Repost: Why I Chose the Band
I missed this post when I was on here earlier but I have got to say thank you! That is exactly how I feel, I couldn't express it any better than you have. I am also preop and my decision is to have lapband surgery over the other types of WLS. That doesn't mean anything is wrong with the other WLS, just that they are not right for me. Thank you so much for posting this!
thank you for your great post! i'm sorry if people are coming over from other boards just to stir the pot --that's immature and mean. i am a vsg'r but my sister has the band and i just wish i could help her in her jouney. i've tried to get her to come here (she does other online things) and support her as best i can. i'm very new to this (8 weeks) and in the honeymoon phase, but i get so worried when i hear she went grocery shopping and threw 6 snickers bars in with her groceries.
sorry, this is a rant. i just feel so bad for her and she's my litte sister and i feel there must be something i can do. she got the band a little over a year ago, lost 50-something pounds, gained it all back and (YAY!!!) has lost it again. i'm trying to get her to go to the bariatric center more often and work with the NUT there. do you guys think this will help?!?!?!?
thanks, not a meanie!
sorry, this is a rant. i just feel so bad for her and she's my litte sister and i feel there must be something i can do. she got the band a little over a year ago, lost 50-something pounds, gained it all back and (YAY!!!) has lost it again. i'm trying to get her to go to the bariatric center more often and work with the NUT there. do you guys think this will help?!?!?!?
thanks, not a meanie!
HI there Ann,
so sorry to hear about your sister and putting six candy bars in her grocery cart sure dont help matters none :o(
This is a great group of ladies and men that give support everyday if you need a kick in the butt they will do it but in a very kind way lol.
The problem though is Ann if your sister really really dont want to lose weight no matter what you do for her , beg her , talk to her she just isn't going to do it.
It will have to be her that says okay I'm ready for this and when she does get to that stage she wont be putting six candy bars in her cart .
As you know losing weight you have to be mentally ready for the lap band or even your surgery and if you are not there it just isn't going to happen you will fight it tooth and nail .
All you can do is be there to support her, give her encouragement and maybe if she sees you losing weight it will help her get back into the program.
But just be careful though we talked about this in support if you get onto her to much, or make comments to her every time you talk to each other it could do the opposite and she will not want to talk to you about it at all or worse yet quit talking to you period.
Tread lightly only you know how far you can push her till she is at her breaking point and you have to start backing off.
I wish you all the luck in the world with your sister and congrats on your surgery I wish you the best also :o)
so sorry to hear about your sister and putting six candy bars in her grocery cart sure dont help matters none :o(
This is a great group of ladies and men that give support everyday if you need a kick in the butt they will do it but in a very kind way lol.
The problem though is Ann if your sister really really dont want to lose weight no matter what you do for her , beg her , talk to her she just isn't going to do it.
It will have to be her that says okay I'm ready for this and when she does get to that stage she wont be putting six candy bars in her cart .
As you know losing weight you have to be mentally ready for the lap band or even your surgery and if you are not there it just isn't going to happen you will fight it tooth and nail .
All you can do is be there to support her, give her encouragement and maybe if she sees you losing weight it will help her get back into the program.
But just be careful though we talked about this in support if you get onto her to much, or make comments to her every time you talk to each other it could do the opposite and she will not want to talk to you about it at all or worse yet quit talking to you period.
Tread lightly only you know how far you can push her till she is at her breaking point and you have to start backing off.
I wish you all the luck in the world with your sister and congrats on your surgery I wish you the best also :o)
Thanks for putting into words all that I have wanted to say. You are an inspiration to me. I have struggled with my band, but I am honest enough with myself to admit that is my fault. I haven't yet got my cravings under control. However, I have lost around 40 pounds that I would still be lugging around if not for my band.
Thanks for putting into words all that I have wanted to say. You are an inspiration to me. I have struggled with my band, but I am honest enough with myself to admit that is my fault. I haven't yet got my cravings under control. However, I have lost around 40 pounds that I would still be lugging around if not for my band.

I am loving that the band is an option for me. I did research as well into other options and personally saw the struggles of someone close to me in my husband's family go though the malnutrition and a lot of struggles with gastric bypass. She loss pregnancies and has sever anemia, I never knew for sure I would have surgery when she got her's done (over 6 years ago) but always knew in my heart that changing my track of digestion didn't sit well with me.
I have been working very hard these past 3 months in preparation for the lap band and find it interesting that in my support groups I am very much in the minority, and get asked ALOT why I make this decision, and didn't go with the gastric bypass.
I am perfectly happy with my choice and look forward to my surgery date on May 10, 2011...and looking forward to going to the gym like a crazy person between now and then to get my muscle tone up as much as possible.
Best of luck to everyone and I love reading all the band success stories!!!
My heaviest was 290 (pregnant with twins)
My heaviest was 286 (16 months post-pregnancy, could not believe it!!)
Weight a the start of my monitored diet 284
Current Weight 270
14 lbs lost with diet and exercise, two more months till my surgery!!
I have been working very hard these past 3 months in preparation for the lap band and find it interesting that in my support groups I am very much in the minority, and get asked ALOT why I make this decision, and didn't go with the gastric bypass.
I am perfectly happy with my choice and look forward to my surgery date on May 10, 2011...and looking forward to going to the gym like a crazy person between now and then to get my muscle tone up as much as possible.
Best of luck to everyone and I love reading all the band success stories!!!
My heaviest was 290 (pregnant with twins)
My heaviest was 286 (16 months post-pregnancy, could not believe it!!)
Weight a the start of my monitored diet 284
Current Weight 270
14 lbs lost with diet and exercise, two more months till my surgery!!
on 3/9/11 2:22 pm - CA
on 3/9/11 2:22 pm - CA
You know, I have been around these boards since it was Spotlight Health (10 years). I am getting sick and tired of bandsters who are constantly being attacked and denigrated by people who chose other WLS options. How dare these people assume that I must be ignorant, stupid, and obviously have not done my homework since I have chosen to get the band. The arrogance and cruelty of some of the posters on these boards astounds me. How do these people function in the real world???
Listen up, we all have our own reasons for choosing our own surgery. In my case, I am unable to get any other surgery due to medical issues. I originally wanted the band, all those years ago. Major medical issues prevented me from getting any surgery for a few years. By the time I was ready and able to have surgery the VSG had just come out (2006). I called Cirangle and was told I was not eligible for the VSG b/c of a serious medical condition I had. The removal of the curvature of the stomach was "burning a bridge" for me. Fast forward to November of last year and in my consultation with him he absolutely ruled out RNY and DS (" DS....Oh Hell NO!") due to my pre existing medical conditions. So I am back to the band. I have done 10 years of research. I trust my Dr. I also know all the things that can go wrong with the band. I am going in with eyes wide open.
But you know what, the thing is...the band can be removed....totally.
No other surgery can be totally reversed. Not the RNY, definitely not the VSG and Definitely NOT the DS.
As long as I keep my band loose enough, look for the warning signs ( vomiting, reflux, etc) and follow up closely with my Dr. then I can prevent damage from being done.
But heres the kicker, worst case scenario, if in 2,3,4,5 years I am not happy with the band and something better comes along ( like the VSG did) and let's face it there are lots of Weight Loss surgery/procedures on the horizon, I can have the band removed, move on to something better and not have had to cut out organs or re-route them causing permanent / irreversible changes to my body.
Listen up, we all have our own reasons for choosing our own surgery. In my case, I am unable to get any other surgery due to medical issues. I originally wanted the band, all those years ago. Major medical issues prevented me from getting any surgery for a few years. By the time I was ready and able to have surgery the VSG had just come out (2006). I called Cirangle and was told I was not eligible for the VSG b/c of a serious medical condition I had. The removal of the curvature of the stomach was "burning a bridge" for me. Fast forward to November of last year and in my consultation with him he absolutely ruled out RNY and DS (" DS....Oh Hell NO!") due to my pre existing medical conditions. So I am back to the band. I have done 10 years of research. I trust my Dr. I also know all the things that can go wrong with the band. I am going in with eyes wide open.
But you know what, the thing is...the band can be removed....totally.
No other surgery can be totally reversed. Not the RNY, definitely not the VSG and Definitely NOT the DS.
As long as I keep my band loose enough, look for the warning signs ( vomiting, reflux, etc) and follow up closely with my Dr. then I can prevent damage from being done.
But heres the kicker, worst case scenario, if in 2,3,4,5 years I am not happy with the band and something better comes along ( like the VSG did) and let's face it there are lots of Weight Loss surgery/procedures on the horizon, I can have the band removed, move on to something better and not have had to cut out organs or re-route them causing permanent / irreversible changes to my body.
On March 9, 2011 at 10:22 PM Pacific Time, EAH wrote:
You know, I have been around these boards since it was Spotlight Health (10 years). I am getting sick and tired of bandsters who are constantly being attacked and denigrated by people who chose other WLS options. How dare these people assume that I must be ignorant, stupid, and obviously have not done my homework since I have chosen to get the band. The arrogance and cruelty of some of the posters on these boards astounds me. How do these people function in the real world???Listen up, we all have our own reasons for choosing our own surgery. In my case, I am unable to get any other surgery due to medical issues. I originally wanted the band, all those years ago. Major medical issues prevented me from getting any surgery for a few years. By the time I was ready and able to have surgery the VSG had just come out (2006). I called Cirangle and was told I was not eligible for the VSG b/c of a serious medical condition I had. The removal of the curvature of the stomach was "burning a bridge" for me. Fast forward to November of last year and in my consultation with him he absolutely ruled out RNY and DS (" DS....Oh Hell NO!") due to my pre existing medical conditions. So I am back to the band. I have done 10 years of research. I trust my Dr. I also know all the things that can go wrong with the band. I am going in with eyes wide open.
But you know what, the thing is...the band can be removed....totally.
No other surgery can be totally reversed. Not the RNY, definitely not the VSG and Definitely NOT the DS.
As long as I keep my band loose enough, look for the warning signs ( vomiting, reflux, etc) and follow up closely with my Dr. then I can prevent damage from being done.
But heres the kicker, worst case scenario, if in 2,3,4,5 years I am not happy with the band and something better comes along ( like the VSG did) and let's face it there are lots of Weight Loss surgery/procedures on the horizon, I can have the band removed, move on to something better and not have had to cut out organs or re-route them causing permanent / irreversible changes to my body.
No. NOT at all true! It can be removed. NEVER reversed! The damage will be there no matter how skilled the surgeon that removes it (and btw..........yours is one of the best).
~As long as I keep my band loose enough, look for the warning signs ( vomiting, reflux, etc) and follow up closely with my Dr. then I can prevent damage from being done.~
Omg that is sooooooooo wrong! Do u realize how many bandsters have followed band rules to a T and and have slips/port problems/leaks/dysmotility/erosion????????????
~But heres the kicker, worst case scenario, if in 2,3,4,5 years I am not happy with the band and something better comes along ( like the VSG did) and let's face it there are lots of Weight Loss surgery/procedures on the horizon, I can have the band removed, move on to something better and not have had to cut out organs or re-route them causing permanent / irreversible changes to my body.~
Excuse me! There WILL be permanent irreversible changes to your body!
I think u might need to spend another 10 yrs. researching! lol
on 3/9/11 3:27 pm - CA
on 3/9/11 3:27 pm - CA
Really Maria????
Tell me what irreversible damage has your band done to you?? Be specific please, and I will also go back and look at your previous posts.
I know my surgeon is one of the best I HAVE DONE MY RESEARCH!
And lets be clear on this...are you saying that everyone who has had their band removed has irreversable damage??? Really??? And you say I am the one that needs to do more research?????
For the love of all that is holy,I hope you get that band out of you as fast as possible, Maria. It is making you sooo miserable and unpleasant!
Tell me what irreversible damage has your band done to you?? Be specific please, and I will also go back and look at your previous posts.
I know my surgeon is one of the best I HAVE DONE MY RESEARCH!
And lets be clear on this...are you saying that everyone who has had their band removed has irreversable damage??? Really??? And you say I am the one that needs to do more research?????
For the love of all that is holy,I hope you get that band out of you as fast as possible, Maria. It is making you sooo miserable and unpleasant!