Little Miss Sunshine - 2011
4 mos post op
4 mos post op
5 mos post-op
5 mos post-op
1 week pre-op
1 week pre-op
6 mos post op
6 mos post op
7 mos post-op
7 mos post-op
Lap Band Scars 7 mos post-op
8 mos post op
8 mos post op
9 mos post-op
9 mos post-op
10 mos post-op
10 mos post-op
Drivers License Photos
11 mos post-op
Abdomen 11 mos post-op
12 mos post-op
12 mos post-op
Pre-Op - At Highest Weight
At the Great Wall of China
19 mos post-op
Jean & Nephew