Prime Surgicare Bariatric Center


Is 2017 the Year You Finally Lose the Weight?
Jan. 09, 2017 by Stephanie Duncan
One of the first steps we recommend is attending our New Patient Seminar, held monthly at CentraState Medical Center in Freehold, NJ.
Dr. Sowemimo Discusses Weight Loss SurgeryHere's Dr. Sowemimo's message about our first seminar of the year on Wednesday, January 11 at 7:30 p.m.
Of couse if you prefer to discuss your weight loss goals in a private setting, you are welcome to reach out to us for a one-on-one consultation with Dr. Sowemimo in our office on the CentraState Medical Arts building, located to the left of the main hospital entrance.
Call 732-982-2002 to learn more, register for a seminar or make an appointment.
Here's to a healthier and happier you in 2017!
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