Clarify Please,D/S vs RNY what can you eat/not eat?Still trying to figure this out,bur getting...

on 1/31/09 1:15 am
Still trying to understand all of this,but I have to say OH is a tremendous help in making and educated decision from people who have walked the line.Would like input,I know a fair amount of info re:RNY but not totally clear,when I see post of people who are years out with D/S.
Thanx again..........
Valerie G.
on 1/31/09 1:28 am - Northwest Mountains, GA
Okay, scroll down and find our daily Food and Fitness threads.  It's in those threads that people post what they've eaten that day.  That will give you a good idea around here what we eat.  I can give you a nutshell though.

1) Protein first and foremost - get 100g per day at least.  As you get past 6-12 months, this can be achieved  without needing supplements if you'd rather eat it.  If you're going to finish anything off of your plate -- it had better be the protein.

2) Then veggies -- we malabsorb 40% of complex carbs like veggies (including taters). 

3) Finally, with what little room is left, eat whatever else.  The idea is to not have much room to get youreself into any trouble, but enjoy enough to satisfy you.  This 'whatever else' includes breads, flour, desserts.  It also fills you up pretty fast, so once again its the last thing to eat.

Fats are free food.  We malabsorb 80% of them so they're actually a necessity.  If a DSer doesn't eat enough fat with all that protein, it can cause constipation.  BTW -- the fat we malabsorb also includes cholesterol, so most us have perfect cholesterol levels too.

My own experience, nothing is off limits.  I'm very shy about pasta because some brands or formulations can give me horrible gas later.  I get only a few bites to enjoy the wonderful sauce, or use the sauce for the protein or veggies.  I enjoy everything else in moderation as long as I've eaten my protein quota for the day.

DS 2005

There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes

Lori Black
on 1/31/09 1:30 am - , IN
Would you like to know from the viewpoint of 99% of our un-DS-educated dieticians, or from us?  Before I answer, know you should never take the advice of someone on a public message forum.  (Lol!) 

Dietician's answer for diet after DS:

3 meals a day (insane)
Low fat, low calorie options are best
Something or other bullcrap about carb/protein/fat ratio's. 

(I flunked that class!  Well, technically I passed that class because I absorbed what they said, regurgitated it, and then threw the paperwork away when I got home)!

My answer for diet after the DS:

You need to commit to getting protein FIRST for the rest of your life after your DS.  You will be malabsorbing a good portion of the protein you eat (around 40% isn't absorbed of our protein).  You will be working very hard in your early days to get 100 grams of protein in your tiny tummy, but you'll work up to it eventually.  My rule was, if I didn't have 100 grams of protein in on any given day, no other foods would touch my lips.  Only fluids and vits and protein all day long until I met the 100g a day requirement.  Things progressed quickly for me in the protein department, and I could, most days have 100 grams of protein in by 5pm.  If I wanted a baked potato with dinner, I'd have it.  A square of chocolate, why not?  BUT ONLY AFTER I HAD 100 grams of protein.  Also while I was in my weight loss phase, I kept my carbs low.  I only had something extra if my carbs were in order for the day.  I was determined to get the weight off quickly.  As my stomach stretched over the first year, I began to know how much I could eat.  I went for getting 25-30 grams of protein at each meal.  If I wanted a side item, like a baked potato or veggies, I knew how much I could eat and still get in my protein.  I still do that now.  Most of my meals and snacks are 25-30 grams of protein, and I do that for all three main meals each day, and then usually one high protein snack and a protein drink as well.  The rest, the in-between times...I eat what I want.  I've been at goal for nearly 11 months and I eat what I want for snacks in moderation.  (sometimes the moderation thing gets thrown out the window, but I do still have restriction).  I always indulge in something after the kids go to bed, I love my night time snacks!!  I don't think that will ever change.

Now living at goal, I keep a close eye on my scale. I have a comfort zone where I want to be with my weight.  I'm currently below that goal.  My favorite weight to be would be between 135-140.  Right now, at 128 pounds I can kinda eat with wreckless abandon since I dont' want to be this thin.  When I hit 137, I'll slow down the carbs a bit.  I never, ever go to bed with less than 100 grams of protein in my system.  

So, no I don't follow a dietician's plan, but my dieticians sorta just kinda lump DSers in with RNY rules and it's just not right.  Our anatomy is completely different from an RNYer, so our needs should be different too.

on 1/31/09 1:49 am - Brooklyn, NY

You are my DS hero!! I'm trying to get all my protein in daily is hard. I am almost 3 months out I think I get in around 70 - 80g a day. I have started having bacon and eggs every morning and I eat a lot of cheese. I drink a protein shake at night. I have a question, have you tried muscle milk? What do you think of this product?  I think you and all of my DS family rock!! I am glad your around to help when it's needed. Thank you

Be Blessed
DS Facts
on 1/31/09 2:00 am
I know a few people who rave about muscle milk and love the taste. They cut is down with a bit of milk though. I am going to try it because thus far I have not been able to stand any protein shakes. I just need to check into what kind of protein it is.

Lori Black
on 1/31/09 2:34 am - , IN

I have had Muscle Milk, it's pretty tasty!  I've tried chocolate, banana and maybe a vanilla ice cream flavor from that line. I'm pretty lactose intolerant, so it would give me rumble-gut, but I know others are able to drink it without issue!  Check around and see if you can find free samples, or cheap samples.  Better than investing $50 to find out that you hate something!  70-80 a day is great, at 3 months out you should try to challenge yourself to get that up to 90 as soon as you can muster it.  Try sneaking it in by taking cashews in a ziploc baggie and munch on them through the day.  (Or your favorite nut of choice, I just have a thing for cashews).  I also like munching on cheese haystacks.  ( I make mine with mozzarella cheese, sprinkle with some parmesan, and I use a dash of dry seasoning to add flavor too.  I bake those on a cookie sheet in the over for about 10-15 mins depending on size of stacks at 350 degrees.  I like mine very crispy like a potato chip, so I don't take those suckers out of the oven until their very brown and bubbly, almost burned looking).  I don't know how long they could be kept at room temp, but they don't hold temperature for long, so they're really good at room temp so they could be taken along with you.  I just had some last night with tuna salad on top.  Chock full of protein, and low carb, doesn't get better than that!  My point is to find high protein snacks that don't take up a bunch of tummy space so that you can get in that tiny bit more. 


on 1/31/09 2:41 am - Wilmington, DE
I like it, but I make it with ice and half & half in a blender.  It tastes like a milkshake that way.  So far, I've had chocolate, banana creme, and mocha.  I didn't like the banana creme much until I added a bunch of PB 2 to it and made my shakes that way.  Champion Pure Whey Stack Banana Scream is so much better for Banana flavor.

I haven't tried many different kinds of shakes, though.
sw:298/cw:152/no goal set

"Differences of habit and language are nothing at all if our aims are identical and our hearts are open."  --J.K. Rowling,  Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

on 1/31/09 4:53 am - NJ

Muscle Milk tastes like Monkey Butt.      I had some and I thought I was drinking burnt electrical insulation.   I only had the chocolate, but it was such a turn off, I didn't bother with another flavor.



To teach something is to have it.  To have something you must be it.   Teach peace, for that is what you are. 
To listen to me sing:

Valerie G.
on 1/31/09 5:13 am - Northwest Mountains, GA
burnt electrical insulation????   I'm starting to wonder where your tongue has been wandering....

DS 2005

There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes

on 1/31/09 5:17 am - NJ
On January 31, 2009 at 1:13 PM Pacific Time, Valerie G. wrote:
burnt electrical insulation????   I'm starting to wonder where your tongue has been wandering....
No place really exotic as of late.   Stop by NJ,  I might have some ideas. 



To teach something is to have it.  To have something you must be it.   Teach peace, for that is what you are. 
To listen to me sing:

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