oobiebus’s Posts

on 6/7/23 11:46 am
Topic: RE: Weight gain??????

Hello to all it's been a long time since I've posted! I've recently gained about 30 pounds, Not sure if my medical issues are the cause of life in general, my new primary Dr has no clue how to handle my thyroid issues, I've been diagnosed with Hashimotos, and pre menopausal, My thyroid meds have been bumped up probably 6 times in the past yr and she just isn't helping one bit, all my labs are great for my DS but my thyroid is literally in the crapper, I am 15 yrs out and I originally lost 180 pounds but creeping these 30 pounds has me in a panic, I would love to be able to have my common channel made smaller and not sure if it's even done or possible? My Surgeon isn't in my state anymore and I have none of my surgery records due to a divorce and loss of my marital home!! Anyone have an insight on what I can do?

 My Angel is  Jeanne2036  

I Am Officially At Goal!Yippeeeeee

on 12/26/11 9:04 pm
Topic: RE: Hello,Just an update!
 Thanks Michele,I have been thru this before with my kids father and i know my wounds will heal,just alot longer yet again!

 My Angel is  Jeanne2036  

I Am Officially At Goal!Yippeeeeee

on 12/26/11 9:03 pm
Topic: RE: Hello,Just an update!
 Thank you Ruby,I am strong and I am keeping my faith that he will get his in the end!LOL

 My Angel is  Jeanne2036  

I Am Officially At Goal!Yippeeeeee

on 12/26/11 9:02 pm
Topic: RE: Hello,Just an update!
 Thanks Nicole,I am finding out more and more and its making me even more pissed,But he will be be the one that cant handle the out come,Karma is a ***** and i hope he gets his! Hugs and thanks!

 My Angel is  Jeanne2036  

I Am Officially At Goal!Yippeeeeee

on 12/26/11 9:00 pm
Topic: RE: Hello,Just an update!
 Thank You Ann, I am going to try my hardest to make it thru~

 My Angel is  Jeanne2036  

I Am Officially At Goal!Yippeeeeee

on 12/24/11 6:09 am
Topic: RE: Hello,Just an update!
 Thank yo uso much! Same to you

 My Angel is  Jeanne2036  

I Am Officially At Goal!Yippeeeeee

on 12/24/11 6:09 am
Topic: RE: Hello,Just an update!
 Why thank you i just may do that!

 My Angel is  Jeanne2036  

I Am Officially At Goal!Yippeeeeee

on 12/24/11 6:08 am
Topic: RE: Hello,Just an update!
 Thank you Gina,Not gonna let him ruin my times with my kids!

 My Angel is  Jeanne2036  

I Am Officially At Goal!Yippeeeeee

on 12/23/11 8:21 pm
Topic: RE: Hello,Just an update!
Thank You Tina i am sure trying my hardest!

 My Angel is  Jeanne2036  

I Am Officially At Goal!Yippeeeeee

on 12/23/11 8:09 pm
Topic: RE: Hello,Just an update!
 Hello to all! sorry i have been missing in action I hope everyone is well! Just wanted to say Merry Christmas and a very Happy new year to all! I have been thru hell and back,and trying to muttle thru,My husband has decided he wanted to have several affairs on me and like a fool,i forgave way to many times,but this last time has broke me in half and i am now alone and trying to get my life back on track!  I am almost 4 yrs out,gained about 10 pounds back but i am ok with it,I was looking pretty sickly and its ok,I havent been beating myself up with the gain ,I am faithful with my vitamins and do alot of walking and daily prayer and with my beautiful kids getting me thru all this mess my life has become i know i will get thru! The sad part about all of this is I worked so hard to make my DS work for me that my soon to be ex has taken with a very large woman,Gee guess he wanted me to be the big girl i was,Oh well such is life! Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday!

 My Angel is  Jeanne2036  

I Am Officially At Goal!Yippeeeeee

on 4/17/11 5:50 am
Topic: RE: Hello Everyone!
Yes I have been,Only issues I have had are Vit D and Doc  added Zinc,My thryroid,Excellent  and all other labs are good,Protein can be iffy But i try everyday to get that better,Shakes and me dont get along so i try with food!

 My Angel is  Jeanne2036  

I Am Officially At Goal!Yippeeeeee

on 4/17/11 4:50 am
Topic: RE: So what I never made it to goal....
Very well said sweety,You are amazing,I try not to look at numbers either,It stresses me out ! I am so happy for you! 

 My Angel is  Jeanne2036  

I Am Officially At Goal!Yippeeeeee

on 4/17/11 4:47 am
Topic: RE: 3 year surgiversary ADDED PICS
You Go Girl,Congrats to you~! 

 My Angel is  Jeanne2036  

I Am Officially At Goal!Yippeeeeee

on 4/17/11 4:46 am
Topic: RE: Hello Everyone!
 Hi Renee,I know i have been MIA ,So sorry,I have missed keeping in touch but i will be catching up,Glad to see everyone is still loving there DS,How are you?

 My Angel is  Jeanne2036  

I Am Officially At Goal!Yippeeeeee

on 4/16/11 11:28 am
Topic: RE: Hello Everyone!
 Hey Gina,Life sure does get away with ya doesnt it! Hope your doing well!

 My Angel is  Jeanne2036  

I Am Officially At Goal!Yippeeeeee

on 4/16/11 12:26 am
Topic: RE: Hello Everyone!
Hi There,I havent been on much lately,My life has kinda been in turmoil, I am now  at 3 yrs out and loving the new me,I have gained 5 pounds and its ok,I had myself down so low i had everyone worried and My PCP had a fit and told me to eat ! I am on a teeter totter with the 5 pounds but still way below my goal weight which is why i am ok with 5 pounds! any more than that i will worry but for now I am getting happier in my life and will always be Happy with my DS,
           I still after 3 yrs out find my self in the bigger clothes section and look around and say Oh No You dont need these anymore,Weird and silly but sometimes i wonder If i would still be on this earth today if i didnt take the plunge and have My DS! Just wanted to drop by and say hello and hope all is well and still loving there Ds like I AM,,,TAKE CARE, TRISH 

 My Angel is  Jeanne2036  

I Am Officially At Goal!Yippeeeeee

on 12/29/10 4:55 am
Topic: RE: So the family thinks I'm "Obsessed."
You are not alone,I did the same thing prior to my surgery and talked and talked to anyone who would listen,Keep doing what your doing,This is your life and you have to make these choices! Hugs

 My Angel is  Jeanne2036  

I Am Officially At Goal!Yippeeeeee

on 12/29/10 4:53 am
Topic: RE: Wow!!!!!!!!
Amazing feeling isnt it! Congrats to you!

 My Angel is  Jeanne2036  

I Am Officially At Goal!Yippeeeeee

on 12/27/10 10:14 pm
Topic: RE: Surprise!
Congrats to you!

 My Angel is  Jeanne2036  

I Am Officially At Goal!Yippeeeeee

on 11/27/10 5:35 am
Topic: RE: 2 Months post op & testing the waters of Photo *****dome!
Beautiful sweety!

 My Angel is  Jeanne2036  

I Am Officially At Goal!Yippeeeeee

on 11/17/10 8:44 pm
Topic: RE: 6 Month Post-Op Update!!!
OMG Girl You are rocking The DS

 My Angel is  Jeanne2036  

I Am Officially At Goal!Yippeeeeee

on 11/17/10 8:42 pm
Topic: RE: I'm switched!
Congrats to you! Walk and sip,

 My Angel is  Jeanne2036  

I Am Officially At Goal!Yippeeeeee

on 11/6/10 7:03 am
Topic: RE: The reason I had the DS --photo whoring
Simply Beautiful!congrats to you

 My Angel is  Jeanne2036  

I Am Officially At Goal!Yippeeeeee

on 10/13/10 6:13 am
Topic: RE: "I don't need to take Vit. D because I get a lot of sun."
I thought the same thing but my doc did my labs and low and behold i needed more Vit D,so i am taking 50,000 btu's once a week,doc says that should help!

 My Angel is  Jeanne2036  

I Am Officially At Goal!Yippeeeeee

on 10/11/10 2:23 am
Topic: RE: How long after open DS could you drive?
Hi there,I drive a school bus and was up and back to driving within a 2 week time slot,driving my own car in 1 week!

 My Angel is  Jeanne2036  

I Am Officially At Goal!Yippeeeeee

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