Ingrid Sanberg Psychologist phd
Latest Reviews See 3 reviews
I was impressed with the thoroughness of the evaluation. The first visit was fairly clinical and the second was really helpful as I got an idea that Dr. Sandberg had a real understanding for obesity and the issues we face. I plan to see her More...
The only problem I had was finding her office. I left plenty of time and still just made it which added to my stress level, but she didn't.
I just had my first meeting with her. I will have my second soon. That's when I take my 2 hour written test.
LocationDublin, CA
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- Tara Griffith, MA, MFT — San Francisco, CA
- Raya Smail — San Francisco, CA
- Justin Salerno — Vacaville, CA
- Jane McClay — Nevada City, CA
- John Hernried — Sacramento, CA
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