LB Coffee this Saturday

Jean L.
on 3/21/10 1:48 am - Seal Beach, CA
RNY on 08/20/07 with
Hi gang...just wanted to post that LB Coffee will be this Sat...the 27th

Saturday, March 27th
2890 Bellflower Blvd
Long Beach
In the Kmart/Lowes Center
Corner of Bellflower Blvd and Spring St
10:00 Am until whenever.

Hope you all canmake it....I am not sure I will be there as I have a 90th birthday party/Luncheon to be at in Yorba Linda by 1:00 pm but hopefully I will be able to come for a little fact I mak go early if anyone else wants to come around 9 let me know.....

on 3/22/10 1:50 am - Garden Grove, CA
Hi Jean and LB Coffee People
I will not be able to make it to this months LB Coffee as my hubby and I are headed to Arizona to see my sister.  However, truth be told, we will be staying in Laughlin.  
Remember to take pictures and post them for those of us who cannot attend.
Have a great week!
              ObesityHelp Support Group Leader

It sure is good C'ING LESS OF ME!


We could learn a lot from crayons: 
some are sharp, some are pretty, 
some are dull, some have weird names, 
& all are different colors....but they

ALL exist very nicely in the same box.


(Author Unknown)


on 3/22/10 5:54 pm - Long Beach, CA
I hope to see everyone this saturday. I work friday night .don't get home until 1 am. hope i wake up in time I miss last month. See you all on sat.

on 3/23/10 1:46 am - Ellensburg, WA
Michelle and I will be there at 9!  we have lots of clothes we are bringing between us too        
can't wait to see everyone, it's been too long for me! you guys can give me my last hugs as a 44 year old  hee hee
bigg huggs, Becky

Surgery was RNY 5/21/07...I can be found on Facebook: anewbecboo or Becky Reddick 



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