So glad you are getting yours removed, it can only make your life better

You can always doctor up your drinks with sugar free syrups from Torani, Davinci or other brands of sf flavorings.

Mine was empty for 2 yrs before I was able to get it removed and I maintained my weight during that time. The most important thing is to not go crazy eating things that you couldn't eat before. I filled up on salads and stayed away from the carby sweets stuff!

Congrats I'm so happy for you!!! Just goes to show what you can do when you put your mind to it. I'll be praying all goes well with the surgery!!

Boy I'm no help either, heat helps mine but mine has never been as painful as yours and Nic's! I hope the meeting goes well for you!! Good luck!

You might try contacting the manufacturer and see if they can suggest some one or ask your primary if they know someone who would be able to do fills. That is an outrageous price but they figure so few people have bands anymore that they can charge whatever they want! Lots of shady docs out there, sadly!

Nic is simply trying to keep you from posting too much on this public forum so it can't be pulled up by say the doctor's attorney somewhere down the road and be used against you by saying look what she wrote back in Mar. of 2016 about my client the doctor. This is a forum that can be accessed by anyone even someone not belonging to Obesity Help! She is trying to help not hurt you.
As far as picking apart your rape she is telling you that the fact you were married or that the doctor had ugly grey hair is irrelevant as far as a court case goes because rape has nothing to do with sexual desire it has to do with violence and what he looked like or whether you were married made no difference. He would have done it anyway because rape is an act of violence and control not sex. She is actually totally agreeing with you that you are a victim just as she was and I was when I was raped. I would bet a fair majority of us here have been raped because that can lead to us abusing food and is the cause of many of us being overweight. In fact I would bet 8 put of every ten of us have been sexually assaulted at some point in our lives, it is far more common than many think!
Please know that we are all behind you and will pray for your healing and for the conviction of the guilty party! No one is cruel enough to minimize your pain on this forum, we support not dismiss those in pain! God bless!

I've know Nic M for many years and she is one of the kindest and most caring people I've ever known. She has had a very rough time herself and that is all I saw her being. She was very supportive I think you are mis-interpretting her statements, she is trying to help you not minimize your pain in any way.

Do you have an actual temperature or do you simply feel flushed and hot? Could very well be from lack of carbs as in the keto flu or it could actually be the flu it is that time of year. Either way not much you can do for it except to stay well hydrated and get in as much protein as you can thru drinks or shakes whatever your food stage is right now. Do push the water take a small sip every 10-15 min to make sure you stay hydrated it is very important at this stage, even more than protein the first several days.

I would strongly urge you to try to revise to a sleeve, RNY or DS weight loss surgery. As long as you have a band you will continue to gain weight. Does it cause voimiting or reflux(heartburn)? Just the fact that you are unable to lose weight with it is cause for a revision to a different surgery.
The band has a 60% failure rate and most of us have had ours removed, some have had a different surgery and some like myself have simply had it removed because we are unable to have another surgery for one reason or another. It is very common for the band to slip or erode into the stomach after a few years. They might cover a rewvision where they won't cover fills because many insurance co.s will no longer cover the lap band because of the high failure rate. Keep trying don't give up!

The band seems to make people burp like adolescent boys. With practice I'm sure we could burp the alphabet with ease! I still tend to swallow a lot of air when I eat even without my band. I can burp with the best of them still, not a skill I was looking for but impressive none the less.

He just makes the whole thing sound like an easy walk in the park. It probably works that way for less than half the people who are banded if they are lucky. So many of us did follow all those rules of eating tiny bites and chewing well, eating slowly and staying focused on eating only to end up with food getting stuck anyway or food expanding once it gets to the stomach. He says we should have been able to eat any food including breads and pastas but just had to go slow. Well I've been there tried that and any food like that would turn to glue and make a giant blob in your stomach either making you slime for hours or have to run for the nearest bathroom to hurl.
Then there is the see your surgeon often unless your insurance is changed like many of us and we no longer had bariatric coverage and couldn't afford to self pay several hundred bucks to see our surgeon. Then we'd just have to wing it on our own until something went wrong then we'd have to some how find the money. If there is a slip or other serious issues you have to just live with them because they can't afford surgery.
He is describing a life if perfect with the band sadly that isn't reality for the majority of us. Unless you have lived life with a bad band you can never understand the pain and suffering so many of us went thru. I along with thousands of others have permanent damage from our bands and are reminded daily of the true horrors of this torture tool!