Giveaway: fitbit Flex & Squeaky Cheeks
June 17, 2014Giveaway Time!
We’ve partnered with Squeaky Cheeks, to create a special giveaway! This fun giveaway will help track your activity with a fitbit Flex and then because everybody gets hot, and everybody sweats...there is Squeaky Cheeks Powder to help prevent skin irritation, eliminate odor, and reduce sweat and moisture.
There will be one winner selected at random to receive:
(1) fit bit Flex (winner selects color)
(1) 28 oz bottle of Squeaky Cheeks powder (6 month supply)
(1) Pair of Rockin' Squeaky Cheeks Socks
How-to Enter the fitbit Flex & Squeaky Cheeks Giveaway:
The more you do, the more times your name will be entered into the drawing, increasing your chances of winning.
Important: Follow each of the steps to get entered into the giveaway for the entries that you'd like to participate in.
- Leave a Blog Post Comment Entry: Leave a comment below on this blog post telling us what one of your fitness goals are, then click the green "I Commented!" button that corresponds with this entry.(You will then get 3 Entries for this!)
- Like Squeaky Cheeks' No Chafe on Facebook Entry: If you aren't a fan yet, become one by clicking the "like" button below in the coordinating entry! If you already are, you're all set! Type your Facebook name into the box. Once you have completed your entry, click the green "I'm a Fan" button. (You will get 1 Entry for this)
- Follow Squeaky Cheeks @nochafe on Twitter Entry: Click the follow button below in the coordinating entry! Then type your Twitter username into the box and click the green, "I Follow on Twitter" button. (You will then get 1 Entry for this!)
- Like ObesityHelp On Facebook Entry: If you aren't a fan yet, become one by clicking the "like" button below in the coordinating entry! If you already are, you're all set! Type your Facebook name into the box. Once you have completed your entry, click the green "I'm a Fan" button. (You will get 1 Entry for this!)
Deadline: The giveaway starts on June 17, 2014 at 4:00PM EST and ends on June 22, 2014, 2014 at 11:00PM EST.
Entries will be verified before selecting a winner. We will announce the winner on Twitter, Facebook and within this blog post on Monday, June 23, 2014. We will also email the winners directly, the winner will have 48 hours to claim their giveaway. If it is not claimed, we will randomly pick a new winner.
FREE SAMPLES: Squeaky Cheeks is also offering 3 free samples per household for a limited time!