Comet89’s Posts

on 6/26/23 5:02 am
Topic: RE: Osteoporosis treatments after DS

Just searching online I see several states with special bone clinics/ Osteo only Dr's. So far in my area tx., I've only found Dr.s who treat several endo conditions. There are two I noticed listed this condition as an area of interest. One worked in the VA specifically studying osteoporosis. I'm going to start with those two and go from there. One Dr does have a bone care team under Gareatic care. I might call also ask if they can assist. I'm not sure age is a requirement. I'm guessing a busy morning of phone calls!

on 6/25/23 9:59 pm
Topic: RE: Osteoporosis treatments after DS

It sounds like it's working great for you. I've had to switch to walking in the mornings, Tx heat is rough. I walk in my neighborhood. I can certainly try to add strength/weights to my activities. I need to review form and how to videos and start small.

on 6/25/23 9:42 pm
Topic: RE: Osteoporosis treatments after DS

Thank you again for the info. The more I know going in to my appointment the better. I'm guessing I would not tolerate pill form either. Can't risk any issues with the lining of my stomach. Of all the info online it's been tough trying to find an endo, I've read way to many reviews. Using my ins as a guide most concentrate on diabetes and thyroid. I have found a few to make calls to tomorrow. I'm ready to get started on a plan but know it can't happen over night .

on 6/25/23 8:48 am
Topic: RE: Osteoporosis treatments after DS

Thanks for the advice. I've never been a big weight/strength person, should have! I do walk and have over the last 10 years. I'll try to start this obviously low at first. I need to see if I can find info on line on where to start. Again thanks!

on 6/25/23 8:14 am
Topic: RE: Osteoporosis treatments after DS

Thank you for the reply! Did you tolerate the meds ok? From what I can gather from reading many suggest taking a bone building drug first then follow up with one to shore up gains if any. I'm not sure what my insurance might require but seems like the newest drug Evenity has good results for some. Just when you think your doing all you can it just comes back at you! I guess first thing first is appointment. I'm going to see and endo since I think my malobdorption may have contributed to this. Again thank you for the reply, any advice or help, I'm all ears.

on 6/22/23 6:52 am
Topic: RE: Osteoporosis treatments after DS

Here's my issue and I'm scared! Revised to a DS in 2013 from a rny. Rough recovery but I healed and have maintained my weight loss with in a 10lb range 10 years out. (400 down to 175) I've taking vits and over the years had few labs with lower calcium. In 2016 they had me do thyroid biopsy but they were fine. Had elevated blood calcium but 24hr urine test showed to be normal. In 2020 I had a scan and it showed osteopenia. My PCP didn't really seem concerned and just said we will monitor. I kick myself for not pressing for more info. This last year I noticed some aches and pains and my stomach area was more pronounced. I chalked this up to being older or post menopausal. . Then my family noticed bad posture and my leaning to one side when I first get up in the am. I then started reading and realized it's probably progressing. I can't put my head against the wall when standing against it Rounded shoulders. I made an appointment with a rheumatologist, is this correct? I'm sure they will do testing and go from there. As far as the meds I'm assuming DS patients can't tolerate meds in the stomach, should I insist on a bone building med first? I want to go in as informed as possible. My mom had osteoporosis, I'm guessing my hunching over some is due to fractures. I'm 53 with teenagers at home. I want to try to treat this the best I can. I want to keep the "widows hump" from getting worse. I do walk for exercise but looks like I might need to add strength training too. I take k1 but guess k2 should be added. I take A, d3, e, and a multi. 1200 mg calcium 2x a day. Lasix for edema. Sorry this is long, there's not a lot of info out there.

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