Thanks for the Blog Links!

Dina McBride
on 8/11/09 7:31 am - Portland, OR
Hey guys - I wanted to take a second and say thanks!

I'm so excited to build my Blogroll a little over on my DS Blog with some GREAT DS related blogs.

Here's the list that I have:

A Stilly Melody

Dances with DS

Getting Switched

New Beginnings For Me

Seasons of the Switch

Switch Chick

Tales of the Morbidly Obese

Turning a New Leaf

and of course, mine is Living the DS Life

If you know of any others - would you let me know, please?

Thanks everyone!


Open BPD/DS July 2, 2002
Revision:  Lap Re-Sleeve November 10, 2008
Dr. Aniceto Baltasar, Alcoy, Spain
Read my DS Blog:
on 8/11/09 10:45 am
Thank you!  I know I will enjoy reading all these blogs that I didn't even know about before today.  I put a link to each of them on my blog page too.
DS Facts
on 8/11/09 11:31 am
Hey DIna,

I came across this one a few days ago from google alerts. This person is pre-op and from the UK

Dina McBride
on 8/11/09 1:03 pm - Portland, OR
Cool, Bev!  Thanks so much!  Wow - she's got quite the journey in front of her.  Lord bless her!

Thanks for the link!


Open BPD/DS July 2, 2002
Revision:  Lap Re-Sleeve November 10, 2008
Dr. Aniceto Baltasar, Alcoy, Spain
Read my DS Blog: