How to add backgrounds to your profile
Before we get started, make sure your chosen profile wallpaper (main background), content box wallpaper (inner text background) and your blog divider is saved on your computer's hard drive. You will be not be able to upload these items from another website. You must upload these items from your own computer.
Follow the next following steps to access the "Look and Feel" settings of your profile.
1. Click My OH at the top of any page on ObesityHelp.
2. Click "Settings" on the left.
3. Select "Profile"
4. Then click "Look and Feel".
If you happen to be on you profile page, you can also access your profile settings by clicking "Customize Profile".
Scroll down to the "Profile Wallpaper" section.
To change your profile wallpaper (the main background), click on browse under the "Profile Wallpaper" section and find your chosen background.
Scroll down to the "Content Boxes" section.
Content Boxes
Step 1: Click on the Paintbucket to add a solid color to your background. If you would prefer a tileable background image you can ignore this step.
Step 2: You can add a border color to the content boxes here.
Step 3: You can add a Border Style - in this case a Double line 4 pixels wide was chosen
Step 4: If you would prefer a tileable background image, Click "Browse" and go to where you have the one you want on your computer.
Step 5: State how you want your Background image to tile.
Step 6: You can Click that checkbox and save to start over or go to the Paintbucket for a solid color.
Scroll down to "Blog Separators" section.
Blog Separators
Step 1: Click on the "Browse" to find the blog separator you have on your computer.
Step 2: If you do not like the Blog Separator or do not wish to have one, check this box and then skip to step 4 to save changes.
Step 3: State how or if you want it to tile.
Step 4: Save your changes and all will become current.
The "Preview" button will show you the temporary changes without actually saving them.
The "Restore Default" will take your page back to the state it was in before.
The "Back" button will take you to the last page you were at.